Needless to say, someone had already called the police.

  After shouting a few words, Aaron stared at Fang Ze, gritted his teeth and said, "You are ruthless! There is something: don't go!"

  He didn't fight back, he didn't seem to understand fists and kicks, and he also knew that he was not Fang Ze's opponent.

  Fang Ze took a step forward and said, "I have no intention of leaving."

  Just after he finished speaking, Fang Ze kicked and kicked Aaron directly in the face.

  Bang! The face suffered a heavy blow, causing Aaron to roll on the ground a few times before he could stabilize his body.

  At this moment, everyone looked at Fang Ze in horror.

  This young man is too bold.

  In broad daylight, dare to treat people like this.

  If someone else made a video and posted it on the Internet, it would be enough for him to drink a pot.

  Aaron seemed to be stunned by the beating, and he was half-hearted.

  He also did not expect that the other party moved his hand so decisively.

  This is to beat him to death.

  Fang Ze continued to walk, and said as he walked, "I don't know how to write dead words for corrupting my money."

  "I'll teach you a lesson today!"

  When he came to Aaron, Fang Ze kicked him in the stomach again.


  Bang! "You're in trouble!"

  Bang! A minute later, Fang Ze turned his head sharply and pointed to a nearby

  -->>This chapter is not over, click on the next page to continue reading

  A young man said: "Whoever dares to make a video will end up like him!"

  "Yangcheng is so big, it's easy for me to find you! Put it down!"

  Hearing Fang Ze's vicious voice, the young man was startled, and his phone almost fell to the ground.

  He hurriedly put away his mobile phone and did not forget to step back a distance.

  This guy is too crazy! I'm not afraid of causing trouble.

  Soon, with the sound of sirens, the nearby police arrived.

  "Do what!"


  The policeman got out of the car and walked quickly, pointing at Fang Ze and speaking angrily.

  Fang Ze stopped beating when he saw the police had arrived.

  "what happened!"

  Aaron came to the spirit, pointed at Fang Ze and complained: "He beat people! Look at the blood on my face, this guy is a lunatic!"

  The leading policeman glanced at Aaron, then looked at Fang Ze, and said coldly, "Why beat people?"

  Fang Ze said: "He stopped me and asked for money. He opened his mouth to ask for [-] yuan. If he didn't give it back, let him go. What's the difference between this and robbery?"

  "I'm in self-defense."

  "What self-defense!"

  Aaron stood up and said angrily: "I didn't do anything at all, he was always beating me, everyone can testify to me!"

  The policeman glanced at Aaron and said, "What's the matter with [-] yuan?"

  Aaron rolled his eyes and said, "He owed me [-] yuan, and he pretended he didn't know me, he just wanted to default!"

  "how to prove"


  Aaron's tone suffocated. The police looked at Aaron, then at Fang Ze, and finally said, "Let's go back to the police station with me."

  "especially you."

  The police pointed at Fang Ze and said, "Anyway, you beat people up like this for no reason, but you have to take administrative responsibility!"

  Fang Ze shrugged and said, "Just go, which car will you take?"

  "whose car is this"

  Fang Ze said: "My."

  "Little Li, take this Audi back to the office, you two come with me."

  Fang Ze turned around, took Qin Yun's hand, and stepped into the police car.

  Speechless all the way.

  The police station was very close, and within ten minutes, the police car stopped in the courtyard of the police station.

  A police officer opened the car door, looked at Fang Ze and shouted coldly, "Get out of the car!"

  Fighting in public places is a serious disturbance to social order.

  If he really wants to be investigated, Fang Ze will inevitably be detained for [-] days and fined.

  In case the person who was beaten had an injury appraisal done, and if the injury reached the standard, it might even be elevated to a criminal case.


  The police grabbed Fang Ze's arm and was about to enter the police station.

  At this moment, a voice suddenly sounded.

  "Wait 4.

  8 a moment."

  Everyone turned their heads to look, with a solemn expression, and said, "Director!"

  A middle-aged man walked over, glanced at it, and said, "What's going on?"

  "Director of the report, this guy made a move on the street and injured someone."


  The middle-aged man raised his brows, looked at Fang Ze, and said, "What's your name?"

  "Du Yuhang."

  The middle-aged man said in a cold voice, "How courageous! Take him to my office!"


  The policeman was stunned for a moment, then nodded quickly and said, "Okay."

  The director is going to personally interrogate, "The other one is handed over to you, and the first trial will be conducted well!"


  Five minutes later, the director's office.

  The middle-aged man closed the door to ensure that no one was outside, then turned around and said with a smile, "Fang team."

  Feilu reminds you: three things to read

Chapter 216 Aaron Clothes Soft [2]

  This person is Shen Weicheng.

  Fang Ze also recovered his expression, smiled and stretched out his hand: "Director Shen, hello."

  After the two sides shook hands, Shen Weicheng said, "Fang team, please take a seat."

  "it is good."

  Shen Weicheng poured a cup of tea for Fang Ze and said, "Fang team, what's the situation now?"

  He had received a notice from the city bureau before and fully cooperated with Fang Ze's actions.

  Xu Liangjiang is still his old friend, so just to show him face, Shen Weicheng has to do his best.

  What's more, he knew very well who Fang Ze was.

  That is a genius case-solving expert who claims to have no unsolved cases in his hands.

  As an old police officer, what Shen Weicheng admires most is this kind of person, regardless of age.


  Fang Ze took the teacup and said, "This kid should have been sent by the other party just now, and his identity is still unknown."

  After sitting down, Shen Weicheng said, "It seems like it's only the next day. Those people knew you were back so soon."

  Fang Ze said: "I deliberately exposed the trail, as long as they are well informed, they will definitely know it overnight."

  Hearing this, Shen Weicheng said with joy: "Fang team, it's a good thing to say so."

  "Since they sent people to test it, it means that they have the intention to trade, but they are not at ease. I don't think they are suspicious."

  Fang Ze said: "No, no matter how smart this group of people is, they won't find out that my identity is fake."

  "The reason for this is just to dispel the unfounded doubts in my heart."


  Shen Weicheng nodded and said, "If you need anything, just mention it, and I will do my best to help."

  Fang Ze thought for a while and said, "To the people in the institute, don't tell me my true identity, the more mysterious the better, so mysterious that you don't even want to provoke me."

  "You have been wronged by Director Shen in the early stage, and you may have to face everyone's misunderstandings and even damage your image."


  Hearing this, Shen Weicheng waved his hand and said, "Isn't this a trivial matter, as long as the counterfeit money gang can be wiped out, what is a sacrifice!"

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