You can tell this kind of thing, you can't lie.

  She was about to say something when Fang Ze stopped him and said, "Has your wife suffered from neurasthenia?"

  Gong Jun's face trembled and said, "It's about work."

  "Oh, the work aspect"

  "That's not right"

  Gong Jun turned his head: "What does Officer Fang mean?"

  Fang Ze said: "Your wife's information has been checked in detail. Her work doesn't seem to be stressful."

  "Besides, you are so rich, where does the pressure come from?"

  "Did she kill someone?"

  Gong Jun's face finally changed drastically.

  "Officer Fang! Please be careful!"

  Luo Bixin also turned his head in astonishment.

  The murderer was not Gong Jun. Fang Ze smiled and looked at Luo Bixin: "Use his mobile phone to send a WeChat message to Kong Jingru and tell her that the police are gone and you can go home."

  "it is good."

  Luo Bixin nodded.

  Seeing the movement of Luo's refill, Gong Jun's breathing was a little stagnant at this moment.

  Fang Ze said slowly, "Senior veterinarian, your wife does a good job."

  "Just a scalpel, in the wrong place."

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  Feilu reminds you: three things to read, collect and push

Chapter 260 The whole city is under martial law! 【3】

  Gong Jun's face turned pale.

  He subconsciously reached out and picked up the cigarette case on the coffee table.

  The right hand trembled a little at this time.

  You can imagine what kind of stormy waves he is going through in his heart at this moment.

  He took out a cigarette, put it in his mouth, and turned on the lighter for a long time, but it didn't ignite.

  Fang Ze looked at him and said, "Mr. Gong, cherish this last pack of cigarettes."

  "How long do you think you can be sentenced for the crime of covering up?"

  Hearing this, Gong Jun's right hand shook violently, and the lighter almost didn't fall off.

  Luo Bixin touched the pistol around her waist, and as long as the other party moved, she would immediately respond.

  The atmosphere, for a time, became silent.

  Now that everything has been said, there is no point in continuing to ask.

  If Gong Jun doesn't want to say anything, it's useless to ask.

  Fang Ze turned his head and said, "Did she reply?"

  Luo "May [-]"

  The refill glanced at the phone and said, "No."


  Fang Ze's eyes flickered.

  In this situation, the WeChat communication between their husband and wife should be answered in seconds.

  Why didn't he reply for so long. Looking at Gong Jun, Fang Ze said, "Where has Kong Jingru gone?"

  Gong Jun finally lit the cigarette, shook his head and said, "She ran away in a fit of anger, I don't know."

  "Who did Diao Aixin's death?"

  Gong Jun remained silent.

  As long as Diao Aixin is mentioned, now he will basically choose to keep his mouth shut.

  Both sides are at a stalemate.

  Half an hour later, Kong Jingru still did not come back, nor did he reply to the message.

  Fang Ze's eyes became sharper.

  This woman is quite smart.

  I don't know where to find something wrong.

  At this moment, there was a sudden knock on the door.

  Luo Bixin's eyes narrowed, and he looked at Fang Ze subconsciously.

  I'm back! And Gong Jun's heart is also tight.

  Fang Ze said: "It's not her, it should be Wu Fei who arrived and opened the door."

  "it is good."

  Luo Bixin got up, and after opening the door, it was Wu Fei.

  Wu Fei glanced at Luo Bixin suspiciously, and said, "Where is my captain?"

  "team leader!"

  "What are you shouting! It's in there!"

  Fang Ze said.

  Hearing the sound, Wu Fei hurriedly walked in around Luo Bixin.

  Behind him, Tang Hui followed.

  "Captain, everyone has arrived, and they are still investigating."

  "But it's night now, and the surveillance probably won't be able to see clearly."

  Fang Ze nodded and said, "Let the rest of the team come over and conduct a carpet search of this house, so that not a single hair falls."


  Wu Fei took the lead, and then went out to make arrangements.

  "Tang Hui, stay here and watch him."


  Tang Hui nodded and sat next to Gong Jun. Gong Jun looked at Fang Ze who slowly got up in surprise, and said, "You are the captain of the criminal police in Yangcheng."

  So young "how, not like"

  Fang Ze glanced at Gong Jun, took out his mobile phone and made a call

  "Hey Lao Xu."

  Xu Liangjiang: "Fang Ze, have you been caught?"

  He was the first to ask

  Fang Ze was suspicious: "How do you know I'm arresting people?"

  Xu Liangjiang: "Oh, why do you talk so much, Xiao Wu told me, what about people!"

  Fang Ze: "Should run away."

  -->>This chapter is not over, click on the next page to continue reading

  Xu Liangjiang: "How can you run away? He knows you're going to arrest someone"

  Fang Ze: "No, it's because of a coincidence that something unexpected happened."

  There was silence over the phone for a while, then Xu Liangjiang said, "Then why are you calling?"

  Fang Ze: "Let me tell you, it is estimated that the city will be raided tomorrow, so I have a mental preparation."

  Xu Liangjiang: "Yes, I know, you can handle it with full authority, don't ask me."

  Fang Ze: "Well, let's do this first."

  After hanging up the phone, Fang Ze stood in front of Gong Jun, looked down at him, and said, "I'll ask again, where is Kong Jingru?"

  Gong Jun shook his head again: "Captain Fang, I really don't know!"

  Fang Ze shrugged indifferently: "Then stay here and take care of yourself."

  After speaking, Fang Ze left the room.

  Downstairs, the lights flashed.

  Without Fang Ze's order, the entire community has been temporarily blocked, and no one is allowed to enter or leave.

  Around, there were crowds of people who didn't know the truth, pointing and pointing.

  Beside the street lamp, Fang Ze took out a cigarette and lit it.

  Wu Fei has already brought people upstairs, including Xiao Hongbo, all of them are in place. Fang Ze has given a death order: even if the whole room is lifted up, he must find suspicious clues.

  So they take it very seriously.

  Even Luo Bixin went to help.

  Apart from the guards, Fang Ze was the only one left here.

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