Fang Ze continued: "January [-], [-], [-]:[-] in the morning::."

  "A cleaner, near Xinjiekou in Yangcheng, picked up a black handbag containing more than [-] fried meat slices."

  I just said a few words, and several female police officers already had goosebumps on their bodies.

  "The cleaner thought it was animal meat and brought it home."

  "But during the cleaning process at home, she found three human fingers."

  "Then, the cleaners reported the case."

  "When the Yangcheng Criminal Police Team received the report, they attached great importance to it."

  "After analysis, it was determined that these pieces of meat belonged to people."

  "In the following month or so, Qian Hao's criminal police team, centered on Xinjiekou, searched the surrounding area in a carpet-like manner, and finally found all the other body fragments."

  "Some are carried in handbags, some are wrapped in sheets."

  "Counting fingers, bones, total: one thousand three hundred and twenty one,,,"

  There was silence in the conference room.

  Although I had heard of this case for a long time, I still felt my scalp tingling after being described in detail by Fang Ze.

  Fang Ze opened the next page of the screen and said, "The last package is part of the deceased's clothes, including underwear and coat, but it is not complete."

  "During the investigation, the police found that a freshman female student from Yangcheng University was missing for no reason."

  "After the identification and determination of clothes, it was confirmed that the deceased was the female student."

  Speaking of which, the screen changed, and an early photo appeared.

  Fang Ze pointed at the girl and said, "Diao Aixin."

  Feilu reminds you: three things to read, collect and push

Chapter 228 Detailed description of the case [2]

  conference room.

  Fang Ze looked at the crowd and said, "Diao Aixin, female, nineteen years old."

  "Yangcheng University Campus, School of Information Science and Technology, major in computer network technology, freshman junior college student."

  "After the incident, the Yangcheng police attached great importance to it and set up a special task force to be stationed at Yangcheng University."

  "At that time, almost all the residents nearby were interrogated, which had a great impact."

  "The task force did not leave Yangda until three months after the incident."

  Having said that, Fang Ze paused for a while to give everyone time to digest the information.

  Everyone listened carefully, no one interrupted.

  After a while, Fang Ze said, "A few months ago, I visited a retired police officer from the Yangcheng Bureau and chatted with him for a long time."

  This sentence aroused everyone's interest.

  "Although it has been nineteen years, he still has a deep memory of this corpse dismemberment case, and he describes it as if it happened yesterday."

  "He said that the murderer was extremely cruel, with more than a thousand pieces, each of which was cut very small and neatly."

  "During the conversation, according to the murderer's method of dismembering the body, he still believes that the murderer is very professional and should receive relevant training."

  "And the mental quality is very strong, and there is a certain degree of understanding of anatomy knowledge. It is very likely that the work is to touch the corpse."

  "From the point of view of dismemberment, it is not more convincing than the butcher. He thinks that such a murderer is not an ordinary person."

  "According to the police officer's description, the identification technology and other methods of that year have just been introduced to China, and they are not perfect."

  "An autopsy can only determine the direction of investigation based on the physical features, muscle fibers, etc. on the body."

  "Back then, the Yangcheng police launched the crowd tactics and conducted extensive and meticulous investigations into the entire Yangcheng."

  "It is no exaggeration to say that almost all police officers in Yangcheng participated in this case to varying degrees."

  "Some were transferred to the task force to participate directly, and more were to carry out investigation work in the area under their jurisdiction."

  "At that time, the murderers' bodies were mostly concentrated in the downtown area, with as many as dozens of places."

  "Everyone who has appeared at the dumping site, including but not limited to dumping garbage, has been investigated."

  "The Yangcheng police at the time were very nervous, because everyone could be a suspect, for fear of missing clues."

  "Based on the location where the murderer threw the body and the relevant investigations, the Yangcheng police at that time speculated that the murderer should live near the university campus."

  "And, most likely, the body-throwing was done by bicycle."

  Having said that, Fang Ze picked up the teacup beside him and took a few sips of water.

  In this gap, the quick-thinking Wu Fei suddenly said, "Captain, is there a result of the murderer's portrait and occupational inference?"

  Fang Ze put down the cup and said, "Based on the murderer's method of dismembering the body, the Yangcheng police once guessed that the murderer's occupation was a doctor or a butcher."

  "And not only just guessing, but the two types of occupational groups who committed the crime have carried out extensive investigations."


  "Because the victim was a freshman, he had a wide range of contacts."

  "In addition, this girl is relatively introverted and simple, which brings great difficulties to the police's investigation."

  "The result, of course, is nothing."

  Fang Ze looked at the others and said, "The Yangcheng corpse dismemberment case is basically

  -->>This chapter is not over, click on the next page to continue reading

  All the details are here, do you have any questions?"

  The crowd looked at each other.

  Too much information is instilled, and most people are still in the process of receiving.

  Don't ask questions, it's good to be able to figure out the process.

  At this time, Tang Hui looked at Fang Ze and said, "Captain, what kind of person is Diao Aixin?"

  The detection of a homicide is not only about analyzing the murderer, but also analyzing the victim.

  Fang Ze replied, "Diao Aixin is a freshman from out of town. She has been studying and living in Yangcheng University Community, and rarely goes out."

  "The place to live is the South Park of the campus."

  "This campus has complex personnel and high mobility, which is probably one of the reasons why the deceased contacts strangers."

  In the corner of the conference room, a female police officer raised her hand and asked, "Fang team, does Diao Aixin have any enemies, such as rivals in love?"

  It has to be said that the way of thinking of girls is different from that of men.

  As the so-called three 3 stooges, better than Zhuge Liang.

  Once there are more people, new directions are always possible.

  But unfortunately, this question has long been thought of.

  Fang Ze said: "When Diao Aixin died, he had just arrived at Yangcheng University for less than three months."

  "By asking her classmates and roommates, there is no rival in love in the school. As for the enemy's family, it is not yet possible to verify."

  The policewoman nodded.

  If you say that, the enemy family is also unlikely.

  She's just a female student, what kind of enemies can she have? Seeing that many people have asked questions, Xiao Hongbo, who has been sitting there quietly, frowned and thought hard.

  If you don't speak at this time, it seems that your brain is not working well.

  Finally, Xiao Hongbo cleared his throat and said, "Captain."

  Hearing the sound, Fang Ze turned to look.

  "What, what happened to Diao Aixin's parents?"

  Fang Ze said, "My father is a factory worker, and my mother is a rural woman working in the fields."

  "The village is very poor, and until now, the penetration rate of modernization there is also very low."


  Xiao Hongbo nodded and did not continue to speak.

  Fang Ze looked at him for a while, then said in surprise, "Don't you have anything to say?"

  "Ah no."

  Xiao Hongbo looked puzzled.

  Fang Ze's face trembled and said, "Why don't you ask this!"

  Xiao Hongbo scratched his head, a little embarrassed.

  He just wanted to show that he was a good thinker and didn't want to be a silent observer.

  Shaking his head helplessly, Fang Ze shifted his gaze.

  Trace inspection, Xiao Hongbo is a genius.

  To solve the case, Xiao Hongbo is an idiot.

  Looking at everyone, Fang Ze finally said, "Everyone must know about this case."

  "In the case of investigation, you don't need to participate, but you must maintain conditioned reflex at all times."

  "If you think of any possible clues or directions at some point in the future, feel free to call and let me know."

  "Any idea is fine, don't be afraid to say it wrong."

  "Many times, the details we ignore will become the key to solving the case."


  Everyone nodded in unison: "Yes!"

  To see the underlined version of the novel, please download Fei Lu's novel

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