"January [-]"

  "Afterwards, the suspect Kong Jingru used a tricycle to throw all the corpses in the downtown area."

  "Defendant Kong Jingru has confessed to the crime."

  "According to the law"

  "The following judgment is made on the defendant Kong Jingru."

  "Defendant Kong Jingru, who committed the crime of intentional homicide with cruel methods and bad influence, was sentenced to death and executed immediately."

  "Deprive political rights for life, and compensate the deceased for funeral expenses and other expenses totaling [-] million."

  "The judgment takes effect immediately."

  "The final judgment is not subject to appeal."

  As soon as the presiding judge's voice fell, cheers rang out.

  "Justice verdict!!"

  "The squad is mighty!!"

  "This is retribution!!"

  In the dock, Kong Jingru's face instantly became: extremely pale.

  Gong Shuye gritted his teeth and was silent for a while, then turned around and was about to leave.

  Fang Ze has arrived.

  "where are you going"

  "Gong Shuye, you made a subjective and intentional false proof in the criminal proceedings."

  "You are under arrest."

  To see the underlined version of the novel, please download Fei Lu's novel

Chapter 279 A touching kneeling [3]

  All eyes were on Fang Ze.

  Including the footage of the webcast, it is also focused at this moment.

  Fang Ze took out the handcuffs, and in Gong Shuye's changing expression, he squeezed his hands.

  Gong Shuye didn't expect that in the cheers of the audience, the other party still hadn't forgotten about it.

  Clear mind and clear thinking.

  In China, when did such a criminal police captain Wu Fei come over quickly.

  Fang Ze said: "Take him away."


  Wu Fei nodded, glanced at Gong Shuye coldly, stepped forward and grabbed his arm.

  His anger has not subsided yet.

  Wasn't it crazy and calm just now? If you have the ability, you can show me another laugh! At this moment, the presiding judge walked down.

  Fang Ze turned around and smiled: "Judge Liu, long time no see."

  While speaking, Fang Ze stretched out his hand.

  This person Fang Ze had met before, called Liu Jinzhou, was a very good police officer with a sense of justice.

  With a smile on his face, Liu Jinzhou shook hands with Fang Ze.

  "It appeared in a timely manner, you won't come here specially, will you?"

  Facing Liu Jinzhou's joke, Fang Ze said with a smile: "As soon as I got off the plane, I came quickly. It's not bad, the time is just right."

  "I said why I didn't see you in the plaintiff's seat, I went to Zhongnan to investigate the case these days."


  Fang Ze nodded and said, "I was just going to try my luck, but I didn't expect it to hit me."

  "If the appraisal certificate is correct, it will inevitably cause some trouble later."

  Liu Jinzhou nodded and said, "Anyway, this case is finally over."

  "This case is not a small one, and the team should take great credit."

  Fang Ze: "Then I will borrow your auspicious words."

  "Captain Fang!"

  Just then, a voice sounded.

  Fang Ze turned his head subconsciously.

  A grey-haired old man, supported by a man, knelt on the ground with a thud.

  The cloudy eyes were filled with hot tears.

  Fang Ze was startled, and quickly turned sideways to dodge.

  Then, he stepped forward and helped him up.

  "Sir, don't do this, I can't bear it."

  The old man took Fang Ze's hand and said in a trembling voice, "Captain Fang, I am Diao Aixin's father."

  "I thank you"

  "Thank you for helping my daughter, catching the murderer, I thank you"

  After speaking, the old man's expression became more and more excited, and he wanted to kneel down again.

  He has no culture and can't say gorgeous words of praise.

  We can only express our gratitude to the benefactor in the most simple language and in the most primitive way.

  Fang Ze quickly grabbed him and said softly, "Old.

  It is my duty to do justice."

  "Don't be too sad."

  When everyone saw this scene, their eyes felt a little wet.

  And the live broadcast that has not stopped, Xiang You, showed this scene.

  In front of the computer, everyone was silent.

  There are many people who do not know why, but also followed the old man and shed tears.

  nineteen years.

  Nineteen years of unsolved cases have finally been solved.

  The murderer got the punishment he deserved, and I believe that Diao Aixin can rest in peace with Diao Aixin's family below.

  -->>This chapter is not over, click on the next page to continue reading

  "Officer Fang, thank you."

  "You are the best police officer I have ever seen"

  "I'm so glad that people like you exist in this country"

  The man next to the old man said.

  His eyes were red, he must have just cried.

  Fang Ze patted him on the shoulder and nodded heavily: "Everything will be fine."

  In the plaintiff's seat, Qin Yun, who had been standing there, couldn't help touching her eyes.

  Such a touching scene made it difficult for her to suppress her inner emotions, and she could only vent through tears.

  The presiding judge Liu Jinzhou looked at the scene in front of him and sighed deeply.

  Although there are still many good people in this world, there is never a shortage of demons.

  What these people have to do is to let these demons receive the punishment they deserve.

  And Fang Ze has done an excellent job in this regard.

  The old man left, and he looked back at Fang Ze one step at a time, as if he wanted to remember the appearance of his benefactor.

  After leaving this time, he and Fang Ze probably will never see each other again.

  But Fang Ze will always be imprinted in his mind and cannot be forgotten.

  0 I don't know when, the applause sounded again.

  Everyone in the auditorium stood up, choked up and looked at Fang Ze.

  This case is really twists and turns.

  Fortunately, Fang Ze never gave up, and finally handed it over to the public, a perfect answer.

  At this moment, in everyone's heart, he is no longer just a policeman.

  Fang Ze was a little moved, and after pondering for a while, he faced everyone and gave a standard military salute.

  The camera focuses on Fang Ze.

  Countless netizens took crazy screenshots and saved this picture.

  It can be imagined that for a long time in the future, this photo will definitely be reprinted.

  After ten minutes, the bystanders left one after another.

  In court, only the police were left.

  "Old Liu."

  Liang Yongzhou and Xu Liangjiang came and shook hands with Liu Jinzhou.

  Liu Jinzhou chuckled and said, "Old Xu, you are lucky to have picked up such a police captain."

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