Not a dagger, but a short knife.

  Fang Ze narrowed his eyes and subconsciously wanted to draw a gun.

  But he didn't bring it.

  Just now Fang Ze picked up an iron piece to stop the opponent's movements, just to determine whether this person was Zhu Yi.

  Because it could be someone else robbing or stealing.

  Now, it seems almost certain.

  Fang Ze didn't speak.

  In the face of such a person, negotiation is useless and will only waste time.

  The shadow flicked the short knife in his hand and strode towards the direction.

  On the way, he suddenly accelerated and flashed directly in front of Fang Ze.

  The short knife in his hand cut Fang Ze's throat mercilessly.

  No matter the angle or the speed, ordinary people can do it.

  It is very likely that this person has received relevant training.

  Fang Ze's eyes turned cold, his footsteps moved slightly, he turned to the left instantly, and then his right hand grabbed the opponent's arm.

  Seeing this, the shadow's movements stopped abruptly, and changed to a thorn, stabbing it towards Fang Ze's chest.

  Fang Ze took a step back, his body turned sharply, and the back leg kicked the opponent's lower abdomen with a fierce wind.

  -->>This chapter is not over, click on the next page to continue reading

  The black shadow's gaze was slightly condensed, and he blocked it with his arm when he couldn't avoid it.

  Bang! Fang Ze's right foot collided with Hei Ying's left arm, and the enormous force drove his arm, continuing to pound, hitting him on the body.

  The black shadow immediately took a few steps back, and there was a burning pain on his arm.

  Before he could stand firm, Fang Ze's fist had rapidly enlarged in his pupils.

  The black shadow crossed his arms across his chest. This novel was first published by "Dragon"


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  Bang! He backed away again.

  Fang Ze didn't give him time to breathe, he jumped up at the same time he retreated, grabbed his wrist, and turned it hard.

  Black Shadow's wrist hurt and groaned.

  The dagger, which lost its strength, fell to the ground with a bang.

  The next moment, Fang Ze raised his right leg, and his knee slammed into his stomach.

  While the shadow was bending over, Fang Ze got up and kicked him in the chest.

  Bang! The black shadow was hit hard and rushed out, rolling on the ground for a few times to stabilize his body.

  Looking at the dark figure struggling to get up, Fang Ze moved his shoulders and neck slightly, took out a cigarette and lit it.

  A brief confrontation, just between minutes and seconds.

  The dark shadow stood up with difficulty, and his sharp eyes shot up.

  "Good skill, who are you"

  Hearing the voice, he was indeed a young man, about the same age as Fang Ze.

  Fang Ze slowly exhaled a puff of smoke, and the light of the smoke was particularly clear under the dark night.

  "Juyi right?"

  Hei Ying's eyes narrowed, and he said coldly, "Who the hell are you?"

  Fang Ze said in a low voice, "After waiting for you for half a month, I finally came out on my own."

  "Take off your mask, don't pretend to be a ghost."

  Black Shadow stared at Fang Ze for a while, then slowly took off his hat and mask.

  Fang Ze's smoking action, at this moment:.

  Right now is a young man who looks almost exactly the same as Ming Chuan.

  It's just that his eyes are cold and emotionless, like a cheetah, making people dare not look directly.

  Zhu Yi threw the 930 mask on the ground and said slowly: "You are a policeman"

  Fang Ze took a breath and said, "Captain of the criminal police team, Fang Ze."

  Not far away, Liu Gaoshan had recognized Fang Ze long ago, and now that he heard that the other party was a policeman, his expression changed, and he quickly and quietly moved towards him.

  You don't need to think about the current situation to understand that the other party came to Jingxiang Hutong in disguise to protect him secretly.

  If it wasn't for Fang Ze, his life tonight might not belong to him.

  Zhu Yi took a light breath and said, "How do you know my existence, Uncle Lang confessed?"

  Fang Ze chuckled: "It's so dark, I think it's better not to talk here."

  "Why don't you go back to the police station with me, let's talk slowly"

  Hearing this, Zhu Yi's eyes were cold and stern, and glanced at Liu Gaoshan who had already run away.

  In an instant, he turned around suddenly, and ran away like a wild horse.

  That speed is not much worse than that of a sprinter.

  Fang Ze threw away the cigarette and rushed out almost at the same time.

  Before taking two steps, Fang Ze lunged forward, grabbing the short knife that fell on the ground while rolling.

  Staring at Zhu Yi who had not run far, Fang Ze threw it hard.

  A sharp cracking sound resounded.

  The short knife pierced the air and pierced Zhu Yi's thigh accurately! Fei Lu reminds you: three things to read, collect, push

Chapter 192 Zhu Yi Arrested [2]

  Being stabbed in the thigh by a short knife, Zhu Yi stumbled and fell directly to the ground, but made no sound.

  He endured the sharp pain in his leg.

  Seeing this, Liu Gaoshan in the distance seemed to be relieved.

  Fang Ze walked slowly, stood in front of Zhu Yi, and looked down at him.

  Then, he took out his cell phone and dialed a number

  "Hey Palace team, Zhu Yi caught it, the location will be sent to you immediately, bring someone here."

  "Zhu Yi caught it!"

  Miyagi, who was about to rest, got up from the bed and said, "Okay, watch him, I will bring someone over immediately!"

  After hanging up, Fang Ze called Luo Bixin again and informed him of the situation.

  After doing all this, Fang Ze put away the phone and looked at Zhu Yi.

  Zhu Yi clutched the injured part of his thigh, but the blood was still flowing.

  Fang Ze glanced at it and then withdrew his gaze, he was not aiming at the artery.

  This blood can't kill anyone.

  Zhu Yi didn't speak, just stared at Fang Ze coldly.

  At the same time, there was surprise in his eyes.

  Regardless of

  Whether it was standing by the sidelines today or Fang Ze's skill, he was extremely surprised.

  Intuition told him that the young man in front of him was by no means an ordinary detective.

  Could it be that Guangming Municipal Bureau, where did they find a case-solving expert to deal with this case? Although Zhu Yi did not speak, Fang Ze spoke up: "Great, no matter what.

  It's the modus operandi, the hidden skills, and your skill, all of which have reached the standard of an excellent armed police officer."

  "It seems that you have been trained a lot over the years."

  "Unfortunately, the purpose is too dirty."

  Fang Ze has worked as an instructor in Zhongnan, so he knows the professional standards of the special police and the armed police.

  If the guy in front of him is placed among those people, he can definitely be called "excellent"

  Two words.

  Once such a person becomes a criminal, he will not only pose a fatal threat to the general public, but also cause huge trouble to the police.

  If it weren't for that, Fang Ze wouldn't have gone to great lengths to catch him.

  Fortunately, people have been caught.

  Otherwise, if the other party leaves Suhai Province, the arrest work will become very difficult.

  Fang Ze's words did not change Zhu Yi's expression.

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