"Ten thousand"

  Fang Ze frowned and said, "Send me her home address and company address."

  Wu Fei: "Okay."

  The phone hangs up.

  After a few seconds, Fang Ze received a message.

  Turning around and coming to Wu Yang, Fang Ze said: "There is something that needs the cooperation of the team leader."

  Wu Yangdao: "Although the squadron says, all our policemen will listen to your dispatch!"

  After learning that the other party had broken Yang Da's corpse case, Wuyang Fang Ze simply admired the five bodies.

  And in such a heinous case, Wuyang will naturally do his best to hunt down the murderer.

  Fang Ze picked up the phone and said, "There is a person named Kong Caixia, in these two places, find her and bring her back to the bureau."

  "who is this"

  Fang Ze said: "Routine inquiry."

  He didn't say much.

  Wu Yang nodded: "Okay, we'll start right away."

  After speaking, Wu Yang turned around and led the people away.

  Fang Ze glanced at the red BMW, then turned to Tang Hui and said, "Call someone to drag it away."


  Twenty minutes later, the traffic police team came, towed the vehicle away, and stopped at the nearest police station.

  Fang Ze, four of them, got in the car and rushed to Kong Caixia's company.

  The surrounding crowd gradually dispersed.

  However, on the Internet, it has once again caused a heated discussion.

  Not long after leaving, Fang Ze's phone rang.

  "Hey Fang team, I'm Wu Yang."

  "Qiao Caixia got on a bus, the next stop is Donghua Mall."

  Fang Ze didn't expect the other party to be so fast, and immediately said: "We'll be there soon."

  "Tang Hui, go to Donghua Mall bus stop."


  With a kick of the accelerator, the car sped away.

  Ten minutes later, Donghua Mall.

  A bus stopped quietly in front of the stop sign, surrounded by many people.

  The police car stopped just ahead, blocking the way.

  Tang Hui parked the car next to him, and the four of them got out of the car quickly.

  "What are you doing! Why arrest me!"

  Inside the bus, the shrew Kong Caixia usually pointed at Wuyang and shouted loudly.

  Wu Yang said helplessly, "Ms. Kong, we're not arresting you, we just hope you can cooperate with the police's inquiry."

  In the face of unrelated people who have never been involved in the case, Wu Yang did not dare to go too far, and could only talk nicely.

  "What inquiries!"

  "You are clearly arresting people!"

  Kong Caixia grabbed the handle tightly and shouted, "Come and see! The police are just arresting people!!"


  Wu Yang frowned.

  At this moment, Fang Ze arrived.

  "what happened"

  Fang Ze glanced at Kong Caixia and said.

  Seeing Fang Ze's arrival, Wu Yang breathed a sigh of relief and said, "Team Fang, she is Kong Caixia, but"

  He didn't go on, the scene was already obvious.

  Kong Caixia looked at Fang Ze and shouted: "Are you a leader, how do you manage your subordinates! How can you arrest people casually!"

  Fang Ze glanced at Kong Caixia's clothes and jewelry.

  The next moment, he said coldly: "Knock me away!"

  : I shortened the pursuit process. I wanted to work overtime to write the murderer, but I didn't catch up.

  I'm really going to sleep.

  Goodnight everybody.

  Thank you for subscribing!! Feilu reminds you: three things to read, collect and push

Chapter 264 Assault Interrogation! 【1】

  "Bring me away!"

  As soon as Fang Ze's order came out, Wu Yang was stunned for a moment.

  But he responded quickly and didn't ask any further questions. Together with a police officer, he stepped forward and forcibly pulled Kong Caixia off the bus.

  Kong Caixia resisted fiercely and shouted: "What are you doing!"

  "They said they weren't arresting people!"

  "The police arrest people at will!!!"

  Seeing Kong Caixia's appearance, Fang Ze's eyes became colder.

  The other party is an unqualified rural shrew.

  Although the clothes are bright, but the gold and jade are on the outside, and they are ruined.

  After all, Wu Yang and the others are police officers at the police station, and they usually handle small cases without much action.

  Several times, Kong Caixia almost broke free.


  Fang Ze raised his chin at Luo's refill, signaling the opponent to do something.


  Luo Bixin nodded, no nonsense, went forward and grabbed Kong Caixia's arm directly, and buckled it on the back.

  The next moment, she exerted force, carrying Kong Caixia's body, and slammed into the bus directly.

  Kong Caixia's face was close to the body, and her face was a little distorted.

  "be honest!"

  Luo Bixin spoke coldly, took out the handcuffs and chained Kong Caixia.

  "you you"

  Kong Caixia was speechless.

  People around were startled when they saw such a fierce female police officer, and couldn't help but take a few steps back.

  Don't forget to take out your phone.

  Even Wu Yang glanced at Fang Ze in admiration.

  The woman beside the other party is really more powerful than the other.

  Including the last counterfeit money case, the long-legged woman who followed Fang Ze was probably also from the city bureau.

  Dare to follow Fang Ze on such a dangerous undercover mission, it must not be ordinary.

  "Go away!"

  Fang Ze said.

  Tang Hui stepped forward to help and pushed Kong Caixia into the car quickly.

  Fang Ze came to Wu Yang, reached out and shook hands with him, and said with a smile: "Team Wu, thank you this time, time is running out, I must go back to the police station immediately."

  "We'll meet again after the case is over!"

  "it is good."

  Wu Yang nodded, "If the team needs anything, call me at any time, and the machine will be turned on [-] hours a day."


  Fang Ze got into the car and left.

  In front of the bus stop, Wu Yang shouted to the driver: "Master is fine, please excuse me."

  "Ah oh ok."

  The man who had been sitting in the driver's seat and dared not move, nodded subconsciously.

  Until Wuyang took people away, the crowd here still did not disperse.

  One news after another, spread on the Internet.

  One video after another, appearing in video software of all sizes

  The latest news, the murderer of the corpse case has been brought to justice! Please watch the video for details

  Heroic and valiant! Directly attack the arresting process of the female criminal police! Fang Ze, the captain of the city bureau criminal police, led people to besiege the bus, first-hand video! When Fang Ze and others returned to the police station, Xu Liangjiang's phone was about to explode Yes! Including personal mobile phones, office landlines, and it will ring every few minutes.

  including the provincial

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