Fang Ze's smile faded, and he said, "Thanks to the speed of the investigation, this place is not difficult to find. As long as you give Zhu Yi time, you will definitely be able to find Liu Gaoshan."

  Luo Bixin put the bag on the sofa and said, "That's right, but compared to us, he can't check through the systems of various departments, and the speed is much slower."


  Fang Ze nodded and said, "If a person wants to hide, it is difficult for ordinary people to find it."

  "Even if Zhu Yi is smart, he won't be able to do it in a short time."

  Luo Bixin sat on the sofa and pinched his legs.

  Before, they were in the senior activity center and stood there for hours.

  "We really want to live here"

  After a while, Luo Bixin asked.


  Fang Ze nodded, "We have reasons to live here."

  "The first is to protect Liu Gaoshan, and the second is to capture Zhu Yi."

  "Neither of these things can go wrong, and living here is the easiest and most efficient way."

  Luo Bixin said, "What if Zhu Yi sees us?"

  Fang Ze shook his head: "Impossible, he is confident that the police can't find him."

  "And the death of the relevant personnel of the orphanage and Li Zhuo is Lang, which means that Zhu Yi has not been in contact with Lang Shiming for a long time."

  "That will only speed up your exposure."

  "What's more, he has his own work to do, and he has no time to pay attention to the police who are not threatening in his opinion."

  Hearing this, Luo Bixin nodded slightly: "That's good.

  Looking at the surrounding environment again, Luo Bixin said: "I really don't know how long I will live here."

  Fang Ze was preparing to boil the water when he heard the words and said, "It won't be more than two months until Zhu Yi finds it here."

  "I have let Bureau Chen for three days

  -->>This chapter is not over, click on the next page to continue reading

  After that, the results of the mummification case will be announced on the public security network, and the case will be dealt with as closed."

  "If Zhu Yi has the heart, he will know."

  Luo Bixin said, "Would it be unnecessary for you to lower his vigilance?"

  Since Zhu Yi knew that he would not be exposed, why would he send such a fake news.

  Fang Ze boiled a pot of water, turned to sit on the sofa and said, "Without a result for a long time, it will make Zhu Yi suspicious. We can't take this risk."

  "After all, none of us know Zhu Yi."


  Luo Bixin nodded while rubbing his legs.

  "Stay in peace, everything is for solving the case."

  Time flies, Fang Ze and Luo Bixin have been living in Jingxiang Hutong for half a month.

  During this half-month period, they went out to look for work during the day, and when they had nothing to do, they went to the elderly activity center to hang out.

  It looks like a young couple who understand life very well.

  In order to prevent others from being suspicious, Fang Ze pretended that he had found a job in sales, with free time and no need to work 555 to [-] [-].

  As for Luo Bixin, she can be regarded as a full-time wife.

  In the eyes of outsiders, it is normal that men are responsible for making money.

  It is very common for women to be responsible for their beauty and beauty to support the family.

  This afternoon, Fang Ze, as usual, came to the activity center to rest after pretending to be busy with work.

  Liu Gaoshan is playing chess with an old chess friend.

  As for Fang Ze, he was blacklisted by Liu Gaoshan ten days ago, so he won't be beaten to death.

  It's really that Fang Ze's chess skills are too powerful, and the chess path is complicated and changeable.

  There are even people who persuade Fang Ze to pursue a career path, which is much better than doing sales.

  So Fang Ze has not played chess for several days.

  "General! Haha, Lao Liu, you finally lost a game!"

  The people around laughed out loud.

  It is not easy to let Liu Gaoshan lose.

  Liu Gaoshan's face was a little unsightly: "One more game!"

  Fang Ze watched silently, with a smile on the corner of his mouth.

  At a certain moment, his eyes narrowed slightly, but his expression was the same as before, and his eyes did not shift.

  Out of the corner of the eye, a young man wearing a mask is standing in the fitness plaza, looking this way.

  Fang Ze felt a little tight in his heart.

  He didn't look at it, still staring at the chessboard, nodding from time to time, as if he was silently praising the good chess game of both sides.

  The young man leaves soon.

  Fang Ze stared at the opponent's back, his eyes flickering.

  He won't do it until his identity is confirmed.

  In case of making a mistake and being discovered by Zhu Yi, everything will be in vain.

  Night is coming soon, and Liu Gaoshan seems to be down 2 today.

  5 Playing chess was very enjoyable, and was invited by the other party to drink at home.

  And Fang Ze, pretending to go home, followed quietly.

  He chose a very hidden place, making sure that no one would find out.

  This is what he does every day.

  I won't let Liu Gaoshan out of my sight.

  Honestly, it's exhausting.

  But that's the job of the police.

  It wasn't until 10:[-] p.m. that Liu Gaoshan was flushed and left his friend's house.

  He seemed to be drinking a lot, and walking a little crookedly, but he had no problem going home by himself, and he was not far away.

  There was no one on the street.

  Dark clouds floated over, blocking the already hazy moonlight, making this street with few street lights even darker.

  It's a dark and windy night

  To see the underlined version of the novel, please download Fei Lu's novel

Chapter 191 Confrontation [1]

  The breeze came and blew on Liu Gaoshan's face, making his brain, which was not very clear, become even more drowsy.

  Drinking is like this, nothing happens on the court, but when you come out, you get dizzy.

  Especially if it is blown by a small wind, and the alcohol is not good, maybe it can be spit out directly.

  However, Liu Gaoshan had nothing to do, and continued walking towards the house crookedly.

  Passing by a small tree, Liu Gaoshan seemed to feel a little uncomfortable, stretched out his hand to support it, and slowed down a little.

  At this moment, a figure suddenly walked slowly from the nearby aisle and approached Liu Gaoshan.

  He walked quickly, and his black clothes blended in with the environment.

  Even his hands were wearing black gloves.

  Quickly coming behind Liu Gaoshan, Hei Ying took out a white cloth and covered his mouth with his backhand.

  Huh!! Accompanied by a clear sound of breaking the air, a sequin reflected a dazzling light in the hazy moonlight, slid across the air, and hit the arm of the shadow directly.

  Sombra stagnated, without any hesitation, a dexterous rollover evaded the attack.

  Half squatting on the ground, the shadow raised his head slightly.

  He was wearing a one-piece cap and mask, so he couldn't see his face.

  But vaguely, he showed his sharp eyes, with a trace of cold killing 13 anger.

  Fang Ze rushed in, half-jumped into the air, and hit the black shadow's head with a perfect knee strike.

  Hei Ying's eyes were calm, without any panic, he raised his foot and kicked Fang Ze's knee.

  The force on his feet caused the shadow to step back a few steps and stand not far away.

  Fang Ze fell to the ground and looked at him quietly.

  Things happened very quickly, when Liu Gaoshan noticed the abnormality, the two were already facing each other.

  He was startled and sat down on the ground suddenly.

  Drink, and instantly woke up most of the time.

  There was a hint of fear in his eyes, but there was no doubt.

  It was as if he was not surprised and knew that sooner or later he would encounter such a thing.

  Hei Ying turned his head and glanced at Liu Gaoshan, this action made the latter's face even more frightened, he couldn't help but duck back.

  He quickly retracted his gaze, and the shadow looked at Fang Ze in front of him.

  He didn't speak, didn't ask who the other party was, just slowly took out a short knife.

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