But the cost is hard to say.

  Wu Fei turned to look at Fang Ze and said, "Captain, what should I do?"

  Fang Ze touched his forehead and said, "I don't have the heart to deal with him now, let him give me a good reflection!"

  "Has the video been deleted?"

  Wu Fei nodded: "Deleted, but"

  "but what"

  Wu Fei hesitated for a moment, and said, "The number of video playbacks has reached nearly [-] million, and there are not a few people who forward and save it."

  "I can't hide it anymore."

  Fang Ze put down his hand, his eyes fluctuated, and said, "If you can't hide it, you can't hide it."

  "Now, take someone to interrogate Gong Jun, and Kong Jingru, ask for details, and complete the detailed dossier."

  Wu Fei nodded: "Okay! Don't worry, Captain."

  "I'm going to find Lao Xu."

  In the director's office, Fang Ze pushed open the door and entered.

  In front of the desk, Xu Liangjiang looked up and said, "Have you found out?"

  Fang Ze nodded as he walked: "I found out, an intern who just entered the exam."

  Hearing this, Xu Liangjiang slapped the table and said angrily, "These young people! Isn't that messy enough!"

  Fang Ze said: "Now is the Internet age, how difficult is it to make a popular video"

  "When he had such an opportunity, he couldn't help it."

  Xu Liangjiang shouted: "I can't help it, I have to endure it! He just acts like a policeman!"

  "Go! Fire him up for me!"

  Fang Ze sat on the sofa, took out a cigarette case, and said, "Leave him alone, and decide what to do after the case is over."

  Pulling out a light, Fang Ze continued: "Since we can't hide it, we just open it up."

  "Let the procuratorate review it in the shortest possible time, and ensure that the trial will be held within seven days."

  Xu Liangjiang nodded and said, "Okay then, what to do outside?"

  When the video of the interrogation appeared on the Internet, it was as if the 090 had exploded a 1 nuclear bomb, causing an uproar.

  All, in great indignation, use "devil"


  , "scumbag"

  and other words to describe Kong Jingru.

  A sentence is harder to hear than a sentence.

  The gate of the city bureau was already surrounded by reporters, and many citizens rushed over spontaneously.

  If it is delayed any longer, the fishing reels will only get worse.

  Fang Ze said: "Don't worry, it's normal."

  "As long as the sentence is sentenced, everything will return to normal."

  "This matter will gradually fade away, and at most it will become a topic of discussion after dinner."


  Xu Liangjiang nodded and said, "The provincial government has decided to hold a press conference. What time do you think is suitable?"

  Fang Ze said: "It's the same sentence. After the trial is over, don't do anything during this period."

  "Okay, then I will communicate with the provincial department later."

  After speaking, Xu Liangjiang got up and looked at the crowd at the gate through the window.

  The electric door was closed, but no one left.

  "You better find a way to let them go."

  "It's okay to go on like this."

  Fang Ze snuffed out the cigarette, stood up, and said in a low voice, "Isn't it just an interview?"

  "I go."

  "Tell them everything you want to know."

  Feilu reminds you: three things to read, collect and push

Chapter 272 Answering reporter questions [4]

  City Hall gate.

  Heavily armed SWAT police stand in a row, blocking here to prevent anyone from opening the door.

  In front, there are dark citizens and reporters holding microphones.

  "Severely punish the murderer!"

  "Cruel woman! Heinous!"

  "Please make the case public!"

  From time to time someone could be heard shouting.

  In fact, to put it bluntly, it is just a case that has nothing to do with him.

  It's okay to wait for the final result at home. I come here to join in the fun to say that everything is irrelevant and hang up high, but many times, there is always no shortage of people rushing in front.

  "Look! Captain Fang is out!"

  "Square Team!! Idol!!"

  "Fang team! Please return the dead to justice!"

  Fang Ze walked slowly.

  The SWAT ahead made a way.

  In front of the crowd were reporters, who struggled to hand over the microphone, chattering.

  "Fang team, say a few words!"

  "Fang team, do you have time for an interview?"

  As the captain of the criminal police leading the investigation of the mummification case, Fang Ze has been widely concerned in the past few days.

  Everyone knows that the one who knows the most about this case is Fang Ze.

  After all, he solved the case.

  "Fang team, are you going out? Is there a lack of evidence and other clues?"

  The screeching noise in his ears made Fang Ze take a deep breath.

  Immediately, he raised his hands and said loudly, "Be quiet!"

  "You can ask any questions, and I know everything!"

  "After asking, hurry up and leave!"

  Hearing this, the surrounding voices gradually weakened and finally fell silent.

  Everyone's faces were filled with excitement.

  This trip was really worthless! I didn't expect Fang Ze to actually come out for an interview! This is a great opportunity to learn about the whole case up close.

  "Fang team, please"

  "Fang team, please"

  After a few seconds of silence, the media reporters started again.

  You can't even hear what you're saying.


  Fang Ze shouted and said, "Come one by one, each with two questions!"

  "Yangcheng TV station, you ask first."

  Yangcheng TV came from a short-haired female reporter.

  When she was named, she looked excited and said quickly: "Fang team, may I ask how long it took you to solve this case?"

  Fang Ze was speechless.

  Does this have anything to do with the case? Can you ask something useful? He didn't complain, but made up a random number and said, "Two months."

  No one else knows it anyway, it's not him.

  The female reporter seemed to be suspicious of this figure, and continued to ask: "Fang team, it's only been a few days since you posted the official Weibo news and the murderer was brought to justice yesterday."

  Fang Ze said: "I was investigating before."

  "Okay, it's your turn, from Suhai Province and Taiwan."

  The female reporter from Yangchengtai had a lot of questions, so she had to shut up.

  She regretted asking two nonsense.

  A reporter from Suhai Province said quickly: "Captain Fang, how did you accurately find the murderer in the vast crowd without any clues?"

  Fang Ze pondered for a while, then said, "[-]% depends on inference, [-]% depends on investigation."

  "What is your inference?"

  Fang Ze said: "First of all, I ruled out that the murderer did not kill randomly, but knew the deceased.

  -->>This chapter is not over, click on the next page to continue reading

  , and most likely a vendetta."

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