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  If it is disclosed privately, he will be detained according to the law for the crime of spreading rumors.

  I think Gong Shuye shouldn't mess around before the court session.

  But it didn't take long to hide it.

  Once the incident was known to outsiders, it spread all over the Internet.

  Then the pressure on the fishing reel will be overwhelming.

  Yangcheng Bureau, absolutely cannot bear it.

  Fang Ze slowly exhaled a breath of smoke and said, "What did that guy say?"

  Wu Feidao: "Gong Shuye said that the police had omissions in the investigation process, and it was impossible to determine whether Kong Jingru had made the case when the incident occurred, so a new investigation was necessary."

  Fang Ze said: "Continue."

  Wu Fei said: "I told him that if Kong Jingru became ill, it would be impossible to complete the process of killing and dismembering the body."

  "Because of the killing method of total suffocation, the murderer's mind is definitely very clear, and he has the ability to judge completely independently."

  Fang Ze listened silently.

  Wu Fei continued: "But Gong Shuhua retorted: You are all inferring, so I can infer that too."

  "Murdering can be justified, but a normal person can't shred and fry his body."

  "Kong Jingru's mental state at the time was definitely not normal."

  "He asked the police to provide evidence of sane mind."

  "If there is no result for a long time, he will apply for release."

  After listening to Wu Fei's words, Fang Ze fell into deep thought.

  After waiting for a long time before Fang Ze gave a solution, Wu Fei couldn't help but said, "Captain, if the death penalty cannot be imposed"

  Fang Ze looked up at him.

  Wu Fei was shocked by Fang Ze's gaze, and he didn't say anything.

  Fang Ze said slowly: "If such a person cannot be sentenced to death, Fang Ze will resign immediately."

  Wu Fei opened his mouth and lowered his head.

  After a cigarette, Fang Ze said, "When will the court be held?"

  "Opening Court"

  "Captain, don't we delay?"

  Fang Ze said: "Don't delay, when will the court be held?"

  Wu Fei hesitated for a moment and said, "If we follow the normal speed, the trial will be held in three days."


  "Open trial, allowing the public to listen in and reporters to interview and report."


  Fang Ze nodded and said, "Call Qin Yun here."

  "it is good."

  Wu Fei turned and left.

  Forensic medicine department, Wu Fei pushed in the door and said, "Director Qin, the captain is looking for you."

  "Find me"

  Qin Yun was busy and said without raising her head: "Why are you looking for me? Isn't there a Luo Refill by my side? Just look for her."

  Wu Fei smiled wryly.

  From the other party's voice, he heard a strong resentment.

  Of course, Wu Fei, as a bystander, couldn't say anything about this kind of thing.

  You can only pray to Fang Ze in your heart and seek more blessings from yourself.

  At the moment, he pretended not to know anything and explained: "It's a major event related to Yang Da's corpse dismemberment case. It must be very important for the captain to find you at this time. You should go."

  "Yang Da Corpse Case"

  Qin Yun turned her head, took off her medical mask, and said, "This case is not over, is the court soon?"

  Wu Fei hesitated: "You should go over and listen to what the captain has to say."

  "I guess the captain has a very headache right now."

  Hearing this, Qin Yun was silent for a while, then got up and took off her clothes, and said, "Let's go."

  Feilu reminds you: three things to read, collect and push

Chapter 274 I Can't Help You [2]

  Meeting room.

  Qin Yun glanced at Fang Ze and said coldly, "Tell me what to do, I'm still busy."

  Seeing the other party's tone, Fang Ze was surprised: "You took the gun medicine"

  Qin Yun rolled her eyes at Fang Ze and looked out the window.

  Looking at Qin Yun up and down, Fang Ze got up and said suspiciously, "My relatives are here."

  Hearing this, Qin Yun turned her head and stared at Fang Ze: "Your relatives are here!!"

  Wu Fei stood not far away, pretended not to hear anything, and looked down at his shoes.

  He just discovered that his leather shoes are so stylish! "It's okay, you have a fever"

  Saying that, Fang Ze stretched out his hand.

  Qin Yun opened Fang Ze's arm and said, "Hurry up and say something."

  Fang Ze didn't know what was wrong with this woman, so he waved to Wu Fei.

  He took the appraisal certificate from Wu Fei and handed it to Qin Yun: "Look at it."

  Qin Yun took it in doubt.

  After reading the appraisal certificate, Qin Yun's brows furrowed tightly.

  "Intermittent Psychosis"

  "how is this possible"

  "If she hadn't been sentenced, the whole country wouldn't have exploded!"

  Qin Yun realized the seriousness of the problem and was no longer angry with Fang Ze.

  "How exactly do you do"

  Fang Ze said: "In this way, I will go to Zhongnan first. When the court is open, you and Wu Fei will participate in the court debate as the prosecution."


  Qin Yun pointed to herself and said, "I'm not a lawyer, so I don't know anything about this."

  Fang Ze said: "Don't worry, the evidence and confession in the case are very complete, the point is not here."

  "Kong Jingru's defense lawyer will definitely hold on to this identification document and ask the court to give a light sentence or even be exempted from criminal punishment."

  "What you have to do is to stall for time from an intermittent psychiatric forensic perspective."

  Qin Yun pursed her lips and was silent for a while.

  After a while, she said, "I'm worried"

  Fang Ze said: "Don't worry, I trust you."

  "Before leaving, I will write a detailed document for you and Wu Fei."

  "There is a reference. When you encounter tricky problems, you can just read them."

  Hearing this, Qin Yun felt a little relieved, and hesitantly said: "Then how long do we need to delay?"

  Fang Ze said: "I guess I have to go for two or three days this time, until I come back."

  "It would be great if the court could be adjourned for a few days."

  "There is a bottom line, it must not be allowed until I come back: the case is decided."


  Qin Yun thought for a while and said, "If the other party's lawyer is very strong, the judge and the jury will agree."

  Fang Ze said: "If there is an accident and the judge is ready to read the judgment, you can call me."

  Qin Yun nodded and said, "Okay then."

  "Then why are you going to Zhongnan?"

  "The appraisal certificate is issued by a professional organization, so it cannot be faked."

  Fang Ze raised his brows and asked back, "Who says that what comes out of a professional organization is true?"


  Qin Yun was taken aback.

  "You're going to investigate the appraiser from six years ago"

  "Our city bureau doesn't have the authority, why don't you talk to the provincial department."

  Fang Ze shook his head and said, "The provincial bureau has no direct authority, so it's too late."

  "Don't worry, I have my own way."

  "Before the trial, you and Wu Fei put down everything and concentrate on the defense of this case."

  "The Attorney's Word"

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