Fang Ze rubbed his forehead and said, "It's hard to say."

  Luo Bixin looked at Fang Ze and said, "This is the first time I've seen you so unconfident."

  Fang Ze smiled helplessly and said, "The most difficult case is to create something out of nothing, and it all depends on imagination and creativity."

  "Looking for clues through imagination, and looking for the truth through clues, are not... a concept."

  Luo Bixin smiled and said, "I trust your imagination."


  Fang Ze turned his head.

  Luo Bixin started the car and stepped on the accelerator.

  "Zhu Yi, isn't that what you imagined?"

  Feilu reminds you: three things to read, collect and push

Chapter 234 Station Police Station [1]

  Penghai, Railway Station.

  A white off-road vehicle came slowly and stopped nearby.

  As the top three cities in Suhai Province, Penghai Railway Station is still quite lively.

  There are many foreigners.

  Relatively speaking, it is more difficult to visit and investigate.

  Difficult to check.

  At present, there are not enough manpower, so Fang Ze can only rely on himself temporarily.

  Luo Bixin turned off the flame, looked at the crowd coming and going outside the window, and said, "Where to start?"

  Fang Ze said: "Let's put the writer's work in advance and start with the disc."

  "Talking Disc"

  Luo Bixin recited these three words silently, and said, "Do you think that when Diao Aixin returned to school, it was really possible to meet someone through playing a disc?"


  Fang Ze nodded, "There is still a possibility."

  "In the absence of any clues, we can only argue one by one by inference."

  "Although it will take a lot of time, it is currently the most effective method."

  "General case handling methods are not suitable for this case."

  This point, Luo Bixin resonates.

  For general homicides, the scene, traces left, surveillance, autopsy reports, etc., are the most important investigative basis.

  If none of these are available, it can only be inferred.

  The biggest difficulty in Yangcheng's corpse dismemberment case is here.

  Without superb thinking and judgment, it is difficult to find a breakthrough in the case.

  In this regard, Luo Bixin still has confidence in Fang Ze.

  She opened her mouth and said, "Dake Dish is one of the mediums, right?"

  Fang Ze nodded: "The acquaintance between people must need the support of the media."

  "Then let's start with the disc and find out this line."

  "If there is no gain, then change direction."

  Luo Bixin: "How to check"

  Fang Ze thought for a while, and said, "Assuming it's [-], how old do you think people who like to play music are you?"

  Luo Bixin thought for a moment, and said, "It's possible to be between ten and forty years old."

  Fang Ze reminded: "Plus the characteristics of the murderer."

  "Oh yes"

  Luo Bixin smiled.

  A ten-year-old child, of course, cannot be a murderer.

  "Then fifteen, no, between eighteen and forty."


  Fang Ze nodded slightly, "Let's press first: Check this age group."

  "Then nineteen years from now, these people should be thirty-seven or eighteen, and sixty."

  "What we want to ask is the permanent population of Penghai, and the best home is nearby."

  Luo Bixin agreed: "Indeed, I live nearby, so I must be very familiar with this area."

  "Let's go."

  Fang Ze opened the door.

  On the way, Luo Bixin followed Fang Ze, wondering, "Fang Ze, where are we going?"

  This direction seems to be the station police station.

  Fang Ze turned his head and said, "Didn't you go to the police station?"


  Seeing that Luo's refills didn't respond, Fang Ze was speechless and said, "Refills, don't you want to ask them one by one?"

  "Then you have to ask when"

  Hearing this, Luo Bixin patted his forehead and said with a smile, "I almost forgot."

  Fang Ze also smiled and shook his head.

  It's normal that people can't be countenanced.

  Even him, there are times when his brain is short-circuited.

  Soon, the two walked into the police station.

  -->>This chapter is not over, click on the next page to continue reading

  There were two people in the police room.

  After hearing the movement, the two raised their heads in unison.

  "Hello, is something wrong?"

  The nearest police officer spoke up.

  Fang Ze just wanted to speak.

  "Fang Team Luo Team"

  A policeman sitting behind the table stood up, not sure.

  Fang Ze turned to look.

  Isn't the person in front of him the policeman who came to deal with the thief when he caught the thief before?

  "It is you."

  Fang Ze opened his mouth with a smile.

  After being affirmed, the police hurried over and stretched out his hand: "Fang team, hello hello."

  Reaching out and shaking hands, Fang Ze said, "Long time no see."

  "Long time no see, long time no see, please take a seat."

  He still had a deep impression on Fang Ze.

  It is certainly not an easy person to become a police captain at this age.

  Regardless of

  It's background or ability.

  Or both.

  The policeman who asked just now was surprised when he heard that this person was actually the captain of the criminal police, and hurriedly turned around and poured two cups of tea.

  Putting the teacup on the coffee table, he said, "Fang team, drink tea."

  Fang Ze turned his head and said with a smile, "Thank you, what should I call you?"

  "You can just call me An Zhi."


  Fang Ze nodded and looked at another person's former acquaintance.

  "Fang team, my name is Yan Zhou."

  "Sit down, you're welcome, it's all your own."

  Fang Zedao.

  "it is good."

  The two nodded and moved a chair to sit next to each other.

  Fang Ze politely took a sip of tea, put down the cup, and said, "Xiao Yan, I need help with a case this time."

  Hearing that there was a case, the two looked at each other and smiled, their faces solemn.

  The criminal police case should not be a trivial matter.

  Yan Zhou said: "Fang team, you said, what can I do to help?"

  Fang Ze said: "That's it."

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