Halfway through the cigarette, Fang Ze raised his head and shouted, "Wu Fei!"


  The sound of going downstairs sounded, and Wu Fei quickly ran over.

  "Boss, what's the matter"

  Fang Ze said: "Is the real estate under the names of Gong Jun and his wife accurate? Is this the only house?"

  Wu Fei nodded: "There is only one."

  "Although Gong Jun opened a software company, the benefits are actually average, and he is not as rich as he imagined."

  Fang Ze pondered for a while and said, "Do we have enough people?"


  Fang Ze said: "Transfer a few people, block Kong Jingru's pet hospital, and conduct a comprehensive search."

  "Okay, is there anything else"



  Wu Fei nodded and ran away from the place.

  After smoking, Fang Ze stepped on it, sat on the ground nearby, and fell into deep thought.

  The quarrel between Gong Jun and his wife should really be a coincidence.

  His arrival coincided with Kong Jingru's departure.

  If it had been a while earlier, maybe they would have collided.

  I used Gong Jun's mobile phone to send a WeChat message to Kong Jingru just now, but the other party didn't reply, and didn't even make a call.

  Generally speaking, for such a big thing, hole 1.

  5 Jingru's first reaction should be to call to inquire about the situation.

  But she didn't.

  This means that the other party feels that something is wrong and simply pretends not to see it.

  It can't be said that he is guilty of being a thief, because Kong Jingru can completely use quarrels to prevaricate.

  It is normal for husband and wife to quarrel without reading WeChat.

  From Gong Jun's first WeChat message, Kong Jingru had no plans to come back.

  Will she leave the city or not, whether it is necessary to close the city or not, decide quickly.

  After a long time, Kong Jingru is very likely to drive away from Yangcheng.

  When you find it again, it will be troublesome.

  Thinking of this, Fang Ze took out his mobile phone and called Xu Liangjiang again, roughly explaining the problem he was facing at the moment.

  Xu Liangjiang has only one sentence: Don't worry about it, I will notify the provincial department, the whole city is under martial law! To read the underlined version of the novel, please download Fei Lu's novel

Chapter 261 A strand of hair [4]

  After sending the license plate number and Kong Jingru's ID number to Xu Liangjiang, Fang Ze took out a cigarette again.

  He was thinking about Kong Jingru's neurasthenia.

  Judging from the exchange with Gong Jun just now, the other party is not a liar.

  Especially in the end, after Gong Jun found that he could no longer prevaricate, what he said was almost the truth.

  It's just that on key issues, silence is always chosen.

  Then, it should be true that Kong Jingru suffers from neurasthenia.

  Neurasthenia is not a mental illness, it is different from depression, schizophrenia, etc.

  The clinical response is not so obvious and will not affect normal life.

  What Fang Ze cares about is not these, but the incentives.

  Suppose, Kong Jingru is the murderer of the corpse case nineteen years ago.

  According to general logic, the reason why she suffered from neurasthenia is most likely because of murder.

  The long-term tension and stress after the murder caused Kong Jingru to suffer from neurasthenia.

  It can be said.

  But there are two problems here.

  First, Kong Jingru's character.

  If you get sick from murder.

  It shows that when Kong Jingru murdered, he was very panicked and scared.

  In that state, can Kong Jingru be able to complete such a finely divided corpse? That's more than a thousand corpse fragments.

  Fang Ze thinks it is unlikely.

  Second, time.

  Mental weakness is due to long-term tension and stress.

  But this "long term"

  , only limited.

  For nineteen years, the other party hasn't gotten out of this incident, and Fang Ze thinks it's unlikely.

  Unless during these nineteen years, Kong Jingru has been: experiencing relevant stimulation without interruption.

  Based on these considerations, Fang Ze did not feel that Kong Jingru's neurasthenia was due to murder.

  Then, what is the incentive? Fang Ze finished smoking a cigarette and said to himself: "There is only one possibility, Kong Jingru has been suffering from stimulation for nineteen years."

  "What could it be"

  "What kind of feelings does Gong Jun have towards Diao Aixin?"

  "What happened between these three people?"

  As the case progressed, more and more questions emerged.

  These questions cannot be known by inference, and can only wait for new findings.

  Time passed slowly.

  Fang Ze lingered on the spot and waited for a full three hours.

  During this period, he never gave up thinking.

  The truth of the case has become more and more detailed.

  Just one point away and it's completely clear.

  "Captain! Found it!"

  A sudden voice interrupted Fang.

  Without any hesitation, Fang Ze turned around and ran upstairs.

  Inside the room, Gong Jun bowed his head deeply, looking at the color.

  But everyone can feel his desperation.

  The room was very messy, and everyone seemed to be following strict orders: a carpet search.

  Fang Ze glanced at Gong Jun and said, "What?"

  To make Gong Jun so heartbroken, it seems that he has found iron-like evidence.

  Xiao Hongbo stepped forward, handed Fang Ze a box, and said, "Captain, look."

  Fang Ze took the gloves from the police officer next to him.

  After putting it on, he took the box and opened it.

  Inside, lay a few strands of hair quietly.

  Xiao Hongbo said: "The box is hidden

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  The place is very hidden and extremely difficult to find.”

  "We found it by prying open the secret compartment of the room."

  "I don't know whose it is, it needs to be tested."

  Hearing this, Fang Ze came to Gong Jun with the box.

  "Diao Aixin's Hair"

  "You have kept such important evidence for so long"

  Gong Jun covered his head and said nothing.

  "Dead Hair"

  Everyone was shocked.

  Nineteen years later, isn't this guy still afraid of being discovered? From seeing this strand of hair, Fang Ze has already understood all the doubts.

  He said, "You love Diao Aixin very much"

  Gong Jun finally reacted and nodded.

  Fang Ze continued: "Her death makes you very angry and sad right?"

  Gong Jun nodded again.

  "So, you left this box to punish Kong Jingru and make her atone for her mistakes every moment."

  Hearing this, Gong Jun suddenly raised his head.

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