At this moment, a young woman walked out of the community with her child, looking left and right, as if she was taking a taxi.

  Immediately afterwards, a middle-aged woman dressed in white appeared under everyone's sight.

  The moment he saw the middle-aged woman, Fang Ze's expression changed slightly.

  Kong Jingru! "Not good!"

  But it's too late.

  When Kong Jingru saw the police car, she threw away her satchel without any hesitation and stepped forward.

  -->>This chapter is not over, click on the next page to continue reading

  He just pulled the child in front of him into his arms.

  "Get out of the way! Don't come near me!"

  Kong Jingru bent down and quickly took out a knife from her bag, pointed at the young mother and said sharply.

  The young woman's face changed: "what do you want to do!"

  "do not come!"

  "Or I'll kill him!"

  During this time, Fang Ze and the special police had already arrived.

  Both sides got out of the car quickly.

  Seven or eight, a special police officer, fully armed with assault rifles, surrounded Kong Jingru.

  "Don't move!"

  "Don't move!"

  The muzzle of the gun pointed directly at Kong Jingru's head.

  At this distance, the hit accuracy is very high.

  As long as they gave an order, they could kill Kong Jingru in an instant! Just in case, someone stepped forward to pull the young mother back and stood in a safe area.

  "my son"

  There was a cry in her voice.

  "Don't be nervous, he'll be fine!"

  It was He Yingjun who spoke.

  He is a capable middle-aged man. After comforting the other party, he hurried forward.

  "Kong Jingru!"

  "Put down the knife!"

  Although Kong Jingru still retains her charm and looks very beautiful, her face is gloomy at the moment, and she angrily said: "Don't come here!"

  "Believe it or not I killed him!"

  Saying that, Kong Jingru put the knife on the boy's neck. The boy was five or six years old, already frightened and crying loudly.

  Fang Ze stood not far away, his face a little unsightly.

  "You're careless, you shouldn't be driving a police car."

  Hearing this, Luo Bixin whispered comfortably from the side: "It's not your fault, if you didn't drive the police car, the other party would have run away."

  "We are so fast, didn't we just hit each other?"

  Fang Ze didn't speak, his eyes fluctuated, staring at Kong Jingru, who was a little out of control.

  He subconsciously raised his hand into his arms and found the pistol, but did not take it out.

  After hesitating for a while, Fang Ze put down his hand and put it in his trouser pocket.

  In the palm of his hand, he held the lighter in his pocket.

  Stepping forward slowly, Fang Ze was getting closer and closer to Kong Jingru.

  But Kong Jingru was very vigilant, turned her head suddenly, and shouted: "Don't come here!!"

  Fang Ze's footsteps stopped abruptly.

  Kong Jingru didn't care about Fang Ze, and focused on the surrounding special police.

  "Put down the gun!"

  "Otherwise I'll do it!!"


  Saying that, Kong Jing exerted force with her right hand.

  Bloodstains could even be seen on the boy's neck! The boy's cry became stronger and more disturbing.

  This is a vicious woman! Seeing this, Fang Ze bit, thinking about it.

  How high is the danger and how high is the accident rate? After a second, he gave He Yingjun a wink.

  He Yingjun nodded, stretched out his hand and pressed down.

  All SWAT officers were ordered and slowly put down their guns.

  In the distance, the number of onlookers gradually increased.

  Heavily armed SWAT officers dispatched to arrest people, but it's not... that easy to come across.

  Could this woman have something to do with the case of dismembering the corpse? Or, she is the murderer! In the back, the residents of Xingtan Yayuan saw it from the balcony, and they passed it on from ten to ten.

  Soon, countless people rushed to the balcony, looking down at the confrontation below.

  One side is a middle-aged woman who is taking hostages.

  On the other side are the heavily armed SWAT and plainclothes detectives! The atmosphere is so tense that it is suffocating

  Feilu reminds you: three things to read, collect and push

Chapter 266 The hostages are rescued and the suspect is brought to justice [3]

  Outside Xingtan Yayuan.

  "Back up!!"

  After all the SWAT officers put down their guns, Kong Jingru spoke loudly.

  The SWAT officers looked at He Yingjun and waited for his order.

  He Yingjun, looking at Fang Ze.

  Fang Ze's eyes turned cold and he nodded slightly.

  Seeing this, He Yingjun raised his hand and motioned everyone to retreat.


  two steps.

  "Keep going back!!"

  "Otherwise I'll do it!"

  All the armed SWAT officers continued to retreat until they were ten meters away.

  Kong Jingru suddenly turned to look at Fang Ze: "And you! Step back!"

  Fang Ze didn't move immediately, and said calmly, "Kong Jingru, don't you want to talk to me?"

  Kong Jingru stared at Fang Ze and shouted angrily, "What do I have to talk about with you and step back! Prepare me a car!"

  When talking, because of excitement, the arm lost control, and the blade kept rubbing against the little boy.

  Fang Ze glanced at it, resisted the anger in his heart, and nodded: "Don't be impulsive, I'll prepare a car for you right away."

  "But don't you want to know where Gong Jun is now?"

  Hearing this, Kong Jingru's expression freezes.

  "and also."

  Fang Ze continued: "Don't you miss your child?"

  "He was also a boy, just like a child in your hands."

  "Being abroad, he never came back, do you remember?"

  According to the data, the children of Gong Jun and Kong Jingru have been sent abroad since junior high school.

  As for the reason, it is not yet known.

  In short, the other party rarely comes back.

  The last time it was several years ago.

  Speaking of this matter, Kong Jingru's eyes were a little sad.

  She glanced at the boy in her hand, and there was a hint of sadness in her expression.

  But Kong Jingru quickly reacted, and the sadness was instantly replaced by ferocity, and said coldly: "Don't try to delay time!"

  "Find me a car now!!"

  "I want a private car!"

  "Okay, don't worry."

  Fang Ze opened his mouth, turned his head and said, "Refill, go find her a car."

  Luo Bixin nodded, glanced at Kong Jingru, turned around and left.

  After a while, he disappeared from Kong Jingru's sight.

  Kong Jingru glanced at the crowd around and said, "Listen! When I'm sure it's safe, I'll naturally let him go."

  "Whoever dares to chase! I will kill him immediately!"

  On the other side, He Yingjun looked at Fang Ze with a hint of anxiety in his eyes.

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