A girl like Xu Chunhua, who saw such a tragic scene at that time, I am afraid that she will never like red again in her life.


  At this moment, Fang Ze's face condensed slightly.

  He said, "Ms. Xu, do you still remember Diao Aixin's clothes, when did you buy them?"

  Xu Chunhua seemed to remember it clearly, and without thinking, he said, "Remember, at that time it was the Spring Festival holiday, and Diao Ai got Qian Haoxin back wearing new clothes."

  "Is it expensive"

  Xu Chunhua recalled for a moment and said, "I don't know if it's expensive or not. It's very delicate. I guess it's not cheap."

  "After all, it's Chinese New Year, so it's normal to add new clothes."

  Fang Ze fell into deep thought.

  Having said that, he doesn't think so.

  From the understanding of Diao Aixin's family, it can be guessed that the other party was very poor at that time.

  Tuition fees, living expenses, etc. are already overloaded.

  Where can she still have the money to buy clothes, even if she has it, even if she uses "the love of beauty for everyone"

  It's hard to explain.

  The introverted Diao Aixin is not a greedy and vain person.

  So, is it possible that the clothes were bought by someone else? Could it be that family, relatives and friends...the writer.

  Or, there are hidden unknown people to read the underlined version of the novel, please download Fei Lu novel

Chapter 233 Terrifying guess [3]

  With the system bonus in the past two months, Fang Ze's thinking has become more active.

  Many points that I did not think of before coming to Penghai appeared one by one.

  There are more and more directions of investigation.

  The first is the writer Xu Chunhua said.

  Let's not talk about Yangcheng's side, let's trust the investigation results of the Yangcheng Criminal Police Team at that time.

  Then, a possibility arises.

  On the way back to school, Diao Aixin met a writer, a man, in Penghai.

  Younger than forty years old.

  Literature is one of Diao Aixin's hobbies, and Fang Ze has already investigated it in detail.

  Under this premise, Diao Aixin's vigilance will be greatly reduced, and even an emotion similar to worship will appear.

  So, could this so-called writer be the murderer? The second possibility.

  On the way back to school, Diao Aixin met someone in Penghai through a disc.

  Men and women are unknown, they may be people with the same interests, or they may be merchants selling DVDs.

  Music is also one of Diao Aixin's hobbies.

  Under this premise, Diao Aixin will not be more vigilant, but because of the music, the relationship between the two has developed extremely fast.

  Then, could this person be the murderer? The third possibility.

  These 700 people are not only writers, but also love music and listen to CDs.

  In other words, he sells DVDs, and his writing is only part-time.

  Could he be the murderer? The fourth possibility is many.

  These possibilities flashed in Fang Ze's mind, but they were all quite different from his psychological portrait.

  Although he will not use psychological portraits as the investigation direction at present, it can be used for reference.

  If they contradict each other, Fang Ze will decisively rule them out.

  In fact, the characteristics of the murderer are still very obvious.

  Fang Ze believed with great confidence: more than a thousand pieces - extremely strong psychology, quality and patience.

  Neat incisions - have been studied and trained in relevant aspects, such as doctors or butchers, etc., not even forensic medicine.

  Murder method - hatred or character distortion in the heart, mental illness is not ruled out.

  Fried corpse pieces - to cover up the blood or the features of the corpse, with a purpose, for unknown reasons, but extremely perverted.

  Throwing the corpse in the downtown area instead of the wilderness - deliberately let others pick it up, the reason is unknown.

  But guessing, even Fang Ze felt a little discomfort, that is for human consumption!! He has not mentioned this possibility to anyone.

  Because it's too scary.

  Just imagine, if the one who picked up the bag... aunt, didn't find the fingers in the bag.

  Or, frying for a longer time, under the muscle spasm, makes the fingers look like chicken feet.

  In other words, what she found was her handbag with fingers.

  In the end, how could it be treated as animal meat, straight up! Treat human hands as chicken claws and gnaw them away! Fang Ze really can't imagine what kind of devil lives inside a capable person.

  All thoughts flashed in his mind for a few seconds, Fang Ze looked at Xu Chun and said, "Ms. Xu, Diao Aixin is usually at school, do you often go out?"

  This question made Xu Chunhua ponder for a while.

  After all, too long has passed.

  After a while, she replied, "Yes, except during class time, she often goes out."


  The expressions of Fang Ze and Luo Bixin changed at the same time.

  This is a key point.

  If this is the case, then Diao Aixin must know someone outside of school.

  As for who it is, it needs to be investigated.

  -->>This chapter is not over, click on the next page to continue reading

  But the difficulty is not small.

  "Other people in the dormitory, how is their relationship with Diao Aixin?"

  Xu Chunhua said: "It's all pretty good. Diao Aixin is a very nice person and has a good relationship with her classmates."


  Speaking of Diao Aixin's personality, Xu Chunhua sighed: "She is a very good friend of mine."

  "If it hadn't happened, maybe we would have been best friends for life."

  She looked at Fang Ze and said, "Captain Fang, can I ask a question?"

  "you say."

  Xu Chunhua hesitated for a moment and said, "Can this case be solved?"

  Luo Bixin turned to look at Fang Ze.

  This reminded her of what Li Shenghua had asked when she was at the Teana Manor: Can the case be solved? As a criminal police officer, this is the most difficult question to answer.

  Fang Ze looked at Xu Chunhua and said, "I can only say do my best."

  Xu Chunhua smiled bitterly, nodded and said, "I see."

  "In a case that has been around for so long, there is almost no possibility of it being solved."


  Xu Chunhua looked at Fang Ze deeply and said, "Captain Fang's ability to take over this case shows his courage."

  "On this point, the captain of the criminal police team, you deserve it."

  This is her second compliment.

  Because she knew very well that in this case, whoever took the case would be unlucky.

  Perhaps only a young man like Fang Ze can have confidence and drive.

  Fang Ze smiled and said: "You have won awards, and your personal abilities are limited. I just do what I need to do."

  Xu Chunhua pursed his lips and said, "I thank you for Diao Aixin"

  After saying this, a mist of water appeared in Xu Chunhua's eyes.

  Recalling this case again, Xu Chunhua's emotions are hard to hide.

  Fang Ze was slightly moved, and after being silent for a while, he said, "Don't worry, good will be rewarded with good, and evil will be rewarded with evil."

  "Those who do bad things will be punished sooner or later."

  At the same time, Fang Ze said in his heart: I will catch him and her.

  Xu Chunhua wiped the corners of his eyes and said, "Thank you"

  After asking a few questions again, Fang Ze and Luo Bixin left Xu Chunhua's house without much disturbance.

  At the gate of the community, the two sat in the car.

  Fang Ze was thinking.

  Luo Bixin said softly, "Fang Ze, do you think the case can really be solved?"

  She asked the same question as Xu Chunhua.

  With such a maddening killing method, Luo Bixin at the moment already hates the murderer so much that his teeth itch.

  If possible, she really wanted to stand in front of the murderer immediately and shoot him down.

  The funny thing is that the murderer is still at large.

  Even thinking about it, maybe it's still: proud.

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