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I hope you don't get deceived by those scammers

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  The room was clean, without any 053 bloody smell.

  But the visual impact made Xu Chunhua at that time almost fainted from fright.

  A table full of corpse fragments, fingers, toes, entrails, and even vague heads! And, intact clothing.

  She remembered very clearly that when Diao Aixin disappeared, she was wearing a red jacket.

  In addition, Xu Chunhua and Diao Aixin have a good relationship, so she recognized it at a glance.

  That's not all, the criminal police also asked her to carefully observe the head! Think about it, a college student, going to the corpse to observe a black head up close! For Xu Chunhua, what kind of psychology, shocking .

  The result is: it is confirmed that the deceased is Diao Aixin.

  That scene, Xu Chunhua has a very deep memory.

  The details are very clear.

  After listening to it, even Luo Refill felt the scalp tingling.

  That kind of scene can be imagined.

  Fang Ze nodded silently.

  After giving Xu Chunhua some time to calm down, Fang Ze continued to ask, "I want to ask, did Diao Aixin have a boyfriend at the time?"

  "Or, a male friend who is closer."

  : Happy Spring Festival, readers.

  Anyway, I can't go out. From now on, I will be rushing to write at home, and I will write too little for the New Year.

  Feilu reminds you: three things to read, collect and push

Chapter 232 Writer?Disc? 【2】

  "No boyfriend."

  Xu Chunhua said with certainty.

  "As for male friends"

  She frowned and thought about it for a while, then said, "I think I heard her mention it once, saying that she met someone."


  Fang Ze raised his brows and waited quietly.

  "Oh yes, say I met a writer."

  "Yes, it's a writer."

  Xu Chunhua Road.


  Fang Ze was thoughtful.

  None of this information was recorded in the dossier of the year.

  Only things that are highly relevant to the case will appear on the case file.

  This is also one of the reasons why Fang Ze needs to visit them one by one.

  The writer in Xu Chunhua's mouth caught Fang Ze's attention.

  "What kind of writer, do you know the name?"

  Xu Chunhua shook his head and said, "I don't know."

  "I heard Diao Aixin mention it while we were chatting. We were quite envious at the time."

  "Knowing a writer is something worth showing off."

  Fang Ze nodded.

  In those days, the profession of a writer was still quite respected.

  If it is a young writer, it is more likely to arouse the favor of female students.

  According to the general case handling logic, the person Xu Chunhua said should be listed as a key target for investigation.

  After all, Diao Aixin's circle of friends is very simple, and anyone who has been in contact with her should not be missed.

  Unfortunately, the other party has no specific information at all.

  And there is nothing in the dossier, it is estimated that nothing has been found.

  While Fang Ze was pondering, Luo Bixin said, "Ms. Xu, this so-called writer, didn't the police investigate at that time?"

  Xu Chunhua shook his head again and said, "I don't know if the investigation is carried out or not. Anyway, there is no result."

  Luo Bixin was silent.

  If the job is clear, it is relatively easy to find out.

  At that time, the Yangcheng Criminal Police Team would not ignore such an important clue.

  Then there is only one possibility: everyone is cleared of suspicion.

  Luo Bixin looked at Fang Ze.

  "What are you thinking"

  Fang Ze came back to his senses and said, "I was thinking about the media I mentioned to you before."


  "Oh yes, you said it at the train station."


  Fang Ze nodded and said: My guess is that Diao Aixin definitely stayed in Penghai."

  "But the Yangcheng police at the time didn't think of this."

  "What they are investigating is only Yangcheng's house, so what about Penghai's?"

  Luo Bixin's eyes narrowed slightly and said, "You don't want to check Penghai, it's a lot of work and needs manpower support."

  Fang Ze said: "Let's not talk about this first."

  Then, he looked at Xu Chunhua and said, "Ms. Xu, besides this writer, is there anyone else?"

  Xu Chunhua shook his head: "I don't know about the others, I just heard Diao Aixin mention this one."

  Fang Ze nodded.

  After thinking for a while, he continued to ask: "I remember that at that time, it should be the era of very bright pop music."

  "That's right."

  Xu Chunhua said, "At that time, there were many well-known singers, represented by Zhou Jiewen of Nantai Island, and many stars gathered."

  "Almost every few days,

  -->>This chapter is not over, click on the next page to continue reading

  There are new songs coming out and they are very popular."

  "Even now, those songs are still catchy and full of memories."

  Speaking of this, Xu Chunhua smiled and seemed to miss the past very much.

  For the post-[-]s and post-[-]s, the period from [-] to [-] was the peak of the Chinese music scene.

  The streets are full of pop music.

  People who were born in that era, in some ways, have to be said to be lucky.

  Fang Ze was not thinking about these, but the medium.

  Although Diao Aixin is introverted, like all girls, she likes music.

  From this point of view, she is very likely to know the relevant people, and she will not be wary.

  Thinking of this, Fang Ze said, "How did you listen to music at that time?"

  Xu Chunhua said with a smile: "It's not as good as it used to be, the internet age is much more convenient."

  "At that time, it basically relied on tapes and DVDs."

  "It's mainly based on tapes, and it's a bit expensive to record CDs, and playback equipment is scarce, but the sound quality is relatively clearer."

  This question made Luo Bixin seem to think of something.

  She said at the right time: "If you have this condition, you can get in touch with DJing and exchange music. Diao Aixin should not refuse it."

  Hearing this, Xu Chunhua was stunned for a moment, then nodded and said, "Of course not."

  "At that time, it was very difficult for us to be able to hear DJ songs, especially for poor families."

  Luo Bixin looked at Fang Ze.

  She understood Fang Ze's question.

  There is such a possibility that Diao Aixin met someone in Penghai through a disc.

  But this man, no one knows.

  And it is very likely that he is also a music lover, and he does not rule out a businessman who sells DVDs.

  Fang Ze didn't ask any further questions.

  He glanced at the room and suddenly said, "Ms. Xu, your house seems to be missing a color."

  This question made Xu Chunhua's face unnatural.

  She nodded and said helplessly: "I already have a psychological shadow, and I don't want to see red."

  Fang Ze hummed and didn't care.

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