"It's quite in line with the status quo."

  After speaking, Fang Ze pushed open the door of the interrogation room.

  Gong Shuye will face fixed-term imprisonment of not less than three years and not more than seven years.

  After leaving the interrogation room, Fang Ze and Wu Fei made an explanation and drove directly to the provincial office.

  Liang Yongzhou's explanation, he did not dare to forget.

  Today's court hearing has just ended, and the residual heat has not dissipated, and it has intensified.

  The recorded video has been reproduced on various websites.

  As long as you open the web page and the small video software, it is basically about the trial results of the Yangda Corpse Dismemberment Case.

  In addition, there are also clips of Fang Ze's appearance and screenshots of netizens.

  For a time, netizens across the country applauded the verdict.

  At the same time, admiration and admiration arose for Fang Ze, who led the case.

  There are even quite a few female netizens who posted "If you want to marry, marry Fang Ze"

  Tag of.

  And some acquaintances of Fang Ze, including Penghai Municipal Bureau, 3.

  The Ming Municipal Bureau and Zhongnan's friends also applauded Fang Ze from the air.

  they are proud of

  At this time, far away is the prosperous capital, Dongli City, which is side by side with Zhongnan.

  A man dressed in black and wearing an ink-colored mask has just finished watching the live broadcast of the trial.

  Staring at Fang Ze on the screen, he slowly leaned back on the chair.

  "Fang Ze"

  "I didn't expect there would be people like you in the police."

  "It's a pity that you alone cannot completely clarify Yuyu and pacify the world's injustice."

  "This turbid world will never be clear."

  "I don't know how many damn people, wandering on the edge of the law, free under the so-called justice."

  "I hope we don't meet."

  To see the underlined version of the novel, please download Fei Lu's novel

Chapter 281 Work Arrangement [1]

  8:0 pm: [-]:[-].

  It is off-duty time now, and there are not many people in the provincial office.

  Liang Yongzhou has not left yet.

  He has been busy answering the phone since the court trial.

  The unsolved case nineteen years ago was solved. In addition to the congratulations from friends, the higher-level units in Zhongnan also called to inquire about the specific details.

  There is also follow-up work on the closure of the case.

  In a short period of time, this topical storm that was triggered by the corpse dismemberment case and spread to the whole country is probably not going to stop.

  Fortunately, the result is perfect, showing the majesty of Chinese law, which cannot be violated.

  There was a knock on the door.

  Liang Yongzhou hung up the phone and said loudly, "Please come in."

  Fang Ze pushed open the door and entered.


  Seeing Fang Ze, Liang Yongzhou smiled slightly, pointed to the sofa, and said, "Sit down and pour the water yourself."

  "Liang Ting, I got off work late today."

  While talking, Fang Ze walked to the water dispenser, picked up a disposable paper cup and filled it up, raised his head and drank it.

  He didn't drink a drop of water since he got on the plane from Zhongnan.

  07 Now that I am free, I am really thirsty.

  Liang Yongzhou took out a cigarette, kept the cigarette case on the table and said, "Smoke a cigarette."

  "The verdict in this case is the end for the general public, but it is the beginning for us."

  Fang Ze was not polite, went up to pick up the cigarette case, and said, "There's a call from Zhongnan."

  He naturally understood what Liang Yongzhou meant.

  The successful detection of this case is also a major event for the police.

  Case analysis, investigation and final arrest, and even emergencies in the courtroom, are all invaluable experience.

  It can also provide learning ideas for all police officers.

  Regardless of

  Whether it is a new police officer or an old police officer, it can be used as a reference

  This is what teaching is about.

  No one dares to claim to know everything.

  Liang Yongzhou nodded and said, "I'm on the phone, it's from the deputy department in person."

  "Oh so important"

  Fang Ze lit the cigarette and exhaled the smoke.

  Liang Yongzhou said: "The case is not big, but the important thing is the influence, and the ministry must pay attention to it."

  "What do I need to do"

  Fang Ze turned to sit on the sofa and asked.

  Liang Yongzhou said: "Write a detailed investigation report, starting from taking over the case, the more detailed the better."

  Hearing this, Fang Ze sighed slightly and said, "Well then."

  Liang Yongzhou glanced at Fang Ze and said with a smile: "Be serious, this is a report requested by the Ministry, and it is very likely that it will be included in the police academy's textbook as a real case."

  "Oh, I see."

  Fang Ze nodded.


  Liang Yongzhou seemed to think of something and said, "Lu I of Yangda tell you that Diao Aixin once applied for the engineer's certificate exam."

  Fang Ze chuckled and said, "It's a little late for such important information."

  Liang Yongzhou also said with a smile: "Xiao Lu, he didn't expect the case to be solved so quickly."

  Fang Ze took a puff of cigarette and said, "If I had known the possible direction of Diao Aixin, I wouldn't have to go to Shiqing Town. I wasted my time all night and almost died suddenly."

  The reason why Diao Aixin signed up for the certificate exam is inseparable from Gong Jun.

  If Fang Ze got this clue early, he would directly investigate the software development companies in the city.

  Then it will be a lot easier in terms of time and energy.

  -->>This chapter is not over, click on the next page to continue reading

  But it doesn't matter, the process doesn't matter.

  "Okay, okay, I know you worked hard."

  "I'll give you a month's leave, but it will take until after the title and appointment."

  Referring to this matter, Fang Ze said: "Are you sure, the appointment letter is down?"

  "not yet."

  Liang Yongzhou said: "It is estimated that it will be in these two days, and the award ceremony of the provincial department will be a month later."

  "Before that, you can come to the provincial office to work."


  Fang Ze opened his mouth and said nothing.

  Liang Yongzhou smiled and said, "Why can't you bear those people from the Municipal Bureau?"

  Fang Ze said: "No, it takes time to get familiar with new colleagues and new environment."

  "Hey, it would be nice if I could tune in."

  Hearing this, Liang Yongzhou shook his head helplessly and scolded with a smile, "You boy, dare to pull the mountain in front of me"

  "It's all in Yangcheng, you can't see the people who look up when you look down, is there any difference?"

  Fang Ze coughed lightly, he was just joking.

  In the corps and in the detachment, although the responsibilities are different, they are generally for criminal cases.

  Just the chance to go to the front line may be reduced.

  The provincial headquarters is the hub for coordinating the detachments of various municipal bureaus, and it is also the focus of the overall situation.

  To be honest, work will be very busy.

  Unless, there is a qualified deputy commander-in-chief.

  Thinking of this, Fang Ze asked, "Where is the original captain?"

  Liang Yongzhou said: "I have been transferred to a municipality directly under the Central Government to be the deputy bureau."

  "Oh which municipality"

  "Dong Li."

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