Xu Liangjiang said: "I don't know either, but Wu Fei, the deputy captain of the criminal police, told me this."

  Liang Yongzhou glanced at him helplessly, and said, "Then what is going on, Fang Ze knows?"

  "The murderer's son has come to the door, why didn't you notify the provincial department?"

  Xu Liangjiang spread his hands and said: "Wu Fei received Fang Ze's order, this matter must not be leaked."

  "Don't talk about the provincial department, even in the city bureau, there are not many people who know it."

  Hearing this, Liang Yongzhou looked forward and his eyes fell on Gong Shuye.

  "Fang Ze, what the hell are you doing!"

  "If the murderer in this case is released, the Yangcheng Bureau will not dismantle it."

  Xu Liangjiang smiled bitterly and said, "Wait, Fang Ze went to Zhongnan because of this."

  At this moment, Kong Jingru also looked at Gong Shuye with a stunned expression.

  seems very surprised.

  Obviously, she did not know the existence of the identification certificate.

  After reacting, Kong Jingru looked overjoyed.

  Although I don't know where my son got the appraisal certificate, at the very least, the death penalty is not possible.

  No matter how bad the impact of the case is, the law is the law.

  The law has a great tolerance for crimes committed by mentally ill people.

  Gong Shuye gave Kong Jingru a wink, signaling the other party not to talk too much.

  Kong Jingru understood, slowly lowered her head, and prepared to be silent in the audience.

  When all the judges have read the appraisal report, left and right: talk and start to discuss.

  Some people looked unhappy, and looked at Gong Shuye very unfriendly.

  And some thoughtfully began to reconsider the final verdict in the case.

  As one of the enforcers of the law, most judges and jurors are still very rational.

  What they respect is the law and the facts, not from a perceptual point of view.

  Even if Kong Jing's crime is extremely heinous, as long as the conditions for sentencing are not met, they will not forcibly do things that violate the laws of the country.

  Plaintiff's seat.

  Wu Fei gritted his teeth and said in a low voice, "This guy is too decisive, he just took out the appraisal certificate, what should we do?"

  Cheng Ruixin also said: "It seems that Gong Shuye knows that the longer the delay, the greater the variable."

  Qin Yun took a deep breath and said: "According to: Fang Ze said, delay time."

  "He sent me a WeChat message just now, and he will be there soon."

  “coming soon”

  Wu Fei's eyes lit up, "Then what are you waiting for to refute him!"

  "Wait a minute"

  Qin Yun hurriedly picked up a document.

  This is what Fang Ze left before he left.

  At this moment, Qin Yun's mind is a little short-circuited and needs to be re-read.

  Just halfway through, the presiding judge's voice sounded: "The plaintiff's attorney, is there anything else that needs to be added?"

  Although he was calm on the surface, neither happy nor sad, but his eyes were filled with deep anticipation.

  He very much hoped that the other party could come up with a countermeasure.

  Such a cruel and vicious murderer who has lost his conscience, if he is released, even he will not be able to let it go for the rest of his life.

  Qin Yun raised her head.

  Cheng Ruixin whispered: "I just observed Kong Jingru, she doesn't seem to know about the appraisal certificate, so start here:."

  Hearing this, Qin Yun hurriedly said, "It's not possible, definitely!"

  Cheng Ruixin wondered: "how do you know?"

  Qin Yun said anxiously, "Fang Ze said."

  "Oh, don't ask, just say a few words!"

  "it is good."

  Cheng Ruixin nodded and stood up slowly.

  All eyes were on her.

  at this time,

  -->>This chapter is not over, click on the next page to continue reading

  Rao was starting to feel a little nervous at this moment because of Cheng Ruixin's defense experience.

  After all, the trial of this case is being broadcast live on the Internet.

  She had never experienced it before, at most it was only recorded and broadcast.

  Cheng Ruixin said, "Hello, the presiding judge, all the judges, and the jurors."

  "After the police investigation, the defendant Kong Jingru did not know that she was suffering from intermittent mental illness."

  She was not sure about this sentence.

  But at this time, she chose to believe in Fang Ze, who she had never met.

  Those who can solve this case should not be wrong in their judgment.

  Cheng Ruixin continued: "Just imagine, a patient who doesn't know he has intermittent mental illness, where did the appraisal certificate come from?"

  "So I have to suspect that there is something wrong with the appraisal certificate."

  The presiding judge looked at Gong Shuye.

  Gong Shuye's expression remained unchanged, and he said lightly: "The investigation asks the police to provide investigation evidence."

  Cheng Ruixin didn't pause, and said quickly: "Presiding Judge, I ask to have a dialogue with the defendant."


  Gong Shuye immediately opened his mouth and said, "I have a power of attorney to represent the defendant. If you have any questions, just ask me."

  Cheng Ruixin ignored Gong Shuye and looked at the presiding judge.

  The presiding judge hesitated for a while, then sighed quietly: "The protest is valid, and the defendant has the right to remain silent."

  As soon as these words came out, Cheng Ruixin's face changed slightly.

  After pondering for a few seconds, Cheng Ruixin said, "I ask for an adjournment and further verification of the appraisal certificate."


  Gong Shuye looked at Cheng Ruixin and said, "The appraisal certificate comes from the No. [-] Appraisal Agency in Central South, the appraiser and the red seal are all available."

  "The court is fully capable of determining authenticity in a short period of time."

  "I suspect that the plaintiff's attorney was deliberately stalling."

  The presiding judge glanced at Gong Shuye and said, "The protest is valid, and there is no problem with the appraisal certificate."


  Cheng Ruixin's face became a little ugly.

  The presiding judge Gong Shuye said, "Is there any problem with the plaintiff's agent?"

  The three of them looked at each other.

  For a while, no one spoke.

  After waiting for a while, there was no movement, and the presiding judge said loudly: "After an hour's adjournment, the result of the trial will be announced."

  After speaking, everyone got up and left the court hearing.

  Gong Shuye showed a faint smile.

  And Kong Jingru was also relieved.

  "How to do"

  Wu Fei's eyes turned cold.

  Qin Yun said: "Don't worry, don't worry, Fang Ze is coming soon."

  "Wu Fei, don't be impulsive, this is the court."

  Wu Fei did not speak.

  Time just passed by little by little.

  In Zhao's auditorium, the discussion resounded.

  Although the result has not come out, many people seem to have guessed it.

  "This kind of scum will not be sentenced to death, it is hard to tolerate!!"

  "Are you mentally ill, you can kill people casually, and even cut the body into more than a thousand pieces and fry it!"

  "How can a mentally ill have such a clear mind!!"

  "Definitely a problem!"

  Cold after an hour.

  The presiding judge brought everyone back to the trial scene.

  "All stand up."

  "Now read the verdict."

  The presiding judge glanced at Kong Jingru and said slowly, "In the [-] Yang Da corpse dismemberment case, because the defendant suffers from intermittent mental illness, it is impossible to judge whether he was sick or not when he committed the crime."

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