"Dong Li"

  Fang Ze was surprised: "This is Gao Sheng."

  "That's right."

  Liang Yongzhou nodded.

  The municipality directly under the central government and the provincial department are actually equal, and the higher-level agencies are all in Zhongnan.

  Fang Ze continued to ask, "The current deputy captain of our provincial department is still Wei Wenbin."

  "That's right."

  Liang Yongzhou nodded.

  "He won't be transferred in the future."

  Liang Yongzhou smiled and said: "No, with Wei Wenbin's 157 ability and qualifications, this position has come to an end."

  "That's good."

  Fang Ze smiled slightly, so he was relieved.

  Speaking of Wei Wenbin, Fang Ze knew it.

  If the case is solved, no.

  The brain is not very lively either.

  But dealing with trivial matters and coordinating the arrangements of superiors and subordinates, that is a good hand, and a good man.

  The position of vice-captain was completely forced by the other party.

  By now, he should be in his forties.

  Can't remember exactly.

  Liang Yongzhou looked at Fang Ze and said, "Fang Ze, Wei Wenbin is an old comrade, try not to let him participate in certain special tasks in the future."

  Fang Ze smiled and said, "Of course, Old Wei has more important things to do."

  "Leave the trivial matters in the hall to him."

  Liang Yongyi was stunned, and quickly understood the little Jiujiu in Fang Ze's heart.

  "You guy."

  Liang Yongzhou smiled and shook his head.

  Young people are motivated, which is a good thing.

  Otherwise, Liang Yongzhou would not have brought the other party to the provincial office.

  "Let's hand over the work to the city bureau in the next two days."

  "The seat of the city bureau captain will be vacant for now, and I will discuss it with Lao Xu."

  Fang Ze nodded: "Okay."

  Feilu reminds you: three things to read, collect and push

Chapter 282 Award Ceremony [2]


  Added trace identification ability, added self-healing enhancement at level 15, congratulations to the host for getting a chance to draw a lottery, please complete the lottery within three days, and it will be regarded as giving up if it is out of date.

  A voice suddenly sounded in his mind, awakening Fang Ze who was sleeping soundly.

  He opened his eyes suddenly, and subconsciously looked at Luo Bixin next to him.

  Seeing that the other party was still there: dreaming, Fang Ze got out of bed carefully and went to the bathroom.


  "There is a lottery for the host, please wait"

  After five seconds.

  Ding! "The draw is complete."

  "Congratulations to the host for obtaining the book of wild survival."

  "According to the detection of all aspects of the host, the host's ability to survive in the wild has reached the top level."

  After the voice fell, Fang Ze's mouth twitched, and he could only sigh helplessly.

  In fact, he has fantasized more than once that he can have superpowers one day.

  Now, it looks like it's overthinking it.

  Maybe it's too bad character.

  In a word, this time it is a tasteless lottery, just like the last piano proficient, basically useless.

  Fortunately, the other rewards in this case are good, all skills are upgraded, and there are new abilities.

  This also gave Fang Ze a little comfort.

  Feeling the numbness inside his body, Fang Ze returned to the bedroom.

  Physical fitness enhancement is already underway.

  Fang Ze has experience, so he doesn't make a fuss

  Time flies, and a month has passed.

  Fang Ze spent a month in the city bureau before he bid farewell to everyone and officially left the Yangcheng city bureau.

  For a long time to come, he will continue to fulfill his responsibilities and obligations in the provincial office.

  Fortunately, they are all in the same city, and it is very convenient to meet each other.

  So everyone is not sad, just happy for Fang Ze.

  The resignation banquet was very simple. At the end, Fang Ze and Xu Liangjiang exchanged information about the candidate for the city bureau's criminal police captain.

  Fang Ze recommended Wu Fei.

  However, Xu Liangjiang still has doubts.

  Although Wu Fei is good, the distance between Fang Ze and Fang Ze in all aspects is indeed a bit big.

  With Fang Ze doing the comparison in front, Xu Liangjiang's difficulty in choosing can be imagined.

  always feel that no matter

  Whoever takes the top is more than too much.

  There is no way, after all, in this world, there is only one Xu Liangjiang who can only accept the reality.

  As for Luo Bixin, he also returned to Penghai after the case was over.

  She is the captain of the criminal police of Penghai Municipal Bureau. She has a job and cannot be there all the time: Yangcheng accompanies Fang Ze.

  It's only a few hours away, no problem

  Yangcheng Provincial Office.

  Today is a big day for police across the province.

  The consecration ceremony is already underway.

  Fang Ze and Wu Fei were sitting in the second row, listening to the speeches of Liang Yongzhou and others above.

  It has been half an hour, and the opening speech is not over yet.

  Fang Ze was drowsy, and nodded like a chicken pecking at rice.

  Beside him, Wu Fei held back his laughter and touched Fang Ze quietly.


  Fang Ze was woken up, sleepy, turned his head and said, "Why?"

  Wu Fei made a gesture to Fang Ze.

  Fang Ze raised his head subconsciously and found that Liang Yongzhou was looking at him while talking.

  "cough cough"

  Fang Ze coughed lightly,

  -->>This chapter is not over, click on the next page to continue reading

  He quickly sorted out his police uniform and sat upright.

  He rarely wears a police uniform, and usually wears casual clothes.

  But if he didn't wear it today, he believed that Liang Yongzhou would definitely be able to blast himself out.

  On the other side, is Xiao Hongbo.

  As for Qin Yun, I don't know where to sit.

  Another twenty minutes passed, and the opening speech was finally over.

  "Now, I announce the list of Second Superintendents."

  "Dai Yongrui from Qushan Municipal Bureau"


  "Heisei City Bureau"

  "Xiao Hongbo of Yangcheng Bureau"


  Xiao Hongbo sat up straight, very pleasantly surprised.

  He obviously didn't expect to have his share.

  He turned to look at Fang Ze beside him, and whispered, "Boss, you didn't let me go through the back door, did you?"

  "Still go through the back door"

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