There was a trace of cold sweat on Zheng Wendong's forehead.

  The young man in front of him seemed a little scary, Fang Ze continued, "I can tell you this."

  "If you and Diao Aixin quarreled near the downstairs of the dormitory, the movement would definitely not be small, and you couldn't hide it."

  "But after the incident, no one mentioned it, which means you didn't quarrel on the spot."

  "Secondly, when Diao Aixin rejects you, it is impossible for him to follow you honestly."

  "Unless you force her away."

  "Diao Aixin is concerned about the issue of face and does not want everyone to know about it, so he can only obey."


  Zheng Wendong stared blankly at Fang Ze.

  Although the reasoning process sounds simple, Zheng Wendong, it is impossible to think so deeply.

  With such meticulous mental thinking, is the current police captain so powerful? Next to him, Luo Bixin is also stunned.

  For Fang Ze, this simple reasoning probably only took a second.

  Zheng Wendong smiled bitterly and said, "Captain Fang, I'm sorry"

  Facing such a person, at this moment, Zheng Wendong no longer has any luck.

  Luo Bixin looked at Zheng Wendong and couldn't help but have a thought.

  Diao Aixin, he couldn't have killed it 4.

  5 Because of love and hate, "hurry up and say it!"

  "Where did you take Diao Aixin and what did you do!"

  Zheng Wendong took a deep breath and said, "There is a small forest in Yangcheng University, I took her there."

  "Go on, then what!"

  "And then there was a big fight."

  Fang Ze narrowed his eyes and said, "Tell me the content of the quarrel word for word."

  "Especially what Diao Aixin said."

  Zheng Wendong nodded silently and said, "Okay."

  Afterwards, Zheng Wendong spent nearly [-] minutes, together with memories, telling, and completely restored the scene at that time.

  After Fang Ze listened carefully.

  A complete reasoning result is formed in the mind.

  The case has finally made qualitative progress! Please read the underlined version of the novel

Chapter 241 Feelings, speechless right or wrong [2]

  inside the room.

  Zheng Wendong lowered his head and said, "After that time, I was disheartened and returned to Penghai."

  Having said that, Zheng Wendong's voice stopped.

  This was also the last time he and Diao Aixin met.

  After the atmosphere was silent for a while, Fang Ze said, "When did you know about Diao Aixin's death?"

  Zheng Wendong thought for a while and said, "Probably half a month after I returned to Penghai."

  "Half a month"

  Fang Ze's eyes flickered.

  With such a short time interval, will Zheng Wendong's trip to Yangcheng have something to do with Diao Aixin's death. At the same time, Fang Ze is also thinking about whether Zheng Wendong has lied.

  Rationally, Zheng Wendong had enough motivation to kill Diao Aixin.

  But from the point of view of the murder method, it is unlikely.

  The first is the corpse. Judging from Zheng Wendong's biographical information, the other party has not received any medical knowledge.

  It should be impossible for such a person to perform such precise corpse cutting.

  The second is the way the body is disposed of.

  Even if Zheng Wendong was really jealous and angry, 28 accidentally killed Diao Aixin, there is absolutely no need to cut the body into more than a thousand pieces.

  This is not in line with Zheng Wendong's character.

  At least for now, Fang Ze doesn't think there is anything wrong with Zheng Wendong.

  Between him and Diao Aixin, it's just an emotional entanglement.

  The problem is the other person Diao Aixin mentioned.

  At this time, Zheng Wendong defended himself: "Fang team, I really just had a quarrel with Diao Aixin and didn't kill her."

  Fang Ze did not respond to this question, but continued to ask: "Why did you close the store after learning of Diao Aixin's death?"

  Zheng Wendong sighed and said, "There are two reasons."

  "That place is where Diao Aixin and I met. I don't want to stay there anymore."

  "Besides, things like DJing will be eliminated sooner or later."

  "Instead of passively adapting to the market in the future, it is better to take the initiative to walk in front of the market."

  It turns out that his decision was right.

  The current success also shows this.

  Fang Ze nodded slightly.

  After thinking for a while, he made a decision to trust the other party.

  The possibility that Zheng Wendong is the murderer is extremely low.

  Talking here, Fang Ze showed a smile.

  After seeing Fang Ze's smile, Zheng Wendong breathed a sigh of relief, feeling as if he had fought a tough battle.

  To be honest, when the police came to the door just now, he was really startled.

  The case happened more than ten years ago, and he was afraid of being taken advantage of, so he lied out of thin air.

  Fortunately, this young detective captain is not the kind of person who doesn't ask questions.

  Quite the contrary, extremely wise.

  Zheng Wendong also secretly sighed his luck.

  Fang Ze looked at Zheng Wendong and chuckled, "Mr. Zheng, after Diao Aixin's death, have you published any poetry articles online?"

  Zheng Wendong was stunned for a moment, then nodded and said, "There have been several times."

  "Can I see?"

  "Ok, Ok"

  Zheng Wendong took out his mobile phone, flipped through it, and handed it to Fang Ze.

  Fang Ze took it, this is a modern poem.

  very short.

  only five lines

  "Autumn and Winter Thoughts" at night.

  whenever I think of you.

  A snowflake will fall from the sky.

  When waking up in the morning.

  -->>This chapter is not over, click on the next page to continue reading

  snowy outside

  After reading the poem, Fang Ze was silent for a while, and returned the phone to Zheng Wendong.

  Between the lines, all of them reveal the thoughts of Diao Aixin.

  Meet in autumn.

  Farewell to winter.

  This is autumn to winter thinking.

  At that time, Zheng Wendong's feelings for Diao Aixin seemed really not shallow.

  It's a pity that the falling flowers are intentional, and the flowing water is ruthless.

  To put it bluntly, the bond between Diao Aixin and Zheng Wendong is just music, and there are no other feelings between men and women.

  Even if there is, it is only on top of friendship, and love is not full.

  Looking at the somewhat lonely Zheng Wendong, Fang Ze said, "Diao Aixin actually has you in her heart."


  Zheng Wendong suddenly raised his head, "How do you know?"

  Fang Ze smiled: "She once told her classmates in the dormitory that she knew a writer and often praised you."

  "Perhaps because of a little vanity, or to protect you from being ridiculed, she didn't say you were a CD seller."

  "You have a good literary talent, why didn't you take the exam?"

  Now, there is only small talk between the two sides, nothing to do with the case.

  Fang Ze's words touched Zheng Wendong's inner softness. He resisted the tears that were about to well up in his eyes and said, "I'm only good at Chinese, but I'm very poor in other subjects."

  "It turned out to be so, it's a pity."

  Fang Ze nodded.

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