In the past, communication was backward, but now the network is developed.

  Once the wind leaks out, it only takes one night to know about it.

  At that time, the focus on the Internet will not be any celebrities, but the Yangcheng Bureau! That kind of pressure, Fang Ze is sure he can handle it, Fang Ze smiled and said, "No, I personally took over the case."

  "You picked it up yourself"

  Lv Jianping was a little surprised and couldn't help but look at Fang Ze again.

  This kind of courage is not something that ordinary people can have.

  "Captain Fang, I really start to admire you."

  Lu Jianping said sincerely.

  Fang Ze said with a smile: "Principal Lu is serious, you

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  He is a role model for all of our Yangshuo students."

  This sentence made Lu Jianping very useful, and Fang Ze became more and more pleasing to the eye.

  When the topic returned to the corpse dismemberment case, Lv Jianping said, "What can I do for you, Captain Fang, don't be polite, just say it."

  If anyone can solve this case now, Lu Jianping prefers Fang Ze.

  The rising stars are often brighter than the suns that hang high in the sky.

  Fang Ze nodded and said, "Okay, Principal Lu, then I won't hide it."

  Lu Jianping looked at Fang Ze with a serious expression.

  Fang Ze said: "When I was reading the file, I found that the Yangcheng police had overlooked a big loophole when they were investigating."

  "This loophole is Diao Aixin's high school semester."

  "I don't think she was admitted to Yangda in the third year of high school, but repeated a year."

  "This has never been investigated in depth."

  After listening to Fang Ze's words, Lu Jianping nodded slightly.

  He is not a policeman, he doesn't know how to handle the case, and he doesn't know what this clue means to the case.

  But he believed in Fang Ze.

  To be able to discover the doubtful points of the file nineteen years ago is enough to explain many problems.

  "Wait, I'll go to the school right now."

  After speaking, Lu Jianping got up and went back to his desk, and dialed a number on his landline.

  "Go to the archives."

  "Hey, it's me, now I'll put down my work and immediately check the student's status of a student nineteen years ago."

  "My name is Diao Aixin."

  "After checking, send it to my computer."

  The content of the call is concise, no unnecessary nonsense.

  It can be seen that Lv Jianping is also a vigorous and resolute person in normal times.

  After hanging up the phone, Lu Jianping turned his head and said, "Captain Fang, wait a moment."

  Fang Ze smiled: "Don't worry."

  The speed in the archives is very fast.

  No one dared to delay the order given by the principal himself.

  5 minute later.

  Lu Jianping stared at the computer for a while, then got up and sat back on the sofa.

  "Yes, Diao Aixin did repeat for a year."

  After being confirmed, Fang Ze narrowed his eyes and said, "Which school?"

  "Yangcheng is one high."

  "Yangcheng One High"

  Fang Ze raised his brows and said, "Tuition and other expenses are not low."

  "Well, that's right."

  Lv Jianping nodded, "That's the best high school in our Yangcheng."

  Fang Ze felt that the case had entered the real track.

  "Is there a problem, Captain Fang?"

  Lu Jianping asked.

  More out of curiosity.

  Fang Ze pondered slightly and said, "It's hard to say."

  Lu Jianping nodded slightly and did not continue to ask.

  It's hard to say, or it's inconvenient to say, this is the police's problem.

  If you shouldn't ask, Lv Jianping will not be hard on others.

  "President Lu, I would like to ask how the computer major of our Yangda University developed nineteen years ago."

  Answering this kind of question is Lv Jianping's strength.

  What's more, his undergraduate major is computer software.

  Without any hesitation, Lu Jianping said: "To put it mildly, it is a period of steady growth."

  "At that time, the country was still relatively backward."

  To see the underlined version of the novel, please download Fei Lu's novel

Chapter 247 The computer industry at that time [1]

  Lv Jianping is worthy of being the president of Yangda University.

  He used the most concise language to present Fang Ze the development of the computer industry at that time.

  Even a layman can have a very intuitive understanding.

  At the beginning of the [-]st century, China has just entered the information age.

  This is a major change in production and way of life for the entire human race.

  In some developed countries at that time, the information industry even began to become one of the leading industries to promote national economic development.

  As for Huaxia, it is still in the growth stage.

  What is the most lacking talent in the growth period?

  Therefore, there was a popular saying at that time: the competition in the computer industry is actually the competition of talents.

  Rare is expensive.

  There are very few people entering the industry.

  The computer major in colleges and universities began to slowly become a popular major at the beginning of the [-]st century.

  But few people realize this.

  The metaphor of the image is: no one wants to be the first person to eat crabs.

  In fact, computer graduates at that time were still very popular.

  Diao Aixin, a rural girl, is not easy to get admitted to Yangda University.

  Even Lu Jianping was surprised that the other party could still choose a major in computer science.

  After listening to Lu Jianping's description, Luo Bixin turned to look at Fang Ze and said, "It seems that Diao Aixin does have a leader."


  Fang Ze nodded slightly.

  This problem has been gradually confirmed.

  The possibility is very high.

  Lu Jianping's expression condensed slightly after hearing Luo Bixin's words.

  Could it be that Fang Ze has mastered the suspect! Although he doesn't know how to investigate cases, he can always feel something.

  The other party's case handling rhythm did not seem to receive any obstacles and proceeded smoothly.

  In other words, the truth is getting closer.

  The possibility that this case is really going to be solved makes Lu Jianping look at Fang Ze even more differently.

  If this case is really solved by the other party, the credit is not small.

  Might be able to take this to another level.

  It was a pity that this young man did not major in criminal investigation at Yangda University.

  After Fang Ze was silent for a while, he turned his head and said, "Principal Lu, how was our school library nineteen years ago?"

  Lv Jianping said with a smile: "When it comes to the library, that is one of the foundations of Yangcheng University."


  Fang Ze was surprised.

  He didn't pay attention to this aspect, so it's not very clear.

  Lv Jianping said: "The library of Yangcheng University has been approved as a national key protection unit for ancient books."

  "History has a long history, and its development can be traced back to the Jinling Library in the early [-]th century."

  "There have been many masters of Chinese studies, all of them presided over"

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