Luo Bixin picked up the document again and said, "Why is it based?"

  Fang Zedao: "Household registration, age, education, location, etc."

  "He's the best fit."

  "If it's not him, then the investigation is going in the wrong direction."

  Luo Bixin looked at the information in his hand and said, "But when this person got married, Diao Aixin was only eleven years old, so her boyfriend wouldn't know?"

  Fang Ze swallowed the bread and said, "These don't explain the problem, we'll know when we go back to Yangcheng and ask."

  "it is good."

  Luo Bixin nodded.

  Fang Ze said: "Call Qi Suo and tell him we are leaving."


  Luo Bixin picked up the phone and notified Qi Wei.

  Soon, Qi Wei pushed open the door of the office.

  Seeing Fang Ze's haggard face, Qi Wei felt more and more admiration in his heart.

  "Fang team, how did the investigation yield anything?"

  Fang Ze got up and said with a smile: "It's hard to say, I need to go back and screen again."

  "Thank you Qi Suo for these two days."

  Qi Wei waved his hand: "Where and where, it's my honor to be able to help."

  Fang Ze said: "Then let's go first."

  "I'll send you."

  "Stay here."

  After leaving the police station, Fang Ze and Luo Bixin directly boarded the bus to the airport.

  Two hours later, the two sat in the waiting room.

  There are still more than three hours before the plane takes off.

  Fang Ze took out his mobile phone and called Wu Fei

  "Hey Boss"

  Wu Fei's voice rang on the phone

  Fang Ze: "Are you busy?"

  Wu Fei: "Not busy, you say."

  Fang Ze: "I'll give you a task."

  On the other side of the phone, Wu Fei quickly took out a pen and paper.

  "Gong Jun, the ID number is 3"

  "Enable the highest privilege, I want this person's details."

  "Including the major he studied in secondary school, the time he first appeared in Yangcheng, and the records of opening a house, buying a car, buying a house, etc."

  "Current job, working hours, working place"

  "Home address"

  "Also, her wife's details, education, major, job, etc."

  "As long as the system has records, call them all and send them to me."

  After listening to Fang Ze's words, Wu Fei said in surprise, "Who is this guy so detailed?"

  Fang Ze: "Don't ask so much, just check it out, I'll give you five hours."

  Wu Fei: "Don't worry, no problem."

  The phone hangs up.

  Luo Bixin looked at Fang Ze and said, "Why do I think you take him

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  The murderer has been investigated"

  "Did you think of something?"

  Fang Ze took a light breath and said, "Refill, do you still remember the psychological portrait I said before?"

  "Well, remember."

  Luo Bixin nodded and said, "Didn't you say that the accuracy rate is [-]% to [-]%%%%, and it can't be used as a basis for investigation?"

  Fang Ze looked at Luo Bixin and said softly, "It's over [-]% now."


  Luo Bixin was shocked.

  More than [-]%% of the murderers profile! "Quick! Tell me about it!"

  Luo Bixin raised a strong curiosity.

  That is the psychological portrait of Yang Da's corpse dismemberment case! Luo Bixin, can't wait to know.

  Fang Ze pondered for a while and said, "Not yet, I need to wait for Wu Fei's investigation results."

  "Isn't it more than [-]%?"

  Luo Bixin said strangely.

  Fang Ze said slowly: "When I see the results of the investigation, this probability may reach [-]%, or maybe"

  "It will drop to zero instantly."

  Luo Bixin was silent.

  "That is to say, the support point of all inferences lies in Gong Jun."


  Fang Ze nodded.

  Luo Bixin said: "Okay, five hours, not long."

  Before I knew it, it was time to take off.

  The two got on the plane.

  Ten p.m.

  Yangcheng, here we come.

  The car was in the parking lot, Fang Ze and Luo Bixin didn't stop, got in the car and galloped away.

  On the way, Fang Ze sent Wu Fei a WeChat message: First give me what I found so far.

  Ten minutes later, a document came through.

  Fang Ze opened it.

  The first page is Gong Jun's basic information, including the address.

  Fang Ze said, "Go to Yong'an Community."

  "it is good."

  Luo Bixin nodded and turned on the mobile phone navigation while waiting for the red light at the intersection.

  Not far, less than an hour.

  On the way, Fang Ze slowly swiped the screen of his mobile phone and carefully looked at Gong Jun's resume information.

  Several times, Fang Ze's eyes fluctuated briefly.

  It seems to have found something useful.

  Soon the car stopped.

  On the right is the Yongan Community of Yangcheng.

  Although the name is inconspicuous, it is a high-end community.

  The market price is estimated to be more than [-] per square meter.

  The two got out of the car.

  Standing at the gate of the community, Fang Ze's cell phone rang.

  It was the last document sent by Wu Fei.

  Fang Ze stood on the spot and opened it directly. After reading it quickly, his eyes froze immediately.

  Afterwards, he directly returned to Wu Fei what he had earned in the past: the suspect was locked, and everyone from the criminal police team was called back to the station, ready to act at any time! Luo Bixin didn't know what Fang Ze was doing, and said, "What's the matter?"

  On the other side, Wu Fei, who received Fang Ze's WeChat, shook his hand and almost threw his phone out.

  He was stunned for a long time, and his mind did not turn around for a while.

  Thinking of Xu Liangjiang's explanation in the afternoon, he quickly dialed the other party's number.

  At this time, Xu Liangjiang was watching TV at home.

  During the day, he told Wu Fei that if there was any new news, let him know at any time.

  Seeing the call from Wu Fei at this moment, Xu Liangjiang picked it up suspiciously.

  "Xiao Wu, what's wrong?"

  "Is Fang Ze back? Is there any progress in Tianhua?"

  No waiting: Wu Fei spoke, Xu Liangjiang kept asking questions, and picked up the cup.

  Wu Fei: "Xu Bureau! The team said that all the criminal policemen will come back and wait for the order, and the suspect is locked!"

  Hearing this, Xu Liangjiang was stunned for a while, and then spit out a sip of tea! Fei Lu reminds you: three things to read, collect, push

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