Now the working attitude of some police officers in the lower-level police station really needs to be improved.

  Fang Ze stared at him for a while, but 820 said nothing.

  The police waited for a long time without moving, then raised their heads and raised the volume: "What's the matter?"


  "Report what"

  Fang Ze pointed at him and said, "Raise the alarm number 008, the attitude is not positive, and I play with my mobile phone at work."

  In fact, playing with mobile phones is not a big problem, after all, there is not work all the time.

  It's okay to have fun for a while in your spare time.

  But someone came in, and the attitude must be correct.

  This is the point.

  Hearing this, the policeman frowned, looked down at the siren on his chest, and said, "You're so lenient!"

  "Don't be fooling around here, go away!"

  Fang Ze's eyes narrowed slightly, and he said, "Call your Director Qi out and find him if you have anything."

  As soon as these words came out, this... policeman got a little impatient, got up and said: "I said two, it's okay to be idle, right?"

  Fang Ze and him looked at each other for a few seconds, then stretched out his hand to take out his certificate and put it on the table.

  At the same time, he turned his head and said, "Refill, check the phone number of the director of Tianhua City Bureau."

  "it is good."

  Luo Bixin nodded and took out his phone.

  Hearing the words of the director of the city bureau, the policeman's eyes narrowed, and he quickly picked up the certificate on the table and opened it.

  Immediately, his expression changed.

  "Square Team"

  "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, you wait, you wait"

  After speaking, he immediately picked up the landline and coded.

  "Hey, Captain Fang of the Yangcheng Criminal Police Team of Qisuo is looking for you."

  "You better come over here,"

  After hanging up the phone, the policeman looked up at Fang Ze and said in a panic, "Fang team, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I don't know your identity."

  He would never have imagined that the young man in front of him was actually the captain of the city bureau's criminal police.

  How can there be such a young captain? Fang Ze said lightly: "You mean, if you are an ordinary person, you are doing the right thing."

  "no no no"

  The police hurriedly waved his hand and said, "Today is my work mistake, please bear with me, bear with me"

  Soon, a middle-aged man came to the hall.

  He glanced at the man who was constantly admitting his mistakes, and then set his eyes on Fang Ze.

  -->>This chapter is not over, click on the next page to continue reading

  "Is that the Captain Fang of Yangcheng?"

  Fang Ze turned his head: "Yes."

  "Hello, hello, I'm the director of Shiqing Town Police Station, Qi Wei."

  Saying that, Qi Wei smiled and stretched out his hand.

  After shaking hands with the other party, Fang Ze said: "Qi Suo, the policeman under your command seems to have a problem with their work attitude."

  Qi Wei naturally understood what Fang Ze meant.

  It is estimated that he received the police and had some verbal conflicts with Fang Ze.

  Qi Wei immediately said: "I'm sorry Fang team, I will take it seriously, or go to my office and say it"

  Fang Ze took a deep look at Qi Wei.

  Yangcheng and Tianhua are not the same province, they belong to different departments.

  According to administrative regulations, no matter how long Fang Ze's hand is, he can't reach it here.

  So for Qi Wei, it's okay to apologize for such a trivial matter, it's harmless.

  Fang Ze didn't move, and said in a calm voice, "Deal with it now."


  Qi Wei was stunned for a moment, and his brows were slightly wrinkled.

  This is a trivial matter in the first place, is it necessary to be so serious? To put it a bit harshly, when you come, you should need the help of the police station.

  Even if it is the captain of the criminal police, it seems that it is not your turn to take care of the Tianhua police.

  Of course, Qi Wei would not say such words.

  "Fang team, you"

  At this moment, Luo Bixin said, "The director of the city bureau's phone number has been checked, here it is."

  Saying that, she handed the phone to Fang Ze.

  Hearing this, Qi Wei's face changed slightly, and he said, "Fang team, there is no need to be on the line like this."

  Luo Bixin frowned and looked at Qi Wei.

  It is no wonder that the police in the station have a negative attitude, mainly because the director is not strict.

  And Fang Ze seemed a little unhappy.

  Fang Ze glanced at Luo Bixin's mobile phone and seemed to say to himself, "I am from the Yangcheng Criminal Police Team, and I have no authority over the police station under the Tianhua Municipal Bureau."

  "Calling him should be of no use."

  "Since Director Qi thinks this is a trivial matter, let's hear what the provincial department has to say."

  As soon as these words came out, Qi Wei's face suddenly changed.

  The other side of the provincial agency knew someone from the provincial agency. A policeman in a town made a small mistake that was enough to criticize, and actually wanted to stab the provincial agency. Luo Bixin glanced at Fang Ze and took back his phone.

  She knew that if Fang Ze got angry, he wouldn't care about it.

  "Who is the director of the Guangtong Provincial Department?"


  Fang Ze took out his mobile phone and found Liang Yongzhou's phone number.

  It wasn't that he had nothing to do to embarrass Qi Wei, but the attitude of the other party made him very unhappy.

  Today, he had to let the other party have a long memory.

  On the other side, the policeman turned pale with fright after hearing the word "province".

  He wouldn't think the other party was bluffing.

  Without definite facts, it is impossible to say such a thing, and it is easy to be exposed.

  Qi Wei stared blankly at Fang Ze, slandering in his heart: A real or fake criminal police captain, would he have friendship with the provincial director?

  Immediately, Qi Wei hurriedly said: "Fang team"

  "Hey Liang Hall."

  At this point, the phone was already connected.

  "Fang Ze"

  "Why did you suddenly remember to call me?"

  Liang Yongzhou, who was far away from the Yangcheng Provincial Office, put down the pen in his hand and smiled.

  Feilu reminds you: three things to read, collect and push

Chapter 254 Qi Wei calls Liang Yongzhou [1]

  Liang Yongzhou was a little surprised when he suddenly received a call from Fang Ze.

  In my impression, after the last conference held by the provincial government, he had never communicated with Fang Ze.

  Fang Ze said with a smile: "Liang Ting, I am in Tianhua."

  Liang Yongzhou: "How did Tianhua go there?"

  Fang Ze: "The hometown of the deceased is Tianhua."

  Liang Yongzhou: "Oh yes, why, do you need help when you encounter any difficulties?"

  He knew that if Fang Ze could call him, something must have happened.

  Fang Ze glanced at Qi Wei and said, "I encountered something that made me very angry."

  "The police at Shiqing Town Police Station have a bad attitude and are not serious about their work. I want to report it to the Guangtong Provincial Department."

  On the other side of the phone, Liang Yongzhou was stunned for a moment.

  From what he knew about Fang Ze, the other side should be too lazy to take care of such trivial matters.

  Why is it so serious today that it has to be reported to the provincial government for two seconds, Liang Yongzhou guessed something.

  It is estimated that the leader of the police station provoked this kid.

  Sometimes, Fang Ze is more willful.

  Age is there after all.

  The ability is more than enough, but the stability is not enough.

  At the moment, Liang Yongzhou laughed: "Are you sure?"

  Fang Ze: "OK."

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