Chapter 258 Who are you sending WeChat to? 【1】

  "What did you say!"

  "Suspect locked!"

  "Did Fang Ze say it himself, where is he arresting people now?"

  Xu Liangjiang stood up directly from the sofa and asked loudly.

  Wu Fei: "The WeChat message he sent to me is probably already downstairs of the suspect."

  "who is it"

  Wu Fei said: "It should be a middle-aged man named Gong Jun."

  "Four hours ago, the captain asked me to investigate the details of this person."

  "As soon as I sent him the information, he said the suspect was locked."

  Xu Liangjiang was silent for a while, then said, "Do as Fang Ze said, and call someone!"

  Wu Fei said: "I'm about to notify, let me tell you first."

  "Then I'll hang up first."


  After hanging up the phone, Xu Liangjiang sat back on the sofa again with a very bright expression on his face.

  The ups and downs seem to be a bit big.

  Fang Ze just took the letter of assistance from him yesterday, so why did he target the suspect today? Originally, he just thought that even if it was Fang Ze, it would take at least a few months to find any clues.

  As for solving the case, it's a little too far.

  It's only been a few days, not to mention the clues, even the suspect has found Xu Liangjiang, who has gone through the 493 winds. At this moment, it feels a bit illusory.

  He probably won't be able to sleep tonight.

  "If the case is solved, wouldn't Fang Ze leave the city bureau?"

  Xu Liangjiang's heart is a little tangled

  Yongan District.

  Fang Ze put away his phone and looked up at the building in front of him.

  After a while, Fang Ze retracted his gaze and said, "Refill, do you have a gun?"

  This sentence made Luo Bixin's eyes narrow.

  A few words can explain many things.

  She nodded and said, "Wait for me for a while."

  After speaking, Luo Bixin turned around and returned to the car, took out the gun and pinned it to his waist.

  Back at Fang Ze's side, she said, "Is the murderer in this community?"

  Fang Ze: "I don't know yet, come with me."

  After speaking, Fang Ze strode forward.

  Luo Bixin followed.

  "Sorry, please show your community ID."

  At the door, the security guard glanced at the two of them, a little unfamiliar.

  In a high-end community like this, the property has done a good job in terms of security.

  Foreigners are basically required to register.

  If you are looking for someone, you need to confirm with the resident.

  Fang Ze looked at Luo Refill.

  Luo Bixin understood, took out the certificate and said, "From the criminal police team, don't make any noise."

  Seeing the big police badge on the document, the security guard's face changed.

  He quickly got out of the way: "Please come in."

  "Thank you."

  Luo Bixin put away the documents and went to the area of ​​Fang Ze.

  Gong Jun lives at 2, Unit [-], Building [-].

  This is a mansion.

  After a few minutes, the two stood at the door.

  From the downstairs you can see the windows and the lights are on.

  Indicate that someone is at home.

  The doorbell rang.

  Soon, footsteps sounded from far to near.

  "Who is it!"

  Listening to the voice, it was a middle-aged man, but his tone was a bit wrong.

  Seems to be emotional.

  Fang Ze and Luo Bixin looked at each other, the former said, "Hello, from the Yangcheng Criminal Police Team."

  He stated his identity directly.

  If there is no problem with the other party, the door will be opened naturally.

  Even if there is a problem, it is impossible to keep them out, it is a guilty conscience.

  -->>This chapter is not over, click on the next page to continue reading

  There was silence for a while, and the door opened.

  After seeing the man in front of them, the two were stunned.

  They were surprised by the man's appearance.

  Even if he is over [-] years old, he still cannot hide the beauty of the other party.

  Steady and sexy beard, but more attractive.

  I don't know how many girls were young when I was young.

  "Hello, is this Mr. Gong Jun Gong?"

  Fang Ze smiled.

  Gong Jun nodded and said, "It's me, are the two officers okay?"

  Fang Ze got straight to the point: "There is a case that needs your cooperation in the investigation, do you have time?"

  Gong Jun hesitated for a moment, then turned sideways: "Yes, come in."

  "excuse me."

  The two stepped in.

  The room is very large, roughly estimated to be about [-] square meters:.

  Because it is an old house with only six floors, there is no elevator, so there is no public pool.

  The decoration is Chinese nostalgic style.

  The solid wood furniture in the house exudes a rustic atmosphere.

  The three of them sat on the sofa, the tea was hot, and Gong Jun poured a cup of tea for Fang Ze and the two.

  Fang Ze smiled and said, "Mr. Gong, isn't your wife at home?"

  Referring to this matter, Gong Jun sighed and said, "Just after the fight, I ran out by myself."

  "Oh, so it is."

  Fang Ze nodded.

  No wonder Gong Jun's tone just now was not quite right.

  Gong Jun looked at Fang Ze and said, "Your surname"

  "No need for your surname Fang."

  "Officer Fang, what did you mean when you said that there is a case that requires my cooperation in the investigation?"

  Fang Ze paused and said, "Mr. Gong, you should know Diao Aixin."

  Hearing the words of Diao Aixin, Gong Jun's pupils shrank.

  But on the face, nothing changed.

  He took a sip from the teacup, nodded and said, "I know, that was more than [-] years ago."

  Luo Bixin glanced at Gong Jun.

  The other party was quite calm.

  Of course, he has no reason to deny it.

  Originally, I was a fellow countryman, and it is impossible to say that I don’t know each other.

  Just ask anyone from Hequan Village, you can debunk the lie, there is no need

  "How is the relationship"

  Fang Ze continued to ask.

  Gong Jun said: "It's just a fellow countryman, I just know each other."

  Fang Ze raised his brows: "Are you sure?"

  Gong Jun was surprised: "Of course, does Officer Fang have any doubts?"

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