Zhao Dejun shook his head.

  What is the [-]-year-old criminal police chief kidding?

  "Don't believe pull it down."

  Fang Ze picked up the teacup in front of him and drank it on his own.

  "what attitude"

  Zhao Dejun rolled his eyes and said, "It's not a problem.

  Ask me? You are asking for help"

  Hearing this, Fang Ze glanced at Zhou Lao.

  Seeing that Elder Zhou had no plans to speak for him, Fang Ze had to smile apologetically, "Uncle Zhao, can't I be wrong?"

  In front of these two people, Fang Ze maintained the image of a humble junior.

  Only then did Zhao Dejun nodded with satisfaction, and said solemnly: "Tell me, what's the matter?"

  When it comes to business affairs, Fang Ze used the simplest language to talk to Zhao Dejun about the cause and effect.

  After listening to Fang Ze's words, Zhao Dejun frowned: "So vicious!"

  "Strictly punished!"

  After speaking, Zhao Dejun glanced at Fang Ze and said, "You can help you, but there are conditions."


  Fang Ze's mouth twitched.

  The other party will not take advantage of the situation, so on the surface, Fang Ze calmly said seriously: "Uncle Zhao, please tell me, as long as I can do it, I will definitely help."

  Mentioning this matter, Zhao Dejun's expression seemed to become more serious.

  This also made Fang Ze's eyes gradually become more serious.

  The things that can make Zhao Dejun embarrassed are probably not trivial matters.

  After Zhao Dejun was silent for a while, he said, "It's hard to say, you agree first."

  Fang Ze hesitated for a moment and said, "Is it serious?"

  Zhao Dejun said: "I can't go into details at the moment. It has something to do with national treasures and may need your help."

  "national treasure"

  Fang Ze looked at Zhao Dejun suspiciously.

  This guy, wouldn't he want him to look for the lost cultural relics? How could he have the spare time to think over and over again, Fang Ze said: "Okay, as long as it doesn't take too long, I promise."

  "That's right."

  Zhao Dejun smiled slightly and patted Fang Ze's shoulder.

  "Tell me, what do you need me to do"

  Fang Ze: "I need to check someone"

  -->>This chapter is not over, click on the next page to continue reading

  three days later.


  All the files concerning Yangda's corpse dismemberment case have already been handed over to the procuratorate.

  For this special case, the procuratorate's review speed is also extremely fast.

  It only took a day and a half to complete the review and hand it over to the court.

  Court time is today.

  It is worth mentioning that this murder case with extremely cruel killing methods is a public trial.

  In other words, the public can listen in, and reporters can record interviews.

  The point is not here.

  But the trial process is not recorded and broadcast, but a synchronous live broadcast! This is not a trivial matter.

  It seems that the above decision was made only after discussion.

  It is a case that the period is too long and the impact is huge.

  It can be said that netizens all over the country are paying attention to the progress of the case and the final result.

  In this way, the influence of fishing reels can be eliminated to the greatest extent, and the absolute justice of the law can be shown.

  According to the official notice, the court time for Yang Da's corpse dismemberment case is at 2:[-] pm.

  Those who got the news all sat in front of the computer early, waiting for the court hearing.

  The list of audience members has also been determined, and they are all people who are more or less related to the case.

  Including provincial bureaus, municipal bureaus, reporters, and even the school leaders of Yuyang University, all of them were there, including relatives of Diao Aixin.

  As for Kong Jingru, apart from Gong Shuye, no other relatives were present.

  When such a big thing happens, they are afraid to avoid it, and how dare they show up.

  2pm: [-]:.

  The scene of the trial in Yangcheng Court,.

  Everyone has been seated.

  Countless lenses are aimed at the hole in front of Jingru.

  She lowered her head and was not wearing a prison uniform.

  The latest regulations: Before the trial, that is, before the crime is confirmed, the suspect is still a suspect and cannot be treated as a criminal.

  This rule is quite human.

  Above, the solemn-looking presiding judge stood up and said loudly, "It's time for the trial, everyone be quiet."

  As soon as these words came out, everyone stopped talking and looked forward.

  The presiding judge continued: "I'll declare court discipline below."

  "All personnel, during the trial, should obey the command of the presiding judge or the sole presiding judge."

  "Respect judicial etiquette, abide by court discipline, do not applaud, make noise, smoke, eat, etc."

  "According to Article [-] of the Court's Tribunal Discipline"

  "According to Article [-] of the Court's Tribunal Discipline"

  "According to Article [-] of the Court Tribunal Discipline"

  "Do not interfere with court proceedings in any way."

  "Reading is complete."

  The presiding judge picked up a document and said, "Now announce the list of judges and clerks."

  Now check the person, declare the cause of action, and whether the party has recused"

  Kong Jingru raised her head: "Don't evade."

  "Now inform the parties about their litigation obligations and rights."

  The presiding judge kept talking and said: "The court rules, in one of the following circumstances, the trial activities can be held in public according to law."

  "The court may conduct graphic, audio, video live or recorded broadcasts through television, the Internet or other public media."

  "First, public attention is high."

  "Second, the social influence is greater."


  "According to the approval of the court, this case meets the conditions for live broadcast, and the entire network will be broadcast live simultaneously."

  The presiding judge closed the document and looked forward.

  "Now, the trial begins."

  Feilu reminds you: three things to read, collect and push

Chapter 276 Decisive Gong Shuye [4]

  When the presiding judge sat down, there were whispers from below.

  The sound is very small and will not affect the normal conduct of the court hearing.

  In the plaintiff's seat, Qin Yun and Wu Fei were sitting there.

  Next to it was a young woman with glasses and a professional attire.

  She can't be called a beauty, but she is very attractive.

  This person's name is Cheng Ruixin, Qin Yun's university alumnus and has a good relationship.

  After graduating, he became a lawyer, with a clear mind and articulate speech. He has presented very wonderful arguments in court countless times.

  It has also fought for more legitimate rights and interests for many parties.

  According to the level, Cheng Ruixin is barely considered a national-level lawyer.

  At her age, it is very rare.

  Today, Cheng Ruixin was called by Qin Yun to help.

  After learning that it was Yang Da's corpse dismemberment case, Cheng Ruixin said it was her duty.

  She has been following the case for a long time.

  To be honest, Cheng Ruixin didn't expect to see this case solved in her lifetime.

  In the past few days, while she was preparing the materials carefully, she also became deeply interested in Fang Ze, the captain of the Yangcheng criminal police who solved the case.

  It is not a simple character who can solve the case quickly in such a short period of time.

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