Now this line, all the details have basically been checked out, and at the end, it is difficult to have any more... new harvests.

  If you continue to investigate, where do you start: Fang Ze seems to be thinking about this question too, but didn't answer it right away.

  Luo Bixin then asked: "Didn't you say there are two dots yesterday?"

  "The first point is Yangcheng Yigao"

  "What about the second point?"

  Fang Ze's thinking at the moment is in a very active state.

  All the clues turned into one point after another in his mind.

  These dots spread out, turned into several lines, and intersected each other. "You drive to the city bureau first, and let me think about it on the way."

  "Go to the city bureau."

  Luo Bixin nodded.

  Although she didn't know why she went to the city, she didn't ask much.

  Take out your phone and tap Navigation.

  She is still very unfamiliar with Yangcheng.

  Right now Ze has no time to guide the way, so let's use navigation, it's very convenient anyway.

  "Navigation Start"

  The mechanical female voice sounded, Luo Bixin stepped on the accelerator, and the car drove very fast.

  On the way, Fang Ze's thinking never stopped.

  He subconsciously opened the car window and lit a cigarette.

  Ten minutes later, Fang Ze suddenly opened his mouth and said, "It's still that question. The acquaintance between people requires a medium."

  Luo Bixin listened intently.

  "Zheng Wendong and Diao Aixin are because of music."

  -->>This chapter is not over, click on the next page to continue reading

  "Jiang Kang and Diao Aixin are because of their studies."

  "We and Diao Aixin are because of the case."

  "Then why is this mysterious man?"

  Luo Bixin said, "Computer, you didn't say it."


  Fang Ze shook his finger: "The computer is not a medium."

  "what do you mean"

  Luo Bixin said strangely.

  Fang Ze said: "The question of succession."


  "That's right."

  Fang Ze nodded, "Since we have known each other even earlier in high school, then the two of us should know each other first, and then have computer communication."

  "That is, they were not recognized by the computer."

  "It's because after getting to know each other, I found the common topic of computers."

  Although it was a bit lenient, Luo Bixin understood.

  If this is the case, then why did Diao Aixin and this person meet? Judging from the traces of hobby and Diao Aixin, Zheng Wendong has been found.

  If the computer can't be regarded as a medium, how can I find a subconscious look at Fang Ze, Luo Bixin found the corner of the other's mouth with a smile.

  She froze for a moment and said, "Did you think of it long ago?"

  Fang Ze let out a breath of smoke and nodded, "Yes."

  "Then don't tell me soon!"

  Luo Bixin glared at Fang Ze and continued driving.

  Fang Ze chuckled: "Look back, how did everyone you know know each other before."

  Luo Bixin was silent for a while, and said, "It's nothing more than relatives and friends."

  "I don't need to say relatives. Friends are usually classmates, or classmates of classmates."

  "There are still colleagues at work, the others are gone."

  Fang Ze said: "Classmates and colleagues are the main channels of acquaintance between people, and what else?"

  "and also"

  "Is there any more"

  Luo Bixin thought for a while, and said, "There are people in the same community, eh?"

  Speaking of which, Luo Bixin's eyes narrowed slightly: "compatriots"

  Ze Dan smiled: "Let's go to Tianhua City today."

  Luo Bixin took a light breath and nodded slowly.

  She understood what Fang Ze said about the real medium.

  Tianhua is Diao Aixin's hometown! Half an hour later, the car stopped in the parking lot of Yangcheng Bureau.

  Fang Ze opened the car door and said, "Wait for me for a while."

  "what are you doing"

  "We'll talk about it later."

  Fang Ze trotted into the city bureau hall.

  Luo Bixin was waiting in the car.

  Half an hour later, Fang Ze walked out of the gate.

  After getting in the car, Fang Ze had another document in his hand.

  Luo Bixin glanced at it and said, "Oh, the letter of assistance."

  She forgot about it.

  Tianhua is neither Yangcheng nor Penghai.

  If the police from other cities go to investigate the case, it will be much more convenient if there is a letter of assistance.

  "Letter of Assistance from the Provincial Office"

  Luo Bixin saw the head of the document.

  It is not the Yangcheng Bureau that raises its head, but the Suhai Provincial Department.


  Fang Ze nodded, "The provincial and departmental documents are more powerful. What we want now is speed."

  "The discussion on the Internet has not stopped, and I am worried that the murderer will be prepared."

  Luo Bixin said: "It's not so."

  "Just in case, let's go."

  "where to go"


  Feilu reminds you: three things to read, collect and push

Chapter 252 Case-handling funds from the Municipal Bureau [2]

  It takes more than ten hours to drive from Yangcheng to Tianhua.

  This distance is better than flying.

  Fang Ze had already checked just now that a plane will take off in an hour.

  Tickets are already booked.

  On the way, Luo Bixin said, "We are going to the village of Diao Aixin's hometown"

  Fang Ze said: "No, go to the local police station."

  "It has been nearly [-] years since the incident, and Diao Aixin's relatives have long since walked out of their grief."

  "It's better not to disturb them if you don't know how to solve the case."

  "There are many ways to investigate the case, and there is no need to remind them of this incident."

  Luo Bixin nodded slightly.

  From a humanitarian perspective, Fang Ze's approach is correct.

  According to the current investigation progress, in fact, asking Diao Aixin's family is the most direct way, and it is more likely to get clues.

  Fang Ze chose to give up.

  Not for anything else, but for the elderly in Diao Aixin's family, no longer being stimulated.

  At the same time, it can be seen that Fang Ze has self-confidence. Even if he doesn't ask Diao Aixin's family, he can find the results he wants in other ways.

  Thinking of this, Luo Bixin smiled.

  She found that Fang Ze's charm became more and more dazzling.

  There is even a feeling of incompetence.

  At this moment, the text message bell rang.

  It's Fang Ze's.

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