Although Lang Shiming is not a good person, he cannot deny his talent.

  Ph.D., excellent entomologist, dabbling in forensic science, medicine, anatomy, etc.

  The people he carefully cultivated are definitely not ordinary people.

  Doing this is not difficult.

  Beside him, Chen Huaiyuan raised a question: "Is it possible that Liu Bin's father left Suhai Province 773"

  Guangming City, Penghai City and Yangcheng are all within the territory of Suhai Province.

  Fang Ze said: "It shouldn't be. One of Lang Shiming's motives is to buy time for Zhu Yi."

  "Since Zhu Yi has always been here, it means that he has found clues."

  "Liu Bin's father is very likely in a nearby city, and there is a high probability that he is still in Penghai."

  Chen Huaiyuan nodded.

  Although it was only an analysis, he believed in Fang Ze's judgment.

  "Wait, we are racing against Zhu Yi."

  "If the other party finds Liu Bin's father in front of us, then the new deceased will appear soon."

  Fang Ze is not making a false alarm, but stating a fact.

  The current situation is indeed so, it can be said that it is very critical.

  He did not participate in the investigation because it was of little help.

  There is a limit to the ability to find people, not the smarter the better.

  If Miyagi can't find it, Fang Ze can't find it either.

  On the contrary, if Fang Ze can find it, then Miyagi can also do it.

  There is no need to mix it up, it is not good if there are too many people.

  Fang Ze's words made Chen Huaiyuan and Luo Bixin's faces a little solemn.

  If the murderer is locked, people will die.

  That would be a huge blow to the morale of the entire Guangming Municipal Bureau.

  Miyagi must also be very aware of this, trying his best to find someone.

  But time is not guaranteed

  Two days later, in the lounge of Guangming Municipal Bureau.

  Fang Ze was lying on the sofa sleeping and didn't disturb him.

  This is his way of rest. If he overuses his brain or is fine, he will choose sleep to supplement his brain and physical strength.

  However, he rarely falls into a deep sleep during the day.

  This is also a long-term habit.

  As a police officer, no one knows what will happen in the next second.

  -->>This chapter is not over, click on the next page to continue reading

  Fang Ze must be ready to enter work at any time.

  During these two days, almost all the police forces that could be dispatched were secretly investigating Liu Bin's family, focusing on his father: Liu Gaoshan.

  As you can tell from the name, this is a person who grew up in the mountains.

  This is indeed the case.

  Although Liu Gaoshan was born in poverty, he studied hard from childhood and left his hometown to go to the city since middle school.

  Later, he was admitted to a key university, majoring in geological engineering, with a master's degree.

  After graduation, he has been conducting national geological scientific research and is a veritable top student.

  It is a pity that since the incident of the scientific expedition team, he has resigned and returned to Penghai.

  As for where he is now, I am afraid only Liu Bin knows, but Liu Bin is already dead.

  For now, we can only wait for the results of Miyagi's investigation.

  At that time, you will know why the other party disappeared for no reason.

  Whether he wanted to live alone, or sensed the crisis at [-]:[-] in the afternoon, Luo Bixin pushed in the door with some food in his hand.

  Fang Ze opened his eyes at the right time and turned his head to look.

  After seeing the Luo refill, Fang Ze stretched his waist long and slowly sat up.

  There is also a thin quilt on his body, which should have been covered by Luo Bixin when he fell asleep.

  "Why don't you sleep for a while, there is still no result from Senior Brother's side."

  Luo Bixin put the food on the table and smiled.

  Fang Ze rubbed his eyes and said, "If you don't sleep, if you sleep again, you will be stupid."

  While talking, Fang Ze touched his stomach, and was really hungry.

  Seeing Fang Ze's appearance, Luo Bixin smiled, opened the box, and said, "Eat some."

  "it is good."

  Fang Ze naturally wouldn't be polite to Luo Bixin. After putting on his shoes, he looked at the table.

  Immediately, he was stunned, and said, "I said the refill, are you feeding the rabbit?"

  Looking around, in addition to green vegetables is tofu.

  The only thing with a dark color, was actually a pepper.

  "Is your city bureau already so poor? Give this to the captain of the criminal police."

  “Even if it’s a work meal, it must be meaty”

  Facing Fang Ze's complaints, Luo Bixin glared at him and said, "You haven't eaten breakfast, you can't eat greasy food now, just eat this, if you like it or not."

  Fang Ze's mouth twitched, and he finally sighed helplessly.

  Green vegetable tofu is green vegetable tofu, it is better than nothing.

  Then again, people are also concerned about it, Fang Ze can only endure his resentment and silently accept it.

  Luo Bixin sat next to him, holding his chin and quietly watching Fang Ze eat.

  Fang Ze eats slowly, he is really not used to such bland food.

  After finally finishing the meal, Fang Ze sighed, picked up the mineral water and drank it.

  Luo Bixin laughed out loud and said, "Eat when you eat, what are you sighing, wait for the evening, I invite you to have a good meal."

  "You only say when you're full, you don't have any desires anymore."

  Luo Bixin wanted to say something when the phone rang suddenly.

  After seeing the caller ID, Luo Bixin smiled and answered the phone quickly

  "Okay, I got it!"

  After listening to the content of the call, Luo Bixin hung up directly, looked at Fang Ze and said, "I found it!"

  To see the underlined version of the novel, please download Fei Lu's novel

Chapter 189 Jingxiang Hutong [4]

  Penghai City, Jingxiang Hutong.

  It is said to be a hutong, but it is actually a residential area with a construction area of ​​about three or four square kilometers.

  This is one of the few remaining old places in Penghai.

  Before the rapid development of modernization, there were still many residents here.

  With the passage of time, the urban construction is getting faster and faster, and many young people have left here and went to the bustling city center.

  But most of their parents are still there: and are unwilling to leave.

  Old people like to be nostalgic.

  What's more, Jingxiang Hutong is not far from the city center. If you drive, you can get there in more than half an hour, which is very convenient.

  There are very few buildings, basically all old-fashioned old houses, and there are even symbols of the Republic of China with a long history, located here.

  Therefore, there are usually many young people who like to come here to hang out and feel the way of life of the older generation.

  Compared with the fast pace of the city center, it is more peaceful here, but it is more deserted.

  There are also many young people who come from other places, who choose to rent a house here, which is very cost-effective.

  Most of the homeowners left behind are retirees.

  For young people, if they can take care of them, they will take care of them to some extent.

  There are still many good people in this world.

  5:[-]:[-] PM.

  At this time, in the square of the elderly activity center, it was very lively and the music continued.

  Of course, they are all old songs.

  With the reverberation of music, there are dancing, chatting, and chess playing.

  There are also people who share their experiences with musical instruments such as the erhu.

  At first glance, almost all of them are retirees over fifty years old.

  Occasionally come here for a stroll, for today's young people, may be able to get a lot of feelings.


  "Haha, Lao Li, you lost again!"

  Under the big tree, several chess stone tables were placed here, surrounded by many people.

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