Instead of going to Jiang Kang's house, they went to a counseling agency.

  Ten years ago, after Jiang Kang resigned from Yangcheng No. [-] High School, he opened a tutoring institution for the college entrance examination.

  As for business, it's fine.

  Half an hour later, Luo Bixin parked the car at a counseling institution of Shangjiangkang, which is here.

  As soon as they got off the car, the two saw the sign.

  The location of the store is quite conspicuous.

  When he came to the front desk, Fang Ze expressed his intention: "Hello, I'm looking for Principal Jiang."

  "Office on the second floor."

  The beautiful woman at the front desk got up and politely pointed to the stairs.

  "Thank you."

  Fang Ze turned around and went upstairs with Luo Bixin.

  After knocking on the door.

  "Please come in."

  -->>This chapter is not over, click on the next page to continue reading

  A voice came from the room.

  Fang Ze pushed open the door and entered, a man in his fifties was sitting on the sofa drinking tea, looking quite relaxed.

  It is obviously more comfortable for the latter to work for others and to open a shop.

  The premise is that you can make money.

  The man got up and smiled, "Hello, what's the matter?"

  Fang Ze took out his documents and said, "Hello, Mr. Jiang, we are from the Criminal Police Force. I have something to ask you."

  After learning that the other party's identity was a policeman, Jiang Kang's smile subsided, and he said in surprise, "Officer, I didn't commit any law, did I?"

  "Oh of course not."

  Fang Ze hurriedly waved his hand and said, "It's just that there is a case involving your student, so come here to find out."

  "my student"

  Although Jiang Kang was strange, he did not take it lightly, and said politely, "Two police officers, please take a seat."

  "Okay, thank you."

  After a while, Jiang Kang put two cups of tea on the table and said, "Have some tea."

  "Thank you."

  Fang Ze reached out and touched the teacup, smiling and nodding.

  Jiang Kang sat on the side and said, "Which student is that?"

  Fang Ze said: "Diao Aixin."

  "Why is Diao Aixin so familiar?"

  Jiang Kang was stunned for a moment, frowned and thought for a while, then his face changed.

  "The case of Yangcheng University"

  Fang Ze nodded: "Yes."

  "My God, that's more than twenty years!"

  Fang Ze corrected: "Nineteen years."

  Jiang Kang sucked in a breath of cold air, and even couldn't help but fight a cold war.

  "I remember, I remember, the case of Yang Da's corpse dismemberment, it was amazing at the time, walking on the street and talking about it."

  "The murderer is a devil, but unfortunately I haven't caught it."

  "Your police have never given up their investigation."

  Fang Ze smiled and said, "Mr. Jiang, let's talk about business."

  Jiang Kang realized that he was talking too much, and apologized: "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, what's your name?"

  "My surname is Fang, this is my colleague."

  "Hello, Officer Fang, can I help?"

  Fang Ze had already prepared questions and said, "Diao Aixin is a repeater, do you know that?"

  Jiang Kang nodded: "I know, because of this case, I have always had a deep impression on Diao Aixin."

  "She is a transfer student and a repeater."

  "At that time, I took the continuous college entrance examination class, and I was the head teacher from the first year of high school."

  "I remember when the third year of high school started, Diao Aixin entered my class as a transfer student."

  Fang Ze said: "What impression does this student give you?"


  Jiang Kang raised his head and thought for a while, then said, "I work very hard and get good grades, but I don't like to talk, and I don't have any friends."

  "After all, it is a transfer student. The friendship in high school has formed a circle as early as the first year of high school."

  "It's hard for an introverted girl to fit in."

  Fang Ze nodded.

  This is normal.

  Fang Ze continued to ask, "Do you still remember her subject grades, which subject is the best?"

  This question made Jiang Kang think for a long time and said, "English is the best, and mathematics is also good."

  "Diao Aixin is still very suitable for science, and has strong logical ability."

  Fang Ze nodded slightly.

  The other party can choose a computer major, and it seems that the basic skills are still very solid.

  "Does she live on campus?"

  Jiang Kang shook his head: "No, day reading."

  "Day Reading!"

  Fang Ze's eyes narrowed

  Xiafeilu reminds you: three things to read, collect and push

Chapter 250 Major clues! 【4】

  "Do you know the location?"

  Fang Ze asked immediately.

  This is a major clue! If you can know where Diao Aixin lived at that time, it will be a qualitative breakthrough for the case.

  Maybe you can follow the clues and get more information about the murderer.

  To Fang Ze's disappointment, Du Kang shook his head and said, "I don't know."

  "As the head teacher, I generally only care about the students' learning."

  "In terms of life, I don't care much."

  "Besides, Diao Aixin is a girl from other places. I care too much and it will violate professional ethics."

  In the face of the police, Du Kang also used laws and regulations to speak.

  Fang Ze nodded and understood.

  The last item of teachers' professional ethics is to purify the relationship between teachers and students.

  This is the most important thing in middle school.

  But when it comes to university "one three, three"

  It relaxed a lot, and the teacher-student relationship was gradually accepted.

  However, if even Jiang Kang didn't know it, it would be very difficult to find out.

  It's almost impossible.

  It would have been better if this clue had been discovered nineteen years ago.

  Now that so long has passed, it is a bit illusory to want to check Diao Aixin's former residence.

  Abandoning this question, Fang Ze said, "Did anyone come to see Diao Aixin during school?"

  Jiang Kangdao: "Probably not."

  Seeing this, Fang Ze sighed slightly.

  "No, it seems like there was once"


  Fang Ze raised his head sharply and said, "Who was there once!"

  "You let me think about it."

  Fang Ze said: "Don't be in a hurry, don't be in a hurry, think about it slowly."

  This is a more important clue! It can even be said that this is the final clue that can lead directly to the truth of the case! At this moment, even Fang Ze, who is very mentally and highly qualified, has waves in his heart.

  Luo Bixin, who was on the side, didn't consciously become: nervous.

  She understood that as a transfer student from a rural area, Diao Aixin could not live off-campus in Yangcheng.

  School dormitories are the best option.

  It's cheap and close to the classroom.

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