Chapter 229 Before returning [3]

  At 8:[-] that night, a high-end restaurant in Yangcheng.

  Before leaving, Fang Ze invited Qin Yun out for a meal.

  At the table, after the waiter left, Qin Yun said with a smile, "Fang Ze, this time you finally have your word."

  Fang Ze had a smile on his face, poured a glass of water for Qin Yun, and said, "We have fought side by side."

  "Now that the case is over, of course we have to celebrate."

  Qin Yun said: "Speaking of this, I have to seriously apologize to you. I almost did you a disservice several times."

  Fang Ze smiled and said, "You mean that... Aaron"

  "It's not just him, there are other things."

  Qin Yun nodded.

  Fang Ze waved his hand and said, "It's all over, fortunately you responded quickly and nothing happened."

  Qin Yun asked, "Fang Ze, what would have happened if I said something wrong at the time?"

  "Why do you ask this all of a sudden?"

  "Curious, want to know."

  Hearing this, Fang Ze pondered for a while, then said: "It will lead to the exposure of identity and the failure of the mission."

  "In desperation, I can only arrest Aaron on the spot and conduct a surprise interrogation."

  "I don't know what happened next. I can only say that the possibility of a perfect solution to the case will be reduced."

  Hearing this, Qin Yun's face changed slightly and said, "It's so serious."

  Fang Ze said with a smile: "It's okay, it's okay, I have a plan to reveal my identity."

  "It's over anyway, let's not talk about this, come and have a drink."

  After speaking, Fang Ze picked up the red wine glass and touched Qin Yun.

  Since Fang Ze came back to deal with the counterfeit money case, Qin Yun has almost all participated in the process, and the other party's goal is very clear.

  Now that the case is over for a week, the suspect is under the law, and all the counterfeit banknotes have been recovered.

  Qin Yun only admires Fang Ze.

  In admiration, there is a trace of admiration, and in admiration, there is also a faint likeness.

  I am afraid that only Qin Yun knows this kind of thought.

  After taking a sip of wine, Qin Yun put aside the topic and said, "When are you going?"

  Fang Ze said: "Tomorrow."

  "Is there a direction?"

  Fang Ze glanced at Qin Yun and said with a smile, "Why, you didn't forget to talk to me about work when you came out."

  Qin Yun smiled embarrassedly and said, "I just wanted to ask."

  For Fang Ze, case detection occupies most of his life.

  Maybe only the case can let each other have a common language.

  Although Qin Yun is a forensic doctor, her emotional intelligence is still relatively high.

  Especially in the face of Fang Ze.

  Since Qin Yun was interested in the corpse dismemberment case, Fang Ze certainly would not refuse.

  He thought for a moment and said, "When I was in Penghai, I visited almost all the people related to Diao Aixin, but there was only one left."

  "This time back to Penghai, I'm going to meet this person."

  Qin Yun asked curiously, "Who is it?"

  Fang Zedao: "Diao Aixin's college roommate, who now lives in Penghai, is also the classmate she has had the best relationship with since she entered the school."

  Hearing this, Qin Yun wondered: "Since, the routine inquiries should have been completed more than ten years ago."

  "Can't you just read the dossier?"

  Fang Ze shook his head and said, "I have read the dossier, but I didn't ask many key questions."

  "And even if I asked, there were so many details missing, so I had to meet this person in person."

  "It's better to have a gain. If there is no gain, it can be regarded as a clue output point."

  "After checking a little bit, I don't believe that I can't find any clues."

  After listening to Fang Ze's words, Qin Yun nodded silently.

  She really doesn't know much about this.

  But Fang Ze's words, she can understand well, is a very good listener.

  After hesitating for a while, Qin Yun asked a question: "Fang Ze, why are you

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  Why are you going to investigate this case?"

  At present, for young criminal police, actually doing their job well is the first priority.

  At the very least, it is necessary to ensure that "do not seek merit, but seek no fault"

  If you don't check, no one will tell you anything.

  But if you take the initiative to check, and nothing is found in the end, it is very likely that the population will be implemented.

  Fang Ze, there is absolutely no need to touch this hot potato.

  Regarding this question, Fang Ze was silent for a while, and said, "It can only be said that there are many reasons."

  "The murderer handled the corpse so cruelly, it is no exaggeration to describe it as a demon."

  "The thought of such a person still living freely in society with impunity makes me very uncomfortable."

  "In addition, I don't believe that there is a perfect crime in this world. Of course, the reason why this case has become an unsolved case is also related to the backward investigative methods."

  "Including monitoring, it is not perfect."

  "I've wanted to find this man since I knew about this case."

  "Look who would do such a maddening thing to a freshman from the countryside."

  There is one thing Fang Ze did not say, that is self-confidence.

  He is confident that there will be no cases in the world that he cannot solve.

  At least, he has not encountered it yet.

  The words that are said are too arrogant and will make people feel disgusted.

  Fang Ze is not so idiot yet.

  Qin Yun nodded silently.

  Although she and Fang Ze have known each other for a long time, in fact, she does not know each other that well.

  "Do you have a lot of ideas about this case that you didn't say at the meeting?"

  During the meeting, she always felt that Fang Ze said a lot less.

  Fang Ze nodded and said, "This is natural."

  "In homicide cases, inference is important."

  "If the clues and evidence are obvious, the inference direction is relatively few, or even the only one, leading to the truth."

  "But if there is no clue, the inferred direction is like a ray that spreads rapidly, and you can only argue slowly."

  Qin Yun blinked and asked curiously, "For example, can you tell me something?"

  At this moment, she completely regards herself as a student.

  Fang Ze pondered slightly and said, "Too many, such as Diao Aixin's profession."

  "What's wrong with professionalism"

  Qin Yun was stunned for a moment.

  Fang Ze asked back: "You are a native of Yangcheng. More than ten years ago, the development here has been very good, but have you ever been in touch with computers?"

  Qin Yun's eyes narrowed slightly: "It seems that it was not very popular at that time."

  "That's right."

  Fang Ze nodded and said, "So Diao Aixin has lived in a remote rural area since she was a child, and her family was very poor. Not to mention complicated computers, it would be nice to have a calculator."

  "And at that time, computers were a scarce high-end product with unknown prospects, and few people chose to major in computer science."

  "The city is still like this, what about the remote rural areas"

  "From this perspective, why did Diao Aixin choose this major?"

  Qin Yun was completely stunned.

  If Fang Ze didn't say it, she really wouldn't have thought of this.

  It is indeed a very strange thing.

  Fang Ze said with a smile: "This is just one of them, there are many more, not to mention."

  Qin Yun came back to her senses and shook her head with a smile.

  "Fang Ze, you are really a very good person."

  : I admit that there is a water component in this chapter.

  This case originally had a detailed outline, but today I overturned it all and reconsidered it.

  Because suddenly found a logical error point.

  As soon as the time passed 0000:[-], it was New Year's Eve.

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