Fang Ze slowed down again and said, "Let's analyze this matter carefully."

  "Lang Shiming knows that he is exposed, so he is sure to run. He will not stay in Guangming City and let the police want to arrest him."

  "With his current physical condition, he can't live a life in hiding."

  "So, he will definitely leave Guangming City, and the farther the better, the ultimate goal is to go abroad."

  "If you choose an airplane, the police will most likely find it, and then turn the airport into a net."

  "You can't take a plane."

  Hearing this, Luo Bixin's face froze, and he said: "The reason why he bought the plane ticket is to disturb the police's sight and create enough time and space for himself to leave!"

  Fang Ze narrowed his eyes slightly and said, "If we go to the airport, we will most likely miss out."

  Luo Bixin sat up straight and said, "Where will he go?"

  Fang Ze took a deep breath and replied, "Now we are faced with a three-choice question."

  Luo Bixin quickly said: "What else is there at the train station and bus station?"

  Fang Ze said: "Have you forgotten that Guangming City is a coastal city?"

  Luo Bixin said in surprise: "Wharf!"

  "Then what should we do now? It's too late, we can only go to one of the three places!"

  Fang Ze pondered for a few seconds before saying, "Gamble!"

  "Call the police station at the railway station and the police station near the bus station immediately and ask them to cooperate with the arrest."

  "Let's go to the dock ourselves!"

  Guangming Port is located in the easternmost part of Guangming City.

  The waters in the port are wide and deep, and the four seasons are open to navigation.

  Guangming Port is mainly composed of Dagang, Zhonggang, and all ports and terminals are connected by railways.

  The highway is connected with the highway, and it undertakes the external transportation task in the southeast of China. It is also the second largest container transportation port in China after Shenchuan Port.

  no matter every year

  At any time, there is never a shortage of ships here, whether they are cargo ships, passenger ships, or even giant cruise ships.

  And today, a huge ship will

  -->>This chapter is not over, click on the next page to continue reading


  Very sailing.

  This is an ocean liner, and its final destination is overseas Singapore.

  At [-]:[-], the passengers have already started to check their tickets and board the ship.

  In the middle of the line, a man in a trench coat and a hat followed silently.

  He lowered his head and walked very slowly, his right hand covering his abdomen, as if his body was a little uncomfortable.

  At a certain moment, he raised his head and revealed his face.

  It was Lang Shiming without a doubt.

  At this moment, Lang Shiming's face is very pale, it is estimated that this hour of running around has made his originally serious injury worse.

  Lang Shiming glanced at the ship in front, lowered his head again, and pressed his hat.

  "I didn't expect that there would be a person like Fang Ze in the police."

  Lang Shiming whispered to himself.

  He thought that he had done a perfect job, and the police couldn't possibly find him, but he didn't think so, but in the end it fell short.

  "Is he really going to check his blood oxygen saturation?"

  "How can a young man in his twenties have such rich experience in solving cases?"

  In fact, Lang Shiming was shocked not by being found out, but by the time when he was found out, so short.

  I had just finished recording the statement, and before I could catch my breath, the police came to the door.

  The follow-up that was originally planned was completely useless.

  I hope this time, I can leave safely.

  "The police should have arrived at the airport now. Fortunately, there is enough time"

  The speed of the ticket checking was very fast, and it was not long before Lang Shiming arrived.

  But when he just handed over the ticket, a hand suddenly stretched out from the side and grabbed his arm.

  Lang Shiming turned his head subconsciously, and his face changed suddenly when he saw the person coming.

  The young man in front of him is Fang Ze! Fang Ze didn't take out the handcuffs immediately, he chose to save some face for Lang Shiming.

  Lang Shiming's face changed several times, and finally he sighed and left the team.

  The ticket checking staff gave Lang Shi 323 a strange look, but didn't ask any further questions, and continued his work.

  This little episode did not cause any ripples in the vicinity.

  No one will pay more attention to the affairs of outsiders, and they will take a few glances.

  The three of them left quickly.

  It's time for the ship to set sail.

  With the deafening whistle, the ship slowly left the port and sailed towards the depths of the ocean.

  Everything is normal.

  The only change is that there is one less passenger on the ship.

  Arriving in front of the car, Fang Ze put handcuffs on Lang Shiming and opened the car door.

  "Let's go."

  Fang Ze looked at Lang Shiming and said.

  Lang Shiming and Fang Ze looked at each other for a while, and said, "How do you know I'm at the dock?"

  Fang Ze chuckled: "To be honest, I guess, I don't know how you will leave, but you will definitely leave."

  "There's always a basis for guessing."

  Fang Ze shrugged and said: "Well, I guess you want to go abroad, planes, trains, cars, can't make direct, you have to transfer."

  "You have already prepared your passport just in case, and this ocean liner will not stop and sail directly out of Huaxia."

  After listening to Fang Ze's words, Lang Shiming gave him a deep look, and then got into the car.

  So far, Lang Shiming has been brought to justice

  Feilu reminds you: three things to read, collect and push

Chapter 182 Interrogation of Lang Shiming [5]

  4:[-]:[-] pm, Guangming Municipal Bureau.

  Lang Shiming has been detained in the interrogation room, and everyone gathered in the hall.

  "This old guy is really cunning, he dares to play with me!"

  It was Miyagi who spoke.

  After he brought people to the airport, with the cooperation of a large number of police forces, he almost didn't lift the entire airport up, and still no trace of Lang Shiming was found.

  If it wasn't for Luo Bixin's call, he would have thought that the other party had wings and flew by himself.

  At this moment, there was still a trace of anger on Miyagi's face.

  Luo Bixin said helplessly: "It's alright, Senior Brother, it's alright if someone catches it. You've been complaining for a long time."

  For more than ten minutes, Miyagi kept saying: He seemed to feel ashamed to mention this.

  Chen Huaiyuan was also there. He stepped forward and patted Miyagi on the shoulder, and said earnestly: "Now do you know that there is a sky outside the sky?"

  "If it weren't for Fang Ze, the real murderer of the mummification case would have been in the Pacific Ocean long ago."

  He never imagined that Fang Ze had just left the city bureau in the morning, and Lang Shiming's murder suspicion was confirmed in the afternoon.

  Such a rocket-like speed really shocked Chen Huaiyuan.

  At the same time, he also envied Xu Liangjiang more and more.

  There is no chief who does not want a good criminal police chief.

  All the surrounding police officers of Guangming City also looked at Fang Ze with surprise in their eyes.

  It is said that seeing a hundred things is better than seeing them, and they finally learned about Fang Ze's abilities today.

  If I had known this earlier, I should have hired the other party when the case happened, and maybe there would not have been so many incidents, and there would not have been more victims.

  Facing Chen Huaiyuan's preaching, Miyagi was embarrassed and did not refute.

  Because what the other party said is indeed the truth.

  Compared with Fang Ze, he, the detective captain, seems to be really not good enough.

  Fang Ze smiled and said, "Chen Ju, stop bragging about me."

  "If it wasn't for the murderer who killed in Penghai and created the seaside wooden house incident on his own accord, I wouldn't have been able to find the evidence so quickly."

  "If you really ask me to investigate the mummification case, I might have no clue."

  Hearing this, Miyagi coughed lightly and said, "I said Lao Fang, you are a little too modest."

  "Our Guangming Municipal Bureau, thank you very much, you don't know how torturous this case is."

  Everyone felt the same way.

  For several years, everyone has been: busy with the mummification case, but found nothing.

  Fortunately, the ending is perfect.

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