Qin Yun smiled and said, "Don't make fun of me, Yuhang, why don't you introduce me?"

  Du Yuhang still has many acquaintances in Yangcheng, and it is not surprising to meet them.

  At this moment, Fang Ze's brain is running fast.

  In one second, Du Yuhang's information was presented in his mind like a movie, a hundred times faster.

  From Du Yuhang's subordinates, friends, and people Du Yuhang once knew, they have not let go.

  Even if they have met a few times, as long as they are related, they are all included in Fang Ze's investigation.

  It is a pity that he has no impression of the Aaron in front of him.

  It is impossible to forget one person, Fang Ze is very confident in his memory.

  A second later, where did this kid come from, Fang Ze frowned slightly and said, "Which Aaron, did you recognize the wrong person?"

  Aaron was stunned for a moment, pointed to himself and said, "I said, Brother Hang, I don't even remember Aaron! Aaron from Baile Nightclub!"

  "It's only been five or six years. Brother Hang's memory won't be so bad, right?"

  Fang Ze shook his head with a smile, and said, "I think you really recognized the wrong person, goodbye."

  After speaking, Fang Ze turned around and was about to get in the car.

  "don't don't"

  Aaron quickly grabbed Fang Ze and said, "Brother Hang, do you owe me [-] yuan? As for pretending that you don't know each other?"

  "This way, I don't want [-] yuan, can I do it?"

  Fang Ze shook off Aaron's hand and said coldly, "The guy is sick, who owes you [-] yuan!"

  Aaron smiled and said, "You forgot, when you borrowed [-] yuan, you were arrested before you could pay it back. It was because you bought counterfeit banknotes. I'm right."

  Fang Ze looked at Aaron suspiciously, nodded and said, "Yes, I did go in."

  "Look, what I said

  -->>This chapter is not over, click on the next page to continue reading


  Aaron spread his hands and said, "You just forgot about me, think about Aaron again!"

  "You can surely remember."

  "Unless you're not Du Yuhang, I'm mistaken, haha."

  Aaron joked.

  But this joke made Fang Ze's heart tighten.

  There is a problem! Qin Yun on the side looked at Fang Ze and wanted to speak.

  She wanted to pretend that the other party mentioned Aaron to herself, so that Fang Ze also pretended to remember.

  Looking at this Aaron's appearance, he is so familiar with Du Yuhang, obviously he knows him.

  Once Fang Ze couldn't remember, it was not clear to tell the other party that he was not Du Yuhang. Could it be that he lost his memory? Aaron looked at Qin Yun, and his eyes moved.

  Fang Ze also noticed that Qin Yun was about to speak, but at the same time he was anxious but could not remind him.

  At this moment, he suddenly regretted bringing Qin Yun out.

  While having a woman by your side increases trust, it also increases the risk of exposure.

  This danger comes from Qin Yun's IQ! For a moment, Fang Ze's cold sweat almost broke out!! Qin Yun finally did not speak.

  She remembered that Fang Ze had made three orders and five declarations, and if he was out of the house, he would not speak if he didn't speak, and if it was time to shut up, shut up, so she held it back.

  Seeing this, Fang Ze breathed a sigh of relief.

  Although this girl is not too smart, she is still more obedient.

  It seemed that he remembered his warning.

  Time, only two seconds passed.

  But for Fang Ze, it's not as simple as two seconds.

  He suddenly realized that he had underestimated his opponent a bit.

  The other party hasn't been caught by the police for so long, but it's not... it's as simple as luck.

  Both the degree of prudence and the ability to counter reconnaissance are very passable.

  Fang Ze thought about it seriously, then shook his head and said, "I'm sorry, I really don't know you, I'm mistaken."

  Hearing this, Aaron smiled slowly, and said in a low voice: "I'll call you Brother Hang, there's no need for that."

  "Pretend you don't know, right?"

  "Okay! Give me back the [-] yuan first, and I will disappear immediately."

  This guy, if he changes his face, he changes his face.

  One second he was still smiling and called Brother Hang, and the next second he pulled his face down and asked for money.

  Fang Ze's face sank, and he said coldly, "It's inexplicable!"

  "Where did you come from, I ask for money?"

  "I'm afraid that you will take it with your life, but spend it with your life!"

  "piss off!"

  Fang Ze's voice became more and more cold, and finally had a murderous aura.

  This kind of momentum made Aaron's face change, but it soon became gloomy.

  "Du Yuhang! You must pay back the money today, otherwise don't want to leave!"

  Fang Ze snorted coldly, "I'll say it again, I don't owe you money, and I don't know you."

  "If you dare to mess around, believe it or not, I will abolish you here!"

  The quarrel spread and attracted the attention of many people.

  In the distance, there were already many people watching and whispering.

  Even the customers in the sales office walked out curiously and stopped at the door to watch.

  Qin Yun seemed to understand something. After taking a breath, she carefully stood behind Fang Ze.

  Aaron's face trembled as he stared at Fang Ze and said, "You dare to touch me, try it!"

  "Du Yuhang, pay back the money!"

  Please download Fei Lu's novel

Chapter 215 Follow me back to the police station! 【1】

  Sales office, in front of Audi.

  More and more people stopped in the distance, watching this game seems to be caused by "money"

  sparked disputes.

  Regardless of

  At any time, there will never be a shortage of people watching the fun.

  Some people even took out their mobile phones silently, ready to call the police at any time if the situation got out of control.

  After Aaron's voice fell, Fang Ze's face turned completely cold.

  Closing the door, Fang Ze said slowly, "Are you courting death?"

  Aaron was not afraid at all, and snorted coldly: "Du Yuhang! Do you want to default on your debt?"

  "You thought that if you pretended not to know me, you wouldn't have to pay back the money."

  "I tell you! If I can't get the hundred thousand dollars, I will keep pestering you until you give me the money!"

  Facing Aaron's harassment, Fang Ze looked at him seriously for a while, then suddenly laughed.

  There was a bit of coldness in the smile.

  Aaron saw Fang Ze's expression "nine three seven"

  After that, my heart tightened, and I subconsciously wanted to step back.

  But at this moment, Fang Ze strode forward, grabbed Aaron's clothes like lightning, and slammed his body into the car next to him.

  Seeing that the two sides had a disagreement, they started fighting, and the nearby onlookers were startled and retreated a little again.

  And there are already nosy people, ready to call the police.

  "Du Yuhang! You dare to hit someone! I will sue"

  Aaron's body slammed into the car, and his foot was unstable and almost fell.

  But before he finished speaking, Fang Ze's right foot had already kicked on his stomach.


  Aaron was in pain, covered his stomach and bent down, pointed his right hand at Fang Ze, and didn't say a word for a while.

  Fang Ze didn't finish, he stepped forward and grabbed Aaron's hair, his knees suddenly raised.

  Bang! The hard knee hit Aaron's face.

  Aaron groaned and fell to the ground with his head raised, at the same time his head was buzzing, and his eyes were shining with gold stars.

  Qin Yun watched this scene quietly, did not speak, stood there and pretended to be frightened.

  When Aaron came back to his senses, blood was already dripping from his nose.

  He subconsciously reached out and wiped it, his face changed.

  "See no! Hit someone!"

  "You owe me money, and you beat people, so hurry up and call the police!"

  Aaron sat on the ground, raised his hand to show his blood, and shouted loudly.

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