"I do not know!"

  "Fang Ze hasn't come back yet!"

  "Who said the murderer caught me and I didn't receive a call from Fang Ze!"

  "Who said that"

  "On the Internet, I know it!"


  -->>This chapter is not over, click on the next page to continue reading

  On the phone, Xu Liangjiang was confused.

  What happened, what happened? The murderer really caught him. He picked up his phone and was about to call Fang Ze when the door was already open.

  Fang Ze walked in quickly, and said as he walked: "Xu Bureau, let the provincial department issue a notice on the whole network, whoever dares to spread rumors on the Internet, ten days of detention will start!"

  "Also, notify the major video software, post bars, forums, communication software and other companies that all news related to today will be deleted!"

  "At the same time, I posted on the official Weibo account that the person arrested today is not the murderer."

  A series of words made Xu Liangjiang Zhang Er 2 bewildered, and said in surprise: "What's going on?"

  Fang Ze said quickly: "I won't be able to tell for a while, I'm going to make a surprise interrogation."

  "Today, we must dig up Kong Jingru!"

  After speaking, without waiting for Xu Liangjiang to speak, he turned and left the office.

  Behind the desk, Xu Liangjiang was stunned for a while, but without delay, he picked up the landline phone.

  Orders are given quickly.

  Fang Ze came to the city bureau hall, Wu Fei and others have been there: this.

  As he walked, he said: "Call He Yingjun in my name, and let the special police of the standby assault team be ready at any time."

  Wu Fei looked solemn: "Yes!"

  He Yingjun, captain of the Yangcheng special police force, has a very good personal relationship with Fang Ze.

  When Wu Fei took out his mobile phone, Fang Ze had already entered the interrogation room.

  He came directly to Kong Caixia and asked in a cold voice, "Where's Kong Jingru!!"

  Kong Caixia raised her head and asked loudly, "Why do you arrest me!"

  "Look! My face still hurts!"

  "That girl called her over! I'm going to sue!"

  Bang! Before Kong Caixia said anything, Fang Ze slammed the table and said angrily, "Kong Caixia! You know what this place is!"

  "Now the whole city's police force has been dispatched to block Yangcheng, in order to arrest Kong Jingru!"

  "Don't you know!"

  "Tell me the truth!!"

  Kong Caixia was frightened by Fang Ze, and subconsciously said, "I don't know if I catch Kong Jing."

  "Where is Kong Jingru now?"


  He must know the exact location of Kong Jingru immediately.

  Now that the news on the Internet has spread, Kong Jingru may have known that Kong Caixia was arrested.

  People are in desperation, but they can do anything.

  Especially the major suspect who created the zero-year bloodshed case.

  Who knows how twisted this woman's psychology is. Once she jumps over the wall and does something harmful to the masses, it will be too late.

  Fang Ze, will never underestimate a woman.

  Sometimes, women are more terrifying than men! Speaking of this, Kong Caixia's face changed and her eyes flickered: "How could I know."

  Fang Ze took a step forward and stared at Kong Caixia.

  The sharp eyes made Kong Caixia dare not look directly.

  Fang Ze said: "In this city, the person she is most likely to find is you!"

  "That [-] yuan is a deposit, right?"

  "Kong Jingru promised [-] or [-] million"

  "I advise you to answer my words honestly."

  "Shut up, but it's a serious crime, believe it or not, I'll let you sit in jail!"

  Hearing this, Kong Caixia's face immediately turned pale.


  "Where is Kong Jingru!!"

  To underestimate the underlined version of the novel, please download Fei Lu's novel

Chapter 265 Surrounding Kong Jingru [2]

  Ten minutes later, Fang Ze walked out of the interrogation room.

  "Everyone, follow me!"

  After speaking, Fang Ze took the lead to leave the city bureau hall.

  Behind him, Luo Bixin and others quickly followed.

  As Fang Ze went down the stairs, he took out his phone and dialed

  "Hey old man."

  "Building No. [-], Xingtan Yayuan, immediately surround it with people, move fast, I'll be there soon!"

  After hanging up, Fang Ze got into a police car.

  Luo Bixin, Wu Fei, and Tang Hui followed closely.

  At this moment, no one asked much.

  Judging from Fang Ze's appearance, he should have found Kong Jingru's location.

  The rest of the people got into another car.

  Along with the roar of the engine, the siren blared loudly.

  Fang Ze held the steering wheel and drove quickly away from the city bureau.

  On the road, the speed is fast.

  "Three Four, Zero"

  Fang Ze ignored all the traffic lights and interspersed on the road, passing one car after another.

  The second police car following behind soon lost sight of Fang Ze's rear lights.

  In desperation, the driving police had to speed up as much as possible under the premise of ensuring safety.

  He is very aware of the captain's driving skills, and he will definitely not be able to catch up.

  Five minutes later, Fang Ze's phone rang.

  Fang Ze stared at the road ahead, increased the accelerator again, and didn't care.

  On the co-pilot, Luo Bixin reached out and took out the mobile phone from the other party's pocket, connected and turned on the speakerphone.

  "Hey Fang Ze, where are you?"

  He Yingjun called

  Fang Ze said, "There are ten minutes left, how about you?"

  He Yingjun: "I also have about ten minutes."

  "Is the suspect at high risk, do you need to activate an emergency plan?"

  Fang Ze: "No, after seeing someone, use the shortest time to make her lose the ability to resist."

  He Yingjun: "Okay, I understand."

  After hanging up the phone, Fang Ze took a deep breath and concentrated on driving.

  Around, many private car drivers who were driving slowly looked at the police car that was speeding away in astonishment, not understanding what happened.

  However, Lenovo's recent news on the Internet, and Yangcheng's strict inspection, they also seem to have guessed something.

  The news is so chaotic that I don't know for a while which is true and which is false.

  Perhaps, we can only wait for the final official announcement.

  Nine minutes later, the buildings of Xingtan Yayuan could already be seen in front.

  Fang Ze slowed down and said, "Stay alert and pay attention to the people around you."

  Luo Bixin looked at the pedestrians nearby, and finally turned his eyes to the front, and said, "The special police are here."

  In the distance, a SWAT car could be vaguely seen.


  Fang Ze nodded.

  The timing of both parties is quite accurate.

  Although Fang Ze's car was very fast, the city bureau was far away from here and just arrived at a block.

  They travel from east to west, especially from west to east.

  After dozens of seconds, it will be at Xingtanya on the south side of the road.

  One second, two seconds, the gate of Xingtan Yayuan is getting closer and closer.

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