Speaking of this matter, Xu Liangjiang said helplessly: "It's not mine right now."


  Liu Jinzhou was stunned for a moment and looked at Liang Yongzhou subconsciously.

  What does it mean that he is about to be promoted? If he remembered correctly, Fang Ze was promoted to the city bureau criminal police captain, it seems that it has been less than two years.

  Liang Yongzhou didn't say much, smiled and said: "It's all hard work, I'll have time to get together later."

  After speaking, Liang Yongzhou turned his head: "Fang Ze, do you have time?"

  Fang Ze shook his head and said, "Not yet, I'm going back to try Gong Shuye."

  Liang Yongzhou said strangely: "This kind of trivial matter, let the people below do it."

  "Do not."

  Fang Ze raised his hand and said, "I want to give myself a lot of insight."

  "To what extent can a person's selfishness and bottom line go?"

  When these words came out, everyone was silent.

  Gong Shuye cannot be called a dutiful son at all.

  He is helping the murderer get off the crime without any bottom line, and he doesn't care about the dead at all.

  Selfish and indifferent.

  To put it bluntly, this kind of person is actually no different from Kong Jingru.

  "OK then."

  "When you're done, go to the provincial office to find me."

  Fang Ze nodded: "Yeah."

  Bu Feilu reminds you: three things to read, collect and push

Chapter 280 After the end [4]

  6:[-]pm: [-]:[-]pm, City Bureau Interrogation Room.

  Fang Ze pushed open the door and entered, followed by a police officer in charge of recording.

  Looking at Gong Shuye who was sitting quietly in handcuffs, Fang Ze took out a cigarette and slowly lit it.

  After exhaling a puff of smoke, Fang Ze stepped forward and stood in front of Gong Shuye.

  The atmosphere was quiet, and needles could be heard falling.

  "Anything to say?"

  Gong Shuye raised his head slightly and said in a low voice, "Don't waste time."

  "You list the crime, and I will sign it."

  Fang Ze snorted coldly, "You're more straightforward."

  Gong Shuye shrugged: "If you can solve the cases before the nineteenth, I admit that you are very good."


  Having said that, Gong Shuye narrowed his eyes slightly and said, "Xia Rong, but a person with a great background, has a high status in Zhongnan."

  "You, a little criminal police captain, can actually be in three "eight seven three"

  Within days, he will be convicted and brought to justice"

  "I'm curious how you did it."

  Fang Ze stared at him and said, "Background"

  "How big do you think you can be?"

  Gong Shuye: "Of course it is"

  He didn't finish speaking, as if he understood something.

  At that moment, Gong Shuye took a deep look at Fang Ze, nodded and said, "So it is."

  "Captain Fang has so much energy, but I think he is willing to stay in Yangcheng"

  "You feel"

  Fang Ze interrupted Gong Shuye's words and said, "I don't want you to think, I want me to think."

  "now is fine."

  "Not everyone thinks the same as you."

  Gong Shuye glanced at Fang Ze and did not argue with the other party about this issue.

  People and people are different.

  The person who knows a person best is only himself.

  Fang Ze took a cigarette and said, "Since you're not going to argue for yourself, then I won't talk nonsense."

  "What I want to ask is, when did you know about the Kong Jingru case?"

  Gong Shuye was silent for a while, then said, "I graduated from high school when I was eighteen years old."


  Fang Ze nodded and said, "Gong Jun made a correct choice."

  "Xia Rong, is your senior alumni"

  Gong Shuye said: "Yes."

  Since Xia Rong was arrested, it is normal for the other party to know.

  Fang Ze: "Have you ever thought about turning Kong Jingru into a mental patient?"


  Gong Shuye raised his head suddenly.

  "How do you know what my dad said"

  "No, I guess."

  Gong Shuye's eyes fluctuated violently.

  At this time, he suddenly understood that the other party could solve the unsolved case nineteen years ago in such a short period of time.

  This kind of thinking and imagination against the sky really makes people shudder.

  He nodded and said, "You're really cool."

  "That's right, I thought about it once, but my dad sternly rejected it."

  Fang Ze asked, "Do you think it's useful?"

  Gong Shuye said: "Why is it useless, as long as she gets the real appraisal certificate, she will not be sentenced to death."

  Fang Ze said coldly: "Justice will never be late, even if the appraisal is true, do you think I have no other way?"

  Gong Shuye was silent and did not answer.

  Fang Ze stared at Gong Shuye for a while, and said, "You and Kong Jingru don't have such a deep relationship, but they are quite attentive."

  "Ha ha."

  Gong Shuye laughed at himself and said, "It's my mother after all."

  "your mom"

  -->>This chapter is not over, click on the next page to continue reading

  Fang Ze asked, "Isn't Diao Aixin someone else's daughter and sister?"

  "With such a cruel killing method, there is no fluctuation in your heart"

  Gong Shuye said slowly: "Captain Fang, you are a smart person, you should understand the truth that if you don't do it for yourself, you will be punished by heaven and earth."

  Fang Ze: "This is what you said"

  Gong Shuye smiled again and said, "Fang team, if someone you care about is in crisis, I don't believe you will be indifferent."

  "I can guess what kind of person you are."

  "Oh, all ears."

  Gong Shuye said, "Do you have parents?"

  Fang Ze said calmly, "Not anymore."


  Gong Shuye nodded and said, "Suppose, the person you love and the law can only choose one, what would you do?"

  Fang Ze snorted coldly: "Your assumption is a bit bold."

  Gong Shuye chuckled: "I know, this assumption may never happen."

  "But I believe that when the time comes, you will have a violent collision with the law."

  "It's a pity, I can't see that scene anymore."

  "If you turn from a policeman into a criminal, then I really want to observe a moment of silence for the Huaxia Police."

  Fang Ze said indifferently: "You talk too much nonsense."

  "It looks like you don't regret what you did."

  Gong Shuye's smile did not restrain, and he affirmed Fang Ze's words.

  Fang Ze turned around and said, "Then you stay in the prison and stay well, I believe you will have a new understanding of life."

  "However, I think Kong Jingru probably has no time to regret it."

  Gong Shuye's smile froze.

  "For his ridiculous jealousy, not only was he punished, but his whole family was imprisoned."

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