"If you know it, there must be a reason for knowing it."

  "I conducted extensive investigations on the possible acquaintances of the deceased, and finally found this person."

  The voice stopped.

  A reporter from Suhai Province asked: "Can you be a little more detailed? How to rule out random killings? Why are acquaintances determined by vendetta?"

  Fang Ze said: "Your question is over, it's your turn."

  The person being pointed out is a national-level Zhongnantai who came here specially by plane.

  She is also a female reporter.

  Her temperament is obviously much better than that of local station reporters.

  The female reporter smiled and said, "Excuse me, Captain Fang, since the murderer is a vendetta, what is the specific motive for the murder?"

  As soon as the question came out, Fang Ze was stunned.

  The other party really chooses the question.

  It was difficult for Fang Ze to answer.

  Love Kill If he answers Love Kill, then Diao Aixin will be pushed to the forefront, and will be dubbed "Little Three" by good netizens


  He can't do that.

  Because Diao Aixin can't be regarded as a junior at all.

  Two seconds later, Fang Ze said: "The murderer has an extremely paranoid self-protection desire, and his psychology is distorted."

  "Because of dissatisfaction with her husband's support for the deceased's studies in all aspects, he has the intention to kill."

  It is impossible for ordinary people to speculate on Kong Jingru's behavior.

  Fang Ze could only speak as accurately as possible.

  The female reporter continued to ask: "Then ask Captain Fang, whether her husband participated in the corpse fragmentation?"

  "More than a thousand corpse fragments, the murderer should not be able to complete it alone in a short period of time."

  Fang Ze said: "I can't answer you this question, the case is still under interrogation."

  The female reporter didn't give up and asked, "What is your speculation on that side?"

  Fang Ze glanced at her and said, "Your questions are over."

  "Oh good."

  "Fang team, what is your speculation?"

  "Yes, did the murderer's husband participate in the dismemberment?"

  Unexpectedly, other reporters repeated the question.

  Fang Ze sighed helplessly and said, "According to my speculation, the murderer's husband should have participated in the dismemberment of the corpse."


  Fang Ze said: "It took less than ten hours from the time the deceased died to when the deceased's husband returned home."

  "In ten hours, the murderer was a woman, unable to complete the fine cutting of the body and the crushing of the bones."

  "Is it alright?"

  "Fang team, please ask Li Zhao"

  In the next half hour, Fang Ze answered a lot of questions.

  Including the end time of the trial, the approximate time of the court session, whether it will be publicized, etc., all answers are completed.

  In the end, the crowd finally dispersed without a word.

  After returning to the bureau, Fang Ze and Wu Fei explained a few things before going home.

  He really needs a good rest and is always ready for what might happen in the future.

  The trial of the original case, he did not care.

  But in the case of national attention, he must also follow the process at all times until the end

  Two days later, the interrogation work was almost over.

  Fang Ze and Luo Bixin are having lunch at home.

  At one point, the phone rang.

  Fang Ze put down his chopsticks and walked to the living room to pick up his mobile phone.

  It was Wu Fei who called.


  Wu Fei: "Captain, something has changed!"

  To see the underlined version of the novel, please download Fei Lu's novel

Chapter 273 Intermittent psychosis [1]

  2pm: [-]:.

  City Council meeting room.

  Fang Ze pushed in the door, glanced at the empty sofa, and finally set his eyes on Wu Fei.

  "what about people"

  Wu Fei came over with a document and said, "It's gone."

  Fang Ze said: "When did he come back?"

  Wu Fei: "After receiving the notice, I flew back from abroad the next day."

  "Give me the information."

  Fang Ze stretched out his hand.

  Wu Fei handed a page to Fang Ze.

  Fang Ze took it and browsed it quickly.

  Gong Shuye, twenty-eight years old, son of Gong Jun and Kong Jingru.

  Occupation: Psychiatrist.

  Nationality: Huaxia.

  This Gong Shuye has rarely come back since he went abroad in middle school, and has been working abroad.

  After reading Gong Shuye's information, Fang Ze said, "Give me the appraisal certificate."

  Taking over another document, Fang Ze looked at the big title on it: Appraisal of Intermittent Psychosis.

  The identification agency is from Zhongnan.

  The identification date is six years ago and this is a copy.

  The original identification certificate is in Gong Shuye's hands.

  "Captain, what about 47"

  Wu Fei spoke in a deep voice.

  Fang Ze chuckled and said, "Isn't intermittent mental illness nonsense?"

  In medicine, there is no such thing as intermittent psychosis.

  Intermittent mental illness is actually a legal concept that is closely related to justice.

  In foreign countries, it is also known as acute transient mental disorder, or transient mental disorder.

  Intermittent mental illness refers to a mentally ill person who is not always in a state of disorder.

  The performance characteristics of this patient are: the spirit is sometimes normal and sometimes abnormal.

  In a normal state of mind, the mind is clear and has the ability to recognize or control one's own behavior.

  When the disease occurs, the ability to distinguish right from wrong and to control one's own behavior is lost.

  Generally speaking, it is a mental illness, in a state of intermittent seizures.

  Huaxia Penalty Regulations: A person with intermittent mental illness who commits a crime when he is mentally normal shall bear criminal responsibility.

  If a person commits a crime when he has not completely lost his ability to identify or control his own behavior, he shall bear criminal responsibility, but the punishment may be lighter or mitigated.

  Those who commit crimes while incapacitating judgment and conduct are exempt from criminal punishment.

  Of course, Fang Ze knew very well about the forensic identification of intermittent mental illness.

  It is an interdisciplinary subject between psychiatry and law, and its full name is forensic psychiatry forensic identification.

  The mental appraisal of such criminals is related to the fairness of the criminal law.

  Therefore, the criteria for the appointment of the appraisers are very strict.

  In addition to being an expert in related fields, you must pass a difficult qualification examination before you can get a job.

  The most credible one is the one in Fang Ze's hands.

  An authoritative appraisal agency from Zhongnan.

  This Gong Shuye's ability is not small.

  It seems to have been done a long time ago.

  Fang Ze returned the appraisal certificate to Wu Fei, took out a cigarette, lit it, and sat on the sofa.

  Wu Fei looked at him and said, "Captain"

  This thing is too big.

  Good thing not many people know about it.

  Having learned from the last lesson, Wu Fei kept it strictly confidential this time, and warned Gong Shuye that everything was waiting for the leadership to decide.

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