It can even be said that there is no fluctuation in his heart.

  This is a person whose psychological quality has approached perfection.

  It's hard for anything to shake his mood.

  After being silent for a while, Zhu Yi spoke slowly: "You are so young to be the captain of the criminal police, it seems that you are not an ordinary person, where would you be?"



  Zhu Yi nodded and said, "I remember that there was a serial murder case in Yangcheng. It was a lot of noise at the time, and it was easily solved by a young man. Is that you?"

  Hearing this, Fang Ze raised his brows: "You stayed in Yangcheng, me."

  Zhu Yi smiled.

  It's just that there is still a coldness in the smile, which is as biting as the surrounding cold wind.

  "It seems that the Chinese criminal police team is also a place for dragons, but I underestimate it."

  Fang Ze ignored the other party's compliments and said in a low voice, "If you don't have me, you will also be arrested, don't you understand the truth?"

  "Ha ha."

  Zhu Yi sneered: "The winner is the king and the loser is Kou. It's just that the skills are not good. There are no absolute things in this world, only weak people."

  Fang Ze looked at Zhu Yi with a look of disdain, and knew in his heart that this was a person who integrated the laws of nature into his bones.

  In his mind there are only strengths and weaknesses, no rules.

  -->>This chapter is not over, click on the next page to continue reading

  "Where did you get your training"

  From Fang Ze's experience, it is easy to see that Zhu Yi's character ability cannot be self-taught.

  Lang Shiming couldn't teach him these things, he could only have received professional training in a secret institution.



  Zhu Yi glanced at Fang Ze and said: "Your ambition is not small, and you want to ask other things from my mouth"

  "Give it up, I can't tell you, let alone you, a criminal police captain, can't control it."

  Fang Ze didn't ask any further questions.

  People like Zhu Yi can't ask what they don't want to say.

  Unless the top domestic interrogation methods are used, such as drugs, mental, psychological, control, etc.

  It will only be activated when it encounters a criminal who has committed a heinous crime and refuses to cooperate.

  However, in many cases, the results are minimal.

  The subconscious of these people has long been like an iron barrel, which is difficult to break.

  Fang Ze is not surprised, the higher the level of contact, the more things he knows.

  There is never a shortage of dark corners in this world.

  As a police officer, all you have to do is let the light shine on the dark.

  Soon, the police car arrived.

  There are also refills.

  Miyagi and the others got off the car and quickly gathered around.

  After seeing Zhu Yi's face, everyone's expressions changed.

  It's almost like Ming Chuan! Appeared at the scene of Liu Bin's case, yes, there really was someone else who had the police come forward and put handcuffs on Zhu Yi, and the medical staff also stopped the bleeding for Zhu Yi, and he was immediately escorted. police car.

  Luo Bixin looked at Fang Ze and said with concern: ".

  Are you alright"

  A short knife is enough to explain the problem.

  It seems that there was a fight between the two sides.

  Although Fang Ze is confident, he is inevitably worried.

  Fang Ze chuckled: "It's okay, this guy is very smart, he has been ready to find Liu Gaoshan since the Liu Bin case."

  "He deliberately exposed himself to buy himself time."

  "Otherwise, you wouldn't be able to get that surveillance photo."

  As soon as he met Zhu Yi, Fang Ze realized that the other party was indeed a person with strong anti-reconnaissance ability.

  Usually I have to hide myself when I go out, let alone at the scene of Liu Bin's case.

  His purpose was to turn the police's attention to Ming Chuan.

  I have to say, this trick was very successful.

  For the matter of Mingchuan, it can be said that the police of Guangming City spent a lot of time and energy, and even Luo Refill was transferred to Penghai.

  As a result, it was futile.

  At Fang Ze's words, Luo Bixin and Miyagi nodded in unison.

  They know this better than anyone else.

  The Guangming Municipal Bureau held many meetings and focused on studying Mingchuan.

  Didn't expect the final result to be like this.


  Someone came with Liu Gaoshan.

  Liu Gaoshan looked at Fang Ze and Luo Bixin, swallowed his saliva, and said, "How are you?"

  Who would have thought that a couple who went out to work would be a potential detective.

  And it seems that the position is not low.

  Fang Ze glanced at Liu Gaoshan and said, "Mr. Liu, I'm afraid you need to go back to the police station with us to record your statement."

  Hearing this, Liu Gaoshan nodded again and again: "It's fine, no problem, of course no problem."

  Up to now, he still has lingering fears, but he is not lost.

  It's clear that he knew someone was going to kill him

  If you look up at the underlined version of the novel, please download Fei Lu's novel

Chapter 193 Interrogation of Zhu Yi [3]

  Penghai Municipal Bureau, Interrogation Room.

  In charge of the interrogation is Luo Bixin.

  Fang Ze hasn't had a good rest for the past half month, so Luo Bixin took the initiative to take up the job.

  Fang Ze was also here, just sitting on the side.

  Together with Miyagi, he quietly watched the upcoming trial.

  The mummification case, which lasted for several years, has now come to an end.

  Luo Bixin crossed his shoulders with both hands and stared coldly at Zhu Yi who was sitting there quietly.

  All the suspects in the case were finally caught.

  At this time, Zhu Yi's face was calm, and the pain from his thigh did not make him frown.

  He is a man of strong will.

  Such people are often able to adapt to complex and ever-changing environments.

  If the opponent ran away, the consequences would be unimaginable.

  Fortunately, Fang Ze's plan was implemented perfectly and got the best results.

  Half a month ago, when Fang Ze learned that Liu Gaoshan had been found, he dismissed all the police officers and chose to hide with Luo Bixin in disguise.

  Although this method is more dangerous, it is the safest.

  If Zhu Yi finds something wrong, he is likely to give up the murder and run away decisively.

  Fang Ze, you can't take 310 risks.

  After the atmosphere was silent for a while, Luo Bixin said: "Tell me, those people in Guangming City, and Liu Bin, when did they kill them and how did they kill them?"

  She did not ask whether the other party killed the person, but interrogated the matter as a fact.

  The difference in this is not... a star and a half.

  What I want is to give Zhu Yi a feeling that the police have thoroughly investigated the facts, determined that Zhu Yi was the murderer, and had evidence.

  Zhu Yi raised his head, glanced at Fang Ze behind him, and said, "Forget it."

  He didn't deny it, and didn't have the motivation anymore... The police dealt with it.

  His motivation comes from running away.

  Zhu Yi has self-confidence, and it is impossible for ordinary criminal police to catch him.

  In other words, whoever can catch him will surely find the evidence of the charges, and there is no need to waste any more time.

  He didn't bother to do it either.


  Luo Bixin was a little surprised.

  Surprisingly, the other party did not deny it, but chose to admit it directly.

  confessed to his murder.

  This is unusual for an extremely cunning criminal.

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