For the elderly, the recreational activity of chess has never been short of participants.

  As the voice fell, the middle-aged man on the opposite side shook his head helplessly and said, "I went wrong with this cannon, it's a pity."

  Everyone around them nodded.

  One wrong move and you lose the whole game.

  The appeal of chess is here.

  The middle-aged man who won the chess game was full of smiles, turned his head to look at the young man beside him, and said, "How is it, boy?"

  The young man nodded and said, "It's really amazing."

  "Ha ha."

  The middle-aged man smiled even more, pointed to the chessboard and said, "Would you like to play a game if you can win, I'll give you a [-]% discount on the rent!"


  The young man's eyes lit up.

  "Of course, so many people are watching, I'll keep my word, by the way, what's your name?"

  "What's your memory, Lao Liu, didn't this young man say it's Fang Ze!"

  Beside, someone interrupted.

  The middle-aged man patted his head and said, "Yes, yes, look at my memory, Fang Ze."

  "I'm Liu Gaoshan, you can just call me Uncle Liu! "It's easy to talk about the house!"

  After the previous chat, Liu Gaoshan already knew that Fang Ze had come to work from another place, and he was traveling with his wife.

  But when I first arrived, the money was not there.

  I can rent a house in Jingxiang Hutong.

  As it happens, he has a spare room in his hand.

  "Uncle Liu, then I'll try it."

  After Fang Ze finished speaking, he stepped forward and sat opposite Liu Gaoshan.

  The crowd gathered around again.

  They also want to see how the young people today are at chess.

  -->>This chapter is not over, click on the next page to continue reading

  Just don't lose too badly.

  Liu Gaoshan is on the side of Jingxiang Hutong, and his chess skills are among the best.

  Luo Bixin took a step and stood behind Fang Ze.

  After re-setting the chess game, Liu Gaoshan waved his hand: "Xiao Fang, you come first!"

  Fang Ze quickly waved his hand: "No no no, Uncle Liu, you should come first."

  Liu Gaoshan smiled.

  This guy knows how to be humble and respectful.

  "Okay, I'm welcome, take the lead!"

  Liu Gaoshan picked up the chess piece and took a step with a snap.

  Fang Ze lowered his head and got on the horse silently.

  Liu Gaoshan also took a step away from the horse, leaving a grid for the chariot.

  There is a saying in the chess world: if you don't make a move in three moves, that's shit chess.

  Fang Ze didn't even think about it, and played chess again.

  With the passage of time, Liu Gaoshan's chess speed gradually slowed down.

  Chess requires thinking.

  On the other hand, Fang Ze seems to have never thought about it.

  As long as Liu Gaoshan takes one step, Fang Ze will finish the next step within a second, and there will be no flaws left.

  Gradually, the onlookers seemed to have noticed something was wrong, and looked at Fang Ze with a little surprise.

  Fang Ze's face was still calm, but he just watched the chess game silently.

  When the other party finishes walking, he will immediately give the next step.

  When Liu Gaoshan frowned and pondered, he couldn't help but looked up at Fang Ze and put away his gaze.

  Up to now, anyone who knows chess can see that Fang Ze is not easy.

  a moment.

  Bang! Fang Ze raised his hand and directly killed Liu Gaoshan, who was the last chariot and now Liu Gaoshan, leaving only one cannon and one horse.

  But Fang Ze was missing a few pawns, all the chariots, horses and guns! Liu Gaoshan looked up at Fang Ze again, and reached out to wipe off the cold sweat that didn't exist.

  "Why is this kid so awesome!"

  This sentence came out of his heart, Liu Gaoshan stretched out his hand and fixed it on the chessboard, but he just didn't know how to proceed to the next step.

  Everyone around, has already brought admiration in their eyes.

  The opponent was young, and he did not expect that his chess skills would be so superb.

  In this era of the decline of chess, it is really very rare.

  Liu Gaoshan slowly picked up the cannon, thought for a long time and didn't know how to go, and finally put it down helplessly, shook his head and said, "I lost, I lost."

  "Your house, I will give you the price: eight hundred and one month!"

  Hearing this, Fang Ze said with joy: "Thank you Uncle Liu, I'm just lucky, don't mind."

  Liu Gaoshan waved his hand: "If you lose, you lose, what luck is unlucky, you kid haha, I like it!"

  "Come on, I'll show you the house."

  After speaking, Liu Gaoshan stood up.

  Before leaving, many people shouted at Fang Ze, "Xiao Fang, come and play if you have nothing to do."

  "Come to our house for dinner!"

  "I have good cigarettes there. If you want to smoke, come and get them, and by the way, I will also learn about chess skills."

  For them, it is a pleasant enough surprise to meet a chess master in their boring old age.


  Fang Ze waved at them with a sunny smile on his face.

  On the surface, he is an active young man who has just entered the society and struggled hard.

  It's just that no one can see the depths of his eyes, the scrutiny of everyone nearby.

  Walking on the road, Fang Ze glanced at Liu Gaoshan who was in a good mood.

  "Doesn't he know that Liu Bin is dead?"

  Erfeilu reminds you: three things to read, collect and push

Chapter 190 Moon Black Wind High Night [5]

  Jingxiang Hutong, in a courtyard.

  Liu Gaoshan pushed open a door, turned around and said with a smile, "Look at how it's here"

  Fang Ze and Luo Bixin walked in and glanced at it.

  The place is not big, one bedroom and one living room, with separate bathroom.

  Fully furnished and kept very clean.

  At least the two of them felt very warm.

  Eight hundred and one months is indeed not expensive for Penghai.

  What's more, there is such a large private yard outside.

  "Very good, thank you Uncle Liu."

  Fang Ze smiled and nodded.

  "Hey, thank you."

  Liu Gaoshan waved his hand and said: "You young people, it's not easy to go out, come here and be your own home, don't be polite."

  "I have a full range of tobacco and alcohol there. If you want, you can talk."

  "Usually I'm quite lonely by myself, so it's just right for you to come, "One, two, three"

  You can accompany me to drink and chat."

  Fang Ze smiled and said, "Thank you Uncle Liu. We haven't found a job yet, and we are not busy on weekdays. If you need any help, please let us know."

  "Oh, I haven't found a job yet. Is the money convenient? If it's inconvenient, it can be delayed for a while."

  Liu Gaoshan opened his mouth.

  “Convenient and convenient!”

  Fang Ze took out his wallet and handed [-] yuan to Liu Gaoshan, saying, "Uncle Liu, can I pay for a month first?"

  Liu Gaoshan's rental advertisement states that one pays three.

  "Of course, it's not easy to know you guys, young man, understand."

  Taking the money, Liu Gaoshan said with a smile.

  "That's alright, don't bother you, see what's inappropriate, and let me know at any time."

  "Okay, thank you."

  After Liu Gaoshan left, the two entered the house and closed the door.

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