Fang Ze glanced at random, stopped for a moment on the window glass, and said with a smile, "Brother Hai."

  "Don't tell me, I haven't experienced a deal like this for five or six years."

  "I miss it."

  Guo Xuehai laughed loudly and said, "Brother Du is someone who does big business. In the future, I will take care of my brother."

  After letting go, Guo Xuehai winked at Aaron.

  Aaron nodded in understanding, turned around and opened the trunk.

  Box after box was taken down, exactly eight 8.

  "Brother Du, check the goods"

  Fang Ze glanced at Guo Xuehai.

  The location of the box, next to the black SUV.

  At this distance, he can easily be surrounded by the opponent, and there is no way out.

  Fang Ze didn't move, but took out a cigarette and lit it, saying, "Brother Hai, please bring it here."

  Guo Xuehai slapped his head and said, "Oh, yes, I didn't pay attention, don't take it offense, Brother Du, haha."

  Of course he knew what Fang Ze was worried about.

  People in this line of work must not only avoid the police, but also prevent the black from eating the black.

  This kind of thing happens often.

  Guo Xuehai waved his hand.

  Together with Feng Guangfei, Aaron placed eight 8 boxes in the center of the open space.

  Fang Ze drank a cigarette, squatted forward, and opened the first box.

  Yu Guang, always on: several people, ready to respond to all emergencies at any time.

  Killing three people in an instant is no problem for him.

  But this is just a last resort, what Fang Ze wants is to be captured alive.

  The first box is fine, exactly one million.

  After the second, third, and fourth checked all the boxes, Fang Ze breathed a sigh of relief.

  What he was worried about was that Guo Xuehai still wanted to try and fool him with fakes.

  Now it seems to be overthinking.

  It seems that Guo Xuehai is indeed very anxious to take action, and does not want to hold it in his hands.

  too dangerous.

  Fang Ze got up, threw away the cigarette butt, and said, "Brother Hai, the goods are all ready."

  It's just after twelve o'clock, Wu Fei and the others should still be on their way.

  It will take at least five minutes to get here.

  Do it right away.

  Still procrastinating, Guo Xuehai nodded with a smile, looked at the car behind Fang Ze, and said casually, "Why didn't my brother and sister come?"

  Fang Ze said, "Are you in Zhao's car?"


  Guo Xuehai didn't say much, and said directly: "Brother Du, where is the money?"

  "Time is limited, let's fight quickly."

  Hearing this, Fang Ze's eyes fluctuated.

  He nodded with a smile, turned and walked towards the Audi.

  At the same time, a coldness flashed in Fang Ze's eyes.

  Procrastination is impossible.

  If you give them the money, the other party can just run into the criminal police who are coming.

  Between the two sides, there is bound to be a firefight, and casualties are certain.

  And it's not limited to Guo Xuehai and the others, but also people from the Criminal Police Team.

  Bulletproof vests are not everything.

  After weighing all the pros and cons, Fang Ze chose the best plan.

  The next moment, he turned around suddenly, took out his pistol like lightning, and shouted coldly: "Don't move, police!"

  As soon as these words came out, Guo Xuehai's three people 3, his face changed greatly! Please download Fei Lu's novel to read the underlined version of the novel

Chapter 223 Breaking [1]

  At the foot of the barren hills.

  "He's not Du Yuhang!!"

  Guo Xuehai shouted coldly.

  As soon as the voice fell, Aaron and Feng Guangfei, who had reacted, directly ignored Fang Ze's muzzle, and their right hand quickly moved.

  Seeing that the other party didn't intend to capture it without his hands, Fang Ze's eyes flashed with murderous intent, and he decisively chose to shoot.

  Bang! Bang! Aaron and Feng Guangfei just took out their pistols, and the bullets that came directly hit them.

  Fang Ze didn't stop, strode forward, aimed his gun at the black SUV's glass, and fired several shots in a row! The glass quickly shattered, followed by two screams, and the door that had just opened was instantly frozen.

  Fang Ze had already discovered that there were people in the car.

  A series of events happened within two seconds. When Guo Xuehai's gun was loaded, Fang Ze gave a quick kick and his right leg hit his arm.

  Suffering a heavy blow, the gun in Guo Xuehai's hand flew straight out.

  The next moment, Fang Ze stepped forward and grabbed Guo Xuehai's arm.

  "Qin Yun!"

  Fang Ze shouted.

  Qin Yun got out of the car quickly and threw a handcuff to Fang Ze.

  After Fang Ze took it, he pressed Guo Xuehai to the ground and handcuffed him.

  1 Look at him!"

  Leaving a sentence, Fang Ze picked up the pistol and slowly walked towards the off-road vehicle.

  Because of the limitation of sight, he didn't know whether the shots hit the key point: it must be checked.

  Coming to the front of the car, Fang Ze slammed open the car door with his left hand, and at the same time held a gun in his right, aiming at the inside of the car.

  At the sight, two men in black fell on the back seat, each holding a remanufactured shotgun.

  One of them had a blood hole on his forehead.

  Seeing this, Fang Ze breathed a sigh of relief and slowly put down his pistol:.

  Turning his head to look at Aaron, who fell to the ground, the other side lay there motionless and lost consciousness.

  It is not yet known if he died.

  On the other side, Feng Guangfei, who had already fallen to the ground, struggled to raise his hand, his blood-red eyes staring at Fang Ze who had his back turned to him.

  He raised his pistol with difficulty and pointed the muzzle at Fang Ze.

  "Fang Ze! Be careful"

  Qin Yun just saw it, and her face changed suddenly.

  Before her voice fell, Fang Ze turned around instantly.

  Bang! The gunshot sounded, and the last bullet directly penetrated Feng Guangfei's forehead! It was Fang Ze's habit to leave a bullet.

  Feng Guangfei fell to the ground with his head up, his right hand hanging down.

  After doing all this, Fang Ze put away his gun: and stepped forward to stand in front of Guo Xuehai.

  At this time, Guo Xuehai was half lying on the ground, his face was extremely gloomy when Qin Yun pointed at him with a pistol.

  Looking up at Fang Ze, Guo Xuehai gritted his teeth and said, "You are not Du Yuhang, who are you?"

  Fang Ze said in a low voice: "Captain of the Yangcheng Criminal Police Team, Fang Ze."

  "It's you!"

  Guo Xuehai's eyes narrowed.

  He had long heard that there was a very criminal police captain in Yangcheng, but he didn't expect that he would be planted in the hands of the other party today.

  "But your looks"

  Although he had never seen Du Yuhang, he had seen each other's photos.

  The man in front of him is so similar to Du Yuhang! Although there are some flaws in some details, it can be explained by time.

  After all, Du Yuhang has disappeared for six or seven years.

  Time can wear away the traces.

  At this moment, Guo Xuehai is really unable to separate Fang Ze and Du in front of him.

  -->>This chapter is not over, click on the next page to continue reading

  Aerospace linked together.

  Fang Ze chuckled: "The current makeup technology is still very high."

  Facing this explanation, Guo Xuehai opened his mouth and finally lowered his head with a sigh.

  There was a hint of despair in his eyes.

  What's going on, he doesn't care anymore.

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