Now that he is caught by the police, his fate is already foreseeable.

  After originally wanting to dispose of the goods in his hand, he immediately flew away, but he finally fell into the trap of the police.

  Knowing this earlier, after Du Jingwei was arrested, he should have left immediately.

  There will be nothing after that.

  Perhaps Fang Ze should not choose Yangcheng at all.

  Not long after, the sound of the car rang, Wu Fei and the others arrived.

  Everyone quickly got out of the car and surrounded them.

  "Captain, are you alright!"

  Wu Fei came to Fang Ze's side, glanced at Guo Xuehai, and said.

  Fang Ze said: "It's okay, take him away, clean up the scene,,."


  Wu Fei nodded and took orders, and all the detectives started to get busy.

  Qin Yun also joined the work to check the physical condition of those who were shot.

  Half an hour later, Wu Fei and Qin Yun came over, the latter said: "hit the key: everyone is dead."


  Fang Ze nodded.

  For criminals who resist arrest with a gun, killing them on the spot is completely in line with legal procedures.

  Facing five gangsters with 55 armed weapons, one person killed four 44 and captured one alive, which is already a very powerful record.

  But no one was surprised.

  Fang Ze's ability, as Yangcheng's criminal police, they know better than anyone else.

  Just basic operation.

  This is their captain.

  Wu Fei pointed to the box on the ground and said, "Captain, what to do with these counterfeit bills?"

  Fang Ze said: "Take it back, take pictures as evidence, and then destroy it uniformly."

  "it is good."

  Soon, the site will be cleaned up.

  Including leftover bullet casings, etc., no traces were left.

  Everyone got in the car and left.

  Since then, the Yangcheng case of oversized counterfeit banknotes has been solved within a week.

  When Xu Liangjiang got the news, he was overjoyed and quickly called the provincial department.

  "Hello, please help me pick up Liangting's office."

  "Hey Liang Ting, it's me, Xu Liangjiang."

  Liang Yongzhou was a little surprised when he received Xu Liangjiang's call, and said, "Old Xu, why did you suddenly call me? Is there any progress in the counterfeiting case? How is the investigation going?"

  Xu Liangjiang smiled and said, "Liang Ting, the counterfeit money case has been solved. The main culprit was caught, and four others resisted arrest with guns and were shot dead on the spot."

  "Eight million counterfeit bills have been seized, and they have not been tried yet, and there should be more."


  Liang Yongzhou was stunned for a moment, obviously not expecting that the case would be solved after only seven days had passed within the two-month deadline.

  "You Yangcheng detectives, eh?"

  Having said that, Liang Yongzhou stopped for a while.

  He wanted to praise Yangcheng for its talented police officers, but he seemed to suddenly remember something.

  "Old Xu, did Fang Ze come back from Penghai?"

  Xu Liangjiang said: "Yes, he came back to deal with this counterfeit money case."

  Feilu reminds you: three things to read, collect and push

Chapter 224 How about a bet? 【2】

  On the other end of the phone, when Liang Yongzhou heard Xu Liangjiang's words, he subconsciously touched his forehead.

  What do I say! The case broke five, so fast.

  It turned out that Xu Liangjiang called this kid back.

  Liang Yongzhou was silent for a while, and he didn't mention the counterfeit money case, but said, "Old Xu, don't you think the provincial department is more suitable for Fang Ze?"

  Seeing that the other party wanted to dig Fang Ze over again, Xu Liangjiang coughed lightly and said, "Liang Ting, Fang Ze's qualifications are still a little shallow."

  "I think he should be allowed to exercise at the city council."

  "Isn't he a temporary deputy? You can observe again."

  Hearing this, Liang Yongzhou shook his head helplessly.

  He knows how important an excellent criminal police captain is to Xu Liangjiang.

  It is impossible for the other party to let go easily.

  Liang Yongzhou felt embarrassed again if he forcibly issued the transfer document.

  After all, he and Xu Liangjiang were once comrades-in-arms.

  After thinking for a while, Liang Yongzhou changed his voice and said, "By the way, didn't Fang Ze take the initiative to investigate the old case from more than ten years ago? How is the investigation?"

  Of course Liang Yongzhou knew about Yangcheng's corpse dismemberment case.

  At the time, the case was a big uproar, and the whole country knew it.

  Even now, it is often mentioned on the Internet.

  Although the official attitude has always been to never give up, they all understand that the case may never come to light.

  Even if Fang Ze personally investigates, it is difficult to find any clues.

  Regarding this issue, Xu Liangjiang pondered a little and said, "I heard Fang Ze mention it, so far, there has been no substantial progress."

  "It's been too long, there's no way to check, and he's not an immortal."

  Liang Yongzhou nodded slightly, which was also expected.

  For so long, no one dared to take this case anymore.

  Except for Fang Ze.

  At this time, Liang Yongzhou suddenly said: "Lao Xu, do you want to make a bet with me?"

  Xu Liangjiang said strangely: "What bet?"

  Liang Yongzhou smiled and said: "We personally give Fang Ze a deadline, which does not represent the public security system."

  "If within this time limit, he can reveal the case to the world, let him come to the provincial office, how about it?"

  Xu Liangjiang was stunned for a moment, obviously not expecting the other party to come out like this suddenly.

  After being silent for a while, Xu Liangjiang said hesitantly, "What if it can't be broken?"

  Liang Yongzhou said: "Then I will never mention this matter again."

  After hesitating for three seconds, Xu Liangjiang said, "Okay!"

  Of course, he didn't believe Fang Ze, but the Yangcheng stone crushing case. No one knew the details of the case and the difficulty of solving it better than him.

  Solving a case requires basic points. If it is just a blank piece of paper, it will be difficult for Fang Ze to find any clues in a short period of time, let alone solving a case.

  "How long does Liang Ting think is appropriate"

  "Half a year"

  Xu Liangjiang said: "That's the decision."

  Fang Ze didn't know that in just five minutes, he had become a betting chip for two people.

  At this moment, Guo Xuehai was sitting there quietly in the interrogation room, handcuffed and closely guarded to prevent the other party from making any unfavorable actions.

  Regardless of

  Either to others or to yourself.

  Once someone like him is caught, he can do anything.

  So everything has to be done with care.


  -->>This chapter is not over, click on the next page to continue reading

  Yu Fangze, sitting opposite Guo Xuehai.

  The interrogation is halfway through.

  "Where is the remaining [-] million?"

  Fang Ze has asked this question for the third time, and it was Guo Xuehai who took the initiative to confess.

  Guo Xuehai held a cigarette between his fingers, his fingers trembling slightly.

  I don't know if it's because of the body or because of the mood.

  He looked up at Fang Ze and said, "Captain Fang, if I tell you, can you apply for probation for me?"

  Guo Xuehai knew very well that he was suspected of making tens of millions of counterfeit banknotes, and he was sentenced to death for sure.

  The difference is whether it is executed immediately or delayed.

  The difference in this is not... a star and a half.

  He doesn't want to die.

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