Thinking of this, except for Gong Shuye and Kong Jingru, everyone's faces became extremely ugly.

  "After careful discussion and decision by the committee, the case is due to insufficient evidence"

  "Wait a moment."

  At this moment, a clear voice sounded from the door

  Feilu reminds you: three things to read, collect and push

Chapter 278 Final Judgment [2]

  Following the direction from which the voice came, everyone turned to look.

  "Captain Fang"

  "It's Captain Fang!"

  After recognizing Fang Ze, there were waves in the quiet courtroom.

  And those netizens who were sitting in front of the computer and almost smashed the computer in anger were also excited.

  In their hearts, Fang Ze, the captain of Yangcheng Criminal Police, is someone who can create miracles.

  The other party appeared at a critical moment, maybe there is a way to punish the murderer! On the other hand, Liang Yongzhou and Xu Liangjiang finally let go of their dangling hearts after seeing Fang Ze.

  "this boy"

  Liang Yongzhou shook his head and smiled.

  He knew Fang Ze.

  Since the other party appears here, it means that he has already made up his mind.

  Fang Ze glanced at the hall, finally set his eyes on Gong Shuye, and walked over.

  Gong Shuye followed, frowning slightly.

  Kong Jingru's face also changed.

  She had personally seen the abilities of this... young detective captain.

  "team leader."

  "Fang Ze, you are finally here."

  Wu Fei and the three of them looked at Fang Ze who was approaching, and felt that they had the backbone.

  "Well, hard work."

  Fang Ze nodded and looked at the presiding judge.

  "Fang Ze"

  The judge said in his heart.

  As a rising star of Yangcheng police, he certainly knows him.

  Fang Ze said: "The presiding judge, all the judges, the jury, I am the captain of the Yangcheng Criminal Police Team, Fang Ze."

  Everyone looked at him.

  Fang Ze continued: "After investigation, I have new evidence here to provide to the court."

  "I protest!!"

  Fang Ze's voice just fell, Gong Shuye took a step forward and said, "The trial has reached the stage of reading the judgment, and he is seriously disrupting the discipline of the court!"

  "I demand that the verdict be read first!"

  Fang Ze raised his brows, turned his head to look at Gong Shuye, and said, "Is there a difference? You will be sentenced sooner rather than later.


  Gong Shuye looked at the presiding judge and said coldly, "Captain Fang! This is the court, not your city bureau!"

  "Presiding Judge, I demand that irrelevant persons be allowed to leave."

  "Unrelated persons"

  Fang Ze chuckled, "I am the first agent of the plaintiff, and I have full authority to handle all the entrustment of the plaintiff, don't make a mistake."

  Gong Shuye's eyes turned cold, and instead of talking to the other party, he looked at the presiding judge.

  A smile appeared on the corner of the presiding judge's mouth, and said: "The protest is invalid, please provide evidence on behalf of the plaintiff."


  Gong Shuye's eyes trembled, and then he turned angrily and returned to the dock.

  Fang Ze raised his hand and handed a thick file to the presiding judge.

  "These are ten copies of the survey, please circulate them."


  The presiding judge nodded and quickly finished the distribution.

  Fang Ze turned around and said to everyone, "I am the representative of the plaintiff, Diao Aixin, Fang Ze."

  The audience was silent.

  After speaking, Fang Ze turned his gaze to the auditorium.

  Sitting there are Diao Aixin's family.

  At this moment, the anger on their faces was expected, and they looked at Fang Ze with hope.

  Fang Ze continued: "Three days ago, I went to Zhongnan to investigate a case."

  "What case is it, the case of forgery of the appraisal certificate."

  Speaking of which, Gong Shuye's expression suddenly changed.

  "Of course, the appraisal certificate is real, but the content is fake."

  "The suspect's name is Xia Rong, male, [-] years old. He is the chief appraiser of the Zhongnan Judicial Appraisal Center."

  "Six years ago, a man found Xia Rong, relying on favor and money, as well as lies and deception, from Xia Rong's hands, got

  -->>This chapter is not over, click on the next page to continue reading

  This authoritative certificate."

  "This man is called Gong Shuye."

  After speaking, Fang Ze chuckled and turned his head to look at the dock.

  Gong Shuye's face shook violently.

  These words caused an uproar in the audience! Countless eyes turned to Gong Shuye.

  If eyes can kill, Gong Shuye is probably full of holes by now.

  "I'll just say it! How could it be mental illness!"

  "It's actually like this, this guy has already prepared the appraisal certificate! Just in case!"

  "That's right, if you don't get checked, everyone will be happy. If you get checked, the appraisal certificate will save your life!"

  "This bastard!"

  "Fang team! It's beautiful!"

  The scene was a little chaotic for a while.

  The presiding judge did not strike the gavel.

  Fang Ze pressed his palm down, signaling everyone to be quiet.

  "This case has physical evidence and confessions. It can be said to be an iron case."

  "Xia Rong has been criminally detained by the Zhongnan Municipal Bureau in accordance with the law."

  Clap! After a while, I don't know who applauded, and then it spread, and finally turned into thunderous applause.

  This news is really heartwarming!! "My statement is finished, please approve it by the court."

  Fang Ze returned to the plaintiff's seat.

  Wu Fei took Fang Ze's arm and said excitedly, "Captain, you are awesome!"

  "I'm still wondering why you went to Zhongnan. It turned out to be a fake identification certificate!"

  Qin Yun was also very surprised, and said, "He admitted it so quickly after the investigation."

  Fang Ze smiled and said, "It's impossible for him not to admit it."

  "We'll talk about it later."

  In the courtroom, when everyone read the evidence provided by Fang Ze, many people smiled and nodded to each other.

  Looking at Fang Ze's eyes with deep appreciation.

  The presiding judge seemed to be in a better mood, got up and said, "Therefore, there is new evidence in the case, and the court is now adjourned for half an hour."

  After speaking, the people left again.

  This time, no one spoke out loud.

  On the Internet, it is also quiet like dead water.

  They are waiting for the final verdict.

  From beginning to end, Gong Shuye didn't raise any questions, his face was pale.

  Soon, half an hour is up.

  The presiding judge came to the court and said loudly, "All stand up."

  There was a screeching sound.

  "Now read the verdict."

  "Defendant Kong Jingru, age"

  "Yangcheng Higher People's Court, and 2"

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