"In [-], the library had more than five million volumes."

  Fang Ze was a little surprised.

  In those days, this number was already quite remarkable.

  "How about books about computers at that time"

  Lv Jianping said: "Yang University's library was one of the first libraries in China to engage in computer applications at that time."

  "As early as 198, the computerized Chinese book circulation management system was put into use in Yangda."

  "There are still quite a few related books."

  Hearing this, Fang Ze pondered for a while, then said: "If I

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  Is it possible to check the loan records from nineteen years ago?"

  Lu Jianping was taken aback.

  It turned out that the other party finally wanted to ask this.

  Diao Aixin hesitated for the first time about the loan records in the library at that time, and said, "It's a bit difficult."

  "Now it is an online borrowing record, and the data is clear, but it used to be a written document and should have been destroyed on a regular basis."

  After speaking, Lv Jianping did not forget to add: "This information is not useful, it is just for records, to prevent confusion in borrowing, and to protect library collections from being stolen and damaged."

  "So destruction is normal."

  Fang Ze nodded.

  Of course he understood.

  Just asking casually, without any hope.

  After all, nearly [-] years have passed, and there are still traces left.

  "Principal Lu, Diao Aixin's major at that time was computer network technology."

  Lu Jianping nodded and said, "Yes."

  Fang Zedao: "After graduating from this major, what kind of work can I do at that time?"

  Lv Jianping said without hesitation: "Network security maintenance, network fault repair, network administrator, etc."

  "If you have obtained the corresponding certificate and have a good understanding of the language and ++ language, you can be competent for the work of network engineer and software development."

  "Network engineer and software development were the scarcest occupations at the time."

  "Once it appears, it will basically be robbed by major companies."

  "Especially soft development."

  Luo Bixin asked, "Is it someone who writes code?"

  Lv Jianping looked at Luo Bixin, smiled and nodded: "Yes, those who write code now."

  "Oh, then this industry is very competitive now."

  Luo Bixin said.

  Lv Jianping: "Yes, it is now a software developer competing company."

  "In the past, it was companies competing for software developers."

  "The industry is developing too fast, and a large influx of professionals has created the current employment situation."

  Fang Ze took a deep breath, feeling a little pity in his heart.

  It is a pity that it is impossible to know what books Diao Aixin borrowed at that time.

  Otherwise, you can roughly determine the other party's future career plan.

  This is a very important clue.

  The scope of the investigation can be greatly reduced.

  For example: Diao Aixin likes computer language, so he can investigate all the software companies in Yangcheng.

  Or, if Diao Aixin likes network architecture, he can investigate all network security companies in Yang Zhao's city.

  Even computer graphics work, similar to modern, etc., you can investigate all advertising design companies, interior design, or construction projects in Yangcheng.

  The ideal is beautiful, the reality is very skinny.

  It is impossible to check this line.

  Seeing that Fang Ze was silent, Lu Jianping did not speak for a while.

  He knew that people like Fang Ze would fall into thinking anytime, anywhere.

  After a while, Fang Ze said, "Principal Lu, do you know what professional certificate Diao Aixin has?"

  Lv Jianping replied quickly: "It is impossible for her to pass the certificate examination, and she has only been admitted for three or four months, unless she is a genius."

  "And the student status shows that there is no certificate under Diao Aixin's name."

  Fang Ze hesitated for a moment, and said, "If I signed up, I didn't take the test."


  Lu Jianping was stopped by Fang Ze

  Feilu reminds you: three things to read, collect and push

Chapter 248 Leaving Yangda [2]

  Lv Jianping had to admit that Fang Ze's thinking was indeed very meticulous.

  It can be said that no details have been overlooked.

  Yes, computer certificates, such as network engineers, software engineers, etc., are basically registered between December and January.

  Exams are usually scheduled in April.

  And Diao Aixin's death time is around the registration time.

  From this point of view, it is indeed possible that Diao Aixin signed up for the certificate exam.

  However, due to a tragic accident in the middle, I was unable to participate.

  That is, "Captain Fang, you mean, absent from the exam"

  Fang Ze nodded and said, "That's right, can the absentees be found?"

  Lu Jianping was silent for a while, then said, "A large-scale exam like this is usually arranged by the state."

  "As for whether the information about absenteeism from nineteen years ago still exists, we can only ask the relevant units in Zhongnan."

  Fang Ze glanced at Lu Jianping and did not force it.

  Looking at the other party's appearance, it seems that this matter is quite difficult and complicated.

  Since it was inconvenient, Fang Ze could only call Zhongnan to inquire.

  It's just that he doesn't know much about the computer industry, and it is estimated that he will take some detours and waste time.

  And Lu 740 Jianping, after hesitating for a while, said: "Captain Fang, if I can conduct a routine investigation in the name of investigating the case, I can help."

  Hearing this, Fang Ze said directly: "Yes."

  Lv Jianping was stunned for a moment, and added: "Don't you need to ask Bureau Xu?"

  As the president of Yangda, of course he knew Xu Liangjiang.

  It is not a trivial matter to ask the Central South unit to cooperate with the investigation in the name of investigating the case.

  Even Xu Liangjiang might have to inform the provincial department.

  Fang Ze alone could decide to face this problem, Fang Ze smiled slightly and affirmed: "No need."


  "OK then."

  Lu Jianping had to nod his head.

  He didn't expect that Fang Ze, a criminal police captain, would have such a big decision-making power.

  He also believes that it is impossible for the other party to come around, and he must have confidence.

  In this matter, Lv Jianping did not intend to ask more questions.

  Because he knew for a long time that Fang Ze was not an ordinary criminal police captain.

  The background is still there.

  As for what it was, Lu Jianping did not know.

  Fang Ze said, "Principal Lu, are you willing to help?"

  Lu Jianping nodded and said, "Of course, since it's a case about Yangda, I have no shirk."

  Fang Ze smiled and nodded: "Then I would like to thank Principal Lu."

  He would not care whether Lv Jianping was for the case or for himself.

  Anyway, as long as you can help.

  Now Fang Ze cares about the result.

  "How long will it take to find out"

  Lu Jianping thought about it for a while, and said, "I also need two days."

  Fang Ze said: "Okay, then please Principal Lu and give me a call to let me know."

  "No problem at all."

  Saying that, Lu Jianping took out his mobile phone.

  The two exchanged phone numbers.

  Afterwards, Fang Ze got up and said, "Principal Lu, if I have nothing to do, I will leave first, which will waste your time."

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