Zheng Wendong reached out and covered his forehead, while blocking his eyes.

  It seemed that Fang Ze's words had a big impact on him.

  He also did not expect that Diao Aixin would mention him in front of his classmates.

  When we met for the last time, why didn't we say it? Zheng Wendong regretted it.

  He did not make the best impression on Diao Aixin.

  Seeing Zheng Wendong's appearance, Fang Ze and Luo Bixin looked at each other and sighed slightly.

  A warm man warms his life.

  Scumbag amazing years.

  Many young 700 girls want to be short-lived and stunning instead of cherishing the rare warmth around them.

  In a way, this is sad.

  Sad for yourself.

  It also makes people who love you sad.

  But then again, emotional things really can't be forced.

  To be moved is to be moved.

  Even if the world is touched, it is still only touched.

  It can never be compared with emotion.

  This kind of thing can't be debated.

  Fang Ze and Luo Bixin got up.

  "Mr. Zheng, I'm sorry to disturb you today. If you can think of anything else in the future, you can call me at any time."

  After finishing speaking, Fang Ze picked up the pen on the coffee table and wrote down his phone number.

  Zheng Wendong raised his head.

  His eyes were a little red.

  Nearly twenty years later, I didn't expect that when Diao Aixin was mentioned, the other party still couldn't let go.

  He stood up.

  "Fang team, you are the best detective I have ever seen, no one."

  "I thought people like you would only appear on TV."

  "Looks like I was wrong."

  "Ai Xin's case, please!"

  After finishing speaking, Zheng Wendong faced Fang Ze and bowed deeply [-] degrees.

  Fang Ze looked at Zheng Wendong's back and said, "I will do my best."


  Feilu reminds you: three things to read, collect and push

Chapter 242 The Second Medium [3]

  Inside the car.

  Fang Ze adjusted the seat angle and lay down on the co-pilot.

  The information I got from Zheng Wendong just now doesn't seem to be much, but it is enough for Fang Ze to think about it for a while.

  He was very satisfied with such a big breakthrough in one day, even a little unexpected.

  Luo Bixin did not start the car.

  She knew that the current Fang Ze needs to be quiet.

  From the conversation just now, Luo Bixin already knew Fang Ze's judgment.

  The so-called writer in Diao Aixin's mouth should be Zheng Wendong.

  Now it is impossible to verify Diao Aixin's mental journey.

  What's more, none of this matters anymore.

  Fang Ze lay down for a long time.

  As for Luo Bixin, she silently accompanied Fang Ze without disturbing him.

  Twenty minutes later, Fang Ze slowly opened his eyes, adjusted the seat and sat up straight.

  Opening the window, he lit a cigarette.

  At this time, Luo Bixin said: "The other twelve people are 12, so don't check it."

  Fang Ze looked at the busy traffic outside the window and said, "No need to check, it doesn't make much sense."


  Luo Bixin nodded.

  Since Diao Aixin met Zheng Wendong at the train station, the rest of the people should have nothing to do with this case.

  Fang Ze's previous time inference has now been confirmed.

  Diao Aixin did stay in Penghai and met someone.

  The medium is the disc.

  More precisely, it's music.

  I don't know if the information given by Zheng Wendong gave Fang Ze a new direction of investigation.

  Luo Bixin knows.

  If nothing else, the person Diao Aixin mentioned will become the focus of Fang Ze's investigation.

  Unable to bear the curiosity, Luo Bixin asked, "How did you think of anything?"

  Fang Ze looked away, shook his head and said, "Although we have learned more information from Zheng Wendong's mouth, it is a question worth thinking about how to investigate next."

  Luo Bixin pondered slightly and said, "You mean, Diao Aixin's circle of friends"

  "A girl like her who has just entered school should not know people in society."

  "Zheng Wendong, it's just a coincidence."


  Fang Ze nodded and said, "As I said before, the acquaintance of two people needs a medium."

  "There can be a lot of media, but for Diao Aixin, there are fewer."

  "Music counts as one, as for the other"

  Having said that, Fang Ze's voice stopped.

  Luo Bixin said: "I'm afraid it's hard to find, we don't have any clues other than gender."

  Fang Ze didn't answer, and whispered to himself: "I am also a teacher and a friend, and I am a teacher and a friend."

  "What kind of person would make Diao Aixin pay?"

  Luo Bixin thought for a moment and said, "Since he is both a teacher and a friend, it means that the teacher may be the friend Diao Aixin met in Yangcheng."

  "After all, college students' extracurricular life is relatively free, and it is not difficult to meet someone."

  Fang Ze murmured, "Could it be in Yangcheng?"

  "What's the meaning"

  Luo Bixin was surprised.

  Fang Ze stopped thinking, turned his head and said, "Think about it, Diao Aixin's character should be relatively conservative, right?"

  "I'm talking conservative, not the kind between men and women."


  Luo Bixin nodded.

  She understands Fang Ze's

  -->>This chapter is not over, click on the next page to continue reading


  Fang Ze continued: "Let's make a hypothesis with the greatest possibility."

  "First of all, Diao Aixin has only been in school for four months."

  "Except for her adjustment to college life, the time for the course."

  "Except for her time to adjust to an unfamiliar environment."

  "Except for the time when she is familiar with her classmates, etc."

  "Without this time, Diao Aixin has very few opportunities to go out."

  "Let's set it for a month."

  "In other words, it will take at least a month for Diao Aixin to meet people outside the school."

  Hearing this, Luo Bixin nodded and said, "You can assume that."

  "it is good."

  Fang Ze said, "In this case, why would Xu Chunhua say that Diao Aixin often went out after school started?"

  "What is she doing out there?"

  "An introverted rural girl who came to an unfamiliar city and did not get along: stay with classmates and go out alone"

  "Do you think it makes sense?"

  Luo Bixin blinked and said, "It doesn't seem to make sense."

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