This is basically the case for foreign students, whether in high school or college.

  Unless there is a very special reason, it is impossible.

  So what is this special reason? According to what Luo Bixin has learned so far, it is very likely that there is an acquaintance of Diao Aixin outside the school.

  And this acquaintance is most likely to be the so-called favorite person of the other party.

  Thinking of this if he could find this person, Luo Bixin was suddenly a little excited.

  Could it be that the case is about to be solved for the two of them, so they just waited quietly.

  Jiang Kang also seemed to sense that the atmosphere was not right and was a little nervous.

  He thought about it for five minutes.

  Suddenly, he turned his head and said, "I remember, Diao Xin was sick once, and someone came to see her."

  "What's the disease?"

  Jiang Kangdao: "I don't remember, except for a cold, it's just a small matter."

  Fang Ze's eyes flickered, and he said slowly, "Whoever comes to see him looks like a man or a woman"

  Jiang Kang smiled bitterly and said, "I'm sorry Officer Fang"

  This sentence made Fang Ze's heart skip a beat.

  Could it be that he forgot. "I only remember that it was a man. As for what it looks like, I really can't remember."

  "I was [-] or [-] meters away from him at that time, and after nearly [-] years, how can I still remember."

  Hearing this, Fang Ze took a deep breath.

  -->>This chapter is not over, click on the next page to continue reading

  There is a big clue, it just slips away in vain.

  But also understandable.

  Stop talking about a stranger.

  If you ask Jiang Kang to describe Diao Aixin's appearance now, he may not be able to recall it.

  Jiang Kang glanced at Fang Ze, then smiled embarrassingly: "Officer Fang, I'm sorry, I really forgot."

  He noticed that this person seemed to be very important to the case.

  "It's okay, it's understandable."

  Fang Ze opened his mouth with a smile.

  After the two sides were silent for a while, Fang Ze didn't give up and asked, "Can you tell me about the height and age of this person?"

  "Well, that's fine."

  Jiang Kang tried his best to recall and said, "It should be less than one meter eight, no less than one meter seventy-five."

  "In terms of age, it should be in your early twenties."

  "Right, just like you."

  Fang Ze nodded and said, "That means now, he should be in his early forties."

  "Well, that's right."

  Jiang Kang Road.

  "How much accuracy can the height be?"

  Jiang Kang smiled and said: "I can't be wrong, I still have confidence in the error of five centimeters. Who made me a math teacher?"

  "Oh, Mr. Jiang turned out to be a math teacher."

  If this is the case, then Jiang Kang's judgment is still relatively credible.

  All experienced math teachers are sensitive to numbers and units of length.

  Even if it is a visual test, the accuracy rate is not much lower.

  no more than five centimeters.

  Then a new clue is established.

  Diao Aixin definitely has acquaintances in Yangcheng.

  As for whether it's the one that Zheng Wendong said..., I'm not sure.

  Judging from the age, it should not be Diao Aixin's elder.

  Diao Aixin lives off-campus because of him? If so, the relationship between the two will not be that simple.

  Furthermore, Diao Aixin had such a big incident, and there was no such person in the confession file.

  This is a very strange thing and a huge doubt.

  This person must be found! These thoughts continued in Fang Ze's mind for a second, and Jiang Kang's voice sounded.

  "Yeah, I'm a math teacher, I just got tired of teaching day after day, so I quit."

  Jiang Kang opened his mouth with a smile.

  It's not something to be ashamed of.

  After all, everyone has aspirations.

  "So it is."

  Fang Ze nodded and said, "Mr. Jiang, if you can see the picture of that person again, can you still recognize it?"

  Jiang Kangdao: "Of course you can."


  "Although I can't remember what he looks like, if I see the photo, I can still relate it."

  Fang Ze smiled: "That's good."

  After chatting a few more times, the two got up and said goodbye.

  Inside the car.

  Luo Bixin couldn't help it and asked directly, "Is this guy a murderer?"

  Fang Ze was surprised: "Why do you say that?"

  Although this is a major clue, it is not a murderer, so it goes a bit far.

  Luo Bixin said solemnly: "Because he appeared suddenly."

  "At that time, the Yangcheng police didn't find this person at all, what does it mean?"

  "It means that he deliberately avoided!"

  "Is there no problem"

  : Don't vote for me anymore, I have to ask.

  Ask for an evaluation ticket! To see the underlined version of the novel, please download Fei Lu's novel

Chapter 251 Computer is not a medium [1]

  Fang Ze did not answer directly to Luo Bixin's seemingly reasonable doubts, but instead asked: "Didn't Zheng Wendong also deny that he knew Diao Aixin?"

  "And he also appeared out of nowhere."

  "The Yangcheng police at the time didn't even know the existence of this person."


  Luo Bixin's tone suffocated and said: "Zheng Wendong is afraid of getting into trouble, it's human nature."

  Fang Ze said: "Since it is human nature, then everyone will have this kind of mentality."

  "Such a serious murder case, according to ordinary people's thinking, as long as they are not close relatives with excellent relations, everyone else can hide if they can."

  "From this point of view, we cannot identify this person as the murderer."

  "Of course, there are still suspicions, and what should be investigated is still to be investigated."

  "The whereabouts of this person is what we will focus on investigating next."

  Luo Bixin thought for a while, then nodded.

  Not really.

  It is indeed a bit aggressive and somewhat irresponsible to assume that the other party is the murderer.

  However, the fact that two 31-related persons can be found in a short period of time is considered a major progress in the case.

  It also shows that the investigation of the Yangcheng police at that time was not particularly in place.

  Strictly speaking, misdirection.

  Fang Ze started the investigation from the source, hoping to get the final truth of death.

  The investigation team nineteen years ago started the investigation from the death, hoping to find the source of the case.

  Different directions are likely to produce different results.

  One advantage of Fang Ze's move is that it can minimize the vigilance of the murderer.

  If the murderer has been around the death scene all the time, as long as the murderer is smart enough, he can respond in a short time and even interfere with the police investigation.

  For now, this is the most efficient way.

  The downside is that it is very difficult.

  Luckily it was Fang Ze.

  If you change to someone else, I am afraid you will be stuck in a bottleneck at the beginning.

  Starting the car, Luo Bixin turned his head and said, "I should have checked everything that should be checked, what should I do next?"

  Diao Aixin's life is an academic line.

  The focus is on high school and college.

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