He glanced at his mobile phone subconsciously, and the text message showed that the bank card was [-] yuan, and the transfer came from Yangcheng Bureau.

  Fang Ze was surprised.

  "What's wrong"

  Luo Bixin asked.

  Fang Ze said: "The bureau transferred [-] yuan to me."


  Without hesitation, Fang Ze called Xu Liangjiang directly.

  "Hey Lao Xu, what's the matter with fifty thousand yuan?"

  Xu Liangjiang: "Investigation funds, all the necessities of life during the investigation process,,,, expenses, are covered by the bureau."

  Hearing this, Fang Ze said strangely: "I have an invoice, so I'll reimburse it together at that time."

  Xu Liangjiang: "I don't know you yet. I often don't bother to issue invoices."

  "And some places can't open."

  "Use it first, and tell me if it's not enough. If you can't use it, return it."

  Fang Ze was not hypocritical, and said: "Well, then I will submit the consumption report in detail."

  Xu Liangjiang: "Okay, are you on your way? Are you free now?"

  Fang Ze: "I'm on my way to the airport, I'm free, what's the matter?"

  Xu Liangjiang: "It's nothing to talk about, how far has the case been investigated?"

  Fang Ze: "Diao Aixin should have a boyfriend, but the task force didn't check it.

  "I'm going to Tianhua City now to see if I can find this person."


  Xu Liangjiang said, "The deceased had a boyfriend!"

  He has seen the dossier, Diao Aixin is obviously single

  Fang Ze: "The possibility is more than [-]%. If there is no accident, it is true."

  Xu Liangjiang was silent for a while, and said, "You had this suspicion when you took over, or you just found out recently."

  Fang Ze: "I just found it recently."

  Xu Liangjiang stunned: "So fast!"

  Since the end of the counterfeit banknote case, isn't this the second day? Fang Ze smiled and said, "It's still very easy to check, but the reasoning process is relatively simple.

  -->>This chapter is not over, click on the next page to continue reading


  After coming to Penghai, he solved a lot of cases, including the mummification case.

  Relying on the bonus of the system made his thinking much clearer.

  Points that I hadn't figured out before are also exposed one by one in my mind

  Xu Liangjiang: "Could this person be the murderer?"

  Fang Ze: "It's hard to say."

  Xu Liangjiang: "To be honest! I don't know you yet!"

  Fang Ze was silent for a while, and said, "It's unlikely."

  "The reason I looked for him was not because he was the murderer, but because I wanted to get more clues from him."

  "From Diao Aixin high school to university, the only person who is close to her is probably this person."

  "At the same time, he should also be the person who knows Diao Aixin best."

  Xu Liangjiang: "Well, if he is really Diao Aixin's boyfriend, there is no doubt about that."

  The understanding of parents and relatives, more stay below junior high school.

  When a person is an adult, especially when he goes to college.

  Communication with parents is also less and less.

  Emotional catharsis, mostly for peers.

  Fang Ze's investigation direction is still very clear.

  "That's fine, this case has been deposited for too long, and it's not so easy to investigate."


  If you end up in a dead end, withdraw."

  Fang Ze: "Okay, I see."

  After hanging up the phone, Luo Bixin said, "Is it public money for investigation?"

  Fang Ze nodded: "Yes."

  Luo Bixin smiled and said: "Xu Bureau takes good care of you, there was no funding before, there is a precedent."

  "But Bureau Xu doesn't seem to believe you very much."

  The car was very quiet, so Luo Bixin could generally hear what Xu Liangjiang was saying.

  Fang Ze said: "Lao Xu is very aware of the difficulty of the corpse dismemberment case. In fact, he has no hope."

  "I guess it's more about wanting me to exercise."

  "Also, let me hit the wall once and restrain myself."

  "It's for my own good too."

  Luo Bixin laughed out loud: "Are you usually arrogant?"

  Fang Ze spread his hands: "No, I am a very humble person."

  "Lao Xu and the others are like this."

  "The older generation always doesn't want us young people to have smooth sailing."

  Nuo? There is a saying that goes well: only through setbacks can you grow."

  At this moment, Fang Ze felt a little helpless in his heart.

  Others need to experience setbacks.

  But what he needs is success.

  Only if you succeed, you can get more rewards from the system.

  This is his own growth.

  Luo Bixin said: "How can I listen to you, it seems that Bureau Xu doesn't want you to solve the case."

  Fang Ze said with a smile: "The words are not rough, as long as you understand what I mean."

  "Ha ha."

  Luo Bixin increased the throttle.

  "If the case is solved, I really want to see Ju Xu's expression, I can imagine nephew."

  Fang Ze glanced at Luo Bixin and said, "It's boring."

  "Ha ha"

  While chatting, the car quickly arrived at the airport.

  There are still twenty minutes before boarding time.

  This trip to Tianhua, I don't know if I can gain anything

  To see the underlined version of the novel, please download Fei Lu's novel

Chapter 253 The call of the provincial government caused by a trivial incident [3]

  after an hour.

  The plane originating from Yangcheng landed in Tianhua.

  After Fang Ze and Luo Bixin got off the plane, they took a bus to their destination without stopping.

  The village where Diao Aixin lives is called Hequan Village.

  Hequan Village is administratively subordinate to Shiqing Town.

  This is also the destination of Fang Ze's trip.

  It takes two hours from the airport to Shiqing Town.

  On the way, the two did not chat and closed their eyes to rest.

  The next investigation is likely to be a turning point in the case.

  Even Fang Ze must recharge his batteries and deal with it with all his strength.

  The silent journey soon ended.

  "The town police station has arrived."

  The driver's voice sounded.

  Fang Ze slowly opened his eyes and got out of the car with Luo Bixin.

  Glancing at the police station in front, the two stepped forward.

  "What's up"

  In the hall, the reception policeman raised his eyelids and said.

  In his hand, he is holding a mobile phone and is swiping video.

  Seeing the other party's ignorance, Luo Bixin frowned.

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