Beside, Qin Yun whispered: "Wu Fei, he is Gong Shuye right?"

  Following Qin Yun's line of sight, Wu Fei looked towards the opposite side.

  06 A man in a suit sat quietly, his eyes were always on: Kong Jingru.

  Wu Fei nodded: "It's him."

  "No lawyers"

  'He's ready to defend himself'

  Wu Fei said in a low voice, "Don't underestimate Gong Shuye, this person is studying law in college."

  "Study law and become a doctor"

  "It's strange."

  Cheng Ruixin interjected: "Learning the law should be for Kong Jingru, and being a doctor is also for Kong Jingru."

  "It seems that a long time ago, Gong Shuye knew that his mother had a murder case on her body."

  Qin Yun thoughtfully said, "That is to say, Gong Jun and Gong Shuye have already prepared for today."

  Cheng Ruixin nodded: "It should be like this."

  Wu Fei looked at Cheng Ruixin in surprise.

  This judgment is on par with Fang Ze's.

  When several people whispered, the trial was already underway.

  The first is the statement of the parties.

  That is, Kong Jingru, describing the murder process and murder psychology.

  She did not omit or lie, and spent more than ten minutes talking about the case in silence.

  At the moment, the surrounding discussion is even louder.

  Fortunately, the people listening in are still very restrained.

  In addition, the case has already been exposed, and there is psychological preparation, so there is no outrageous behavior.

  But from Diao Aixin's relatives, the reaction was more intense.

  Dimly, one could hear cries and whispers.

  When Kong Jingru's voice fell, the presiding judge said, "Is there anything else to add?"

  Kong Jingru shook his head.

  The presiding judge said: "The appraisal opinion is read out below."

  He opened the file and said, "Yangcheng Bureau, found a strand of hair from the defendant's house."

  "It is determined that it is the deceased."

  "Does the defendant have an opinion?"

  Kong Jingru shook his head.

  The presiding judge closed and continued: "The inquest is read out below, and the defendant can choose to ask questions to the appraiser and the inquisitor."

  In the ten minutes that followed, the presiding judge read the entire transcript of Kong Jingru and Gong Jun's interrogation.

  In the auditorium, the discussion grew louder and louder.

  "I didn't expect that it was a husband and wife who committed the crime."

  "It can't be said that the defendant's husband only participated in the dismemberment of the corpse, not the murder. From a legal point of view, it can only be regarded as the destruction of the corpse and subjective protection."

  "How long is the sentence?"

  -->>This chapter is not over, click on the next page to continue reading

  "Holding up for more than three years but less than ten years, destroying a corpse for less than three years, and punished for both crimes, I estimate that it will take more than ten years."

  "You know a lot."

  "Exceeded award, I am a law student."

  "which school."

  "Yang Da."

  The presiding judge tapped the gavel and said loudly, "Please be quiet!"

  The chatter slowly ceased.

  Afterwards, the presiding judge looked at the plaintiff's seat and said, "The plaintiff's representative is invited to speak."

  Upon seeing this, Wu Fei, who was already prepared, stood up and said, "Our Yangcheng Criminal Police Team is responsible for the investigation of this case. Physical evidence and witnesses are all available."

  "And the accused confessed to his crimes."

  "The case has been delayed for nineteen years. The murderer's intention to kill was obvious. The method of handling the body was extremely cruel and the impact was extremely bad."

  "I ask the Judiciary Committee to take the crime seriously."

  "I'm done."

  Wu Fei sat back.

  The presiding judge looked at the dock and said, "Please speak on behalf of the defendant."

  Gong Shuye slowly got up and handed a document to it.

  "Please take a look at the judges."

  Gong Shuye didn't intend to talk nonsense and went straight to the point.

  There is nothing to argue about in the case.

  "My client, with intermittent psychosis, is a firm certificate from an authority."

  As soon as these words came out, the audience was in an uproar! "What! Mental illness is true or false!"

  "how is this possible!"

  "There must be a problem!"

  "It's not that such a ferocious devil cannot be sentenced, it cannot be sentenced!"

  In addition to the bystanders, the Internet has also completely exploded.

  The identification certificate that appeared suddenly, exceeded everyone's expectations.

  "The appraisal certificate is absolutely fake! Ask the police to investigate thoroughly!"

  "How could it be so coincidental that the appraisal certificate came out within a few days of catching someone!"

  "If the sentence cannot be sentenced, it shows that there is a huge loophole in the law!!"

  "Ask Zhongnan to change the law!"

  Similar words broke out on the Internet, saying everything.

  There is even a proposal for the Wanmin Book to be sent directly to the Central South Supreme Procuratorate.

  As soon as the appraisal certificate appeared, it caused such a repercussion, and one can imagine how big a shock it would be once the final verdict came out.


  The presiding judge struck the gavel.

  He glanced at Gong Shuye, and then circulated the appraisal certificate.

  To be honest, he didn't expect this kind of change to happen.

  As the presiding judge, he stands for justice.

  But the premise is that the law is respected.

  It is not up to him to decide what to do.

  Gong Shuye turned around and continued: "There are omissions in the police investigation."

  "I went to the city bureau before and asked the city bureau's criminal police team to re-investigate the mental state of my client at the time of the incident."

  "But until the trial, the city council did not give a result."

  "What does this mean"

  "It means that the criminal police team of the city bureau can't give any results at all."

  "Excuse me, with such a huge loophole, how can you say that the evidence is conclusive?"

  "I hope the Judiciary Committee will seriously consider the above situation."

  "The statement is over.

  After speaking, Gong Shuye returned to his seat.

  The faces of Wu Fei and Qin Yun became a little ugly.

  They had expected each other to debate other details.

  In this case, with Cheng Ruixin present, it can also delay the time and strive for an adjournment.

  It seems impossible now.

  In the auditorium, Liang Yongzhou frowned, turned his head and said, "What's the situation?"

  "Where's Fang Ze?"

  To see the underlined version of the novel, please download Fei Lu's novel

Chapter 277 Reading the Judgment [1]

  "Where's Fang Ze?"

  Facing Liang Yongzhou's question, Xu Liangjiang replied, "Go to Zhongnan."

  "Go to Central South"

  Liang Yongzhou frowned deeper and said, "What are you going to do in Zhongnan at this juncture?"

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