Although she is a forensic doctor, she is also a police officer after all, and she is familiar with this aspect.

  For special tasks, you must be careful.

  Ten minutes later, the two turned off the cameras and turned on the room lights.

  Fang Ze finally breathed a sigh of relief and fell on the bed.

  Qin Yun poured Fang Ze a glass of water and put it on the bedside, and whispered, "Who was following us just now?"

  Fang Ze looked at the ceiling above and said, "I don't know, it might be someone from Wan Peng, someone from Guo Xuehai, or a former friend or enemy of Du Yuhang."

  "Du Yuhang has been here after all before, and after knowing the news of his return, some people will definitely not be able to sit still."

  Qin Yun's eyes narrowed and she said, "Wan Peng has spread the news."

  Fang Ze smiled slightly: "Wan Peng is a person with a different appearance. Don't look at him inviting us to drink. If there is a chance, he will definitely kill me, that is, Du Yuhang."

  "so serious"

  Qin Yun said in surprise: "But he told you a lot of things, such as the crackdown on counterfeit banknotes in Yangcheng."

  Fang Ze said: "Even if he doesn't say it, I can quickly find out. Wan Peng naturally knows this."

  "It's not the point, it's that he mentioned counterfeit money sellers."

  "He's tempting, pushing me into the fire pit.

  After listening to Fang Ze's words, Wan Peng's image in Qin Yun's heart instantly turned into a sinister and vicious person.

  Hypocrites are often more difficult to guard against than real villains.

  Fang Ze continued: "Did you find out that he has been talking about other people's affairs, but not a word about his own business?"

  Qin Yun thought about it, nodded and said, "Yes, he must be selling drugs, but he didn't say it."

  "Yes, as long as it is unfavorable to him, it is very smart to keep silent."

  Qin Yun pondered slightly, and said, "Would you like to inform the anti-drug team and sweep this group of people?"

  Referring to this matter, Fang Ze sat up and said, "No hurry, the focus now is on the counterfeit money case."

  "It's not too late to deal with Wan Peng after this matter is resolved."

  -->>This chapter is not over, click on the next page to continue reading

  "Yangcheng, there must be no drug trade. When I come back this time, I just happen to clear it up."

  Qin Yun nodded.

  In the near future, it is estimated that Fang Ze will make a big move against Yangcheng.

  "No, I'm too sleepy, I fell asleep, don't call me tomorrow."

  After speaking, Fang Ze fell on the bed again.

  Qin Yun glanced at the water on the bedside table and said hesitantly, "You just sleep like this"

  Fang Ze raised his hand weakly: "I'm too tired, I haven't closed my eyes for more than ten hours to read the dossier, I can't hold it anymore."

  Looking at Fang Ze with her eyes closed, Qin Yun pursed her lips and couldn't help shaking her jade hand.

  It was the first time she shared a room with a man.

  Especially this person is Fang Ze.

  This made her heart beat fast, and she even thought wildly.

  But the counterfeit money case quickly made her sober.

  After taking a deep breath, Qin Yun got up and went to the bathroom.

  With a rustling sound, the shower in the bathroom was turned on.

  Fang Ze didn't hear anything, he was already asleep

  Until ten:10 am the next day, Fang Ze slowly opened his eyes.

  Qin Yun has woken up and is watching TV.

  After seeing Fang Ze wake up, Qin Yun opened the electric curtains in the room.

  For a moment, the sun shone in, making Fang Ze couldn't help squinting his eyes.

  "what time is it"

  "Ten ten."

  Fang Ze yawned and sat up lazily on the bed, rubbing his eyes.

  I was really tired yesterday.

  But seven hours of sleep was enough for Fang Ze.

  "Drink some water."

  Qin Yun said with a smile.

  Fang Ze subconsciously looked at the bedside table, a cup of tea still emitting heat.

  It seemed that Qin Yun had already prepared.


  Fang Ze reached out and picked up the teacup, and quickly drank it all.

  Dry throat, this is a little better.

  "I don't know if the system can strengthen the lower organs in the future."

  As this thought flashed through his mind, Fang Ze couldn't help but look forward to it.

  Qin Yun looked at Fang Ze and said, "What to eat later"

  Fang Ze scratched his head and said tentatively, "Takeaway"


  Qin Yun was taken aback.

  "We're not going out"

  After clearing his mind for a while, Fang Ze chuckled lightly: "From the follow-up last night, someone has already been eyeing us."

  "I don't know who it is, but it definitely helps with our plans."

  "If it is from Guo Xuehai, then our luck is very good."

  Qin Yun thought for a while and said, "It shouldn't be that simple."

  Fang Ze said: "It's just because it won't be so simple, so we have to stabilize."

  "This is only the first day, don't worry, what we have to do is to do our part well."

  "What did Du Yuhang do when he returned to China to make money?"

  "But how to make money is a question worth considering."

  "The domestic market situation is relatively unfamiliar to him, and he must investigate from various sources and choose the best one."

  "We can just follow this line of thinking."

  After listening to Fang Ze's words, Qin Yun nodded.

  She just follows Fang Ze, as for the brainstorming, she should leave it to the other party.

  Taking out her mobile phone, Qin Yun asked, "what to eat?"


  Feilu reminds you: three things to read, collect and push

Chapter 214 Aaron of unknown origin [4]

  2pm: [-]:.

  Fang Ze and Qin Yun went to the front desk to renew the room fee for one day and then left the hotel.

  The first stop, I drove directly to a recently developed real estate.

  Now the opening price of Yangcheng real estate is generally around [-].

  If the location is good, it will reach [-] or [-].

  For a person with a good net worth, if you want to make money in a short period of time and invest in real estate, it is a good choice.

  The premise is that you have a sharp eye.

  Fang Ze and the two did not stay in the building for too long. After consulting for a while, they went straight to the next building.

  To give the impression to others, it is for the purpose of speculating the house.

  It wasn't until 5:[-]:[-] pm when Fang Ze and Qin Yun left a sales office and just wanted to get into the car.

  At this moment, a voice suddenly sounded from not far away.

  "Brother Hang!"

  Fang Ze moved for a while, then turned his head to look subconsciously.

  A young man walked quickly with a smile on his face.

  Fang Ze looked at the other party suspiciously and said, "Who are you?"

  The young man looked at Du Yuhang and said with a smile: "You came back from abroad"

  "Even I forgot, how many noble people forget things."

  "I'm Aaron, the former manager of Baile Nightclub. You took good care of me at that time."

  Qin Yun came over, looked at Aaron, and said strangely: "Yuhang, your friend"

  Aaron looked at Qin Yun, his eyes were amazed, and he said: "This is the sister-in-law, oh, go to me, she looks too beautiful!"

  "Brother Hang, Yan Fu is not shallow, haha."

  At the same time as he finished speaking, Aaron's eyes were always on Fang Ze's face, capturing every change in his expression.

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