"Your position belongs to the Yangcheng Provincial Department. You are a police officer and have no obligation to help the military region."

  "If you're in trouble then, call me."

  -->>This chapter is not over, click on the next page to continue reading

  As the director of the provincial department, Liang Yongzhou still has this energy.

  "okay, I get it."

  "Then I'll go back and prepare."


  Liang Yongzhou nodded.

  After Fang Ze left, Liang Yongzhou sat on a chair and lit a cigarette.

  He knew that Fang Ze had met a lot of people during his stay in Zhongnan.

  Among them are the senior generals of the army.

  As for who it was, Liang Yongzhou didn't ask much.

  But since Fang Ze chose to return to Yangcheng, it means that the life of the army is actually not suitable for Fang Ze.

  Everyone has secrets, Liang Yongzhou will not do that kind of thing... to investigate his own subordinates.

  "It's an all-rounder."

  Liang Yongzhou smiled and shook his head

  The next day, Fang Ze took the afternoon plane and arrived in Zhongnan.

  It was the same person who picked up the plane.

  When Fang Ze came to Zhengyang Mountain, it was already four o'clock in the afternoon.

  Pushing open the gate of the courtyard, Fang Ze smiled and said, "Elder Zhou, Uncle Zhao, I'm sorry to be a little late."

  The two are playing chess.

  Zhao Deyun beckoned: "Come, come, sit, I just arrived soon."

  Fang Ze stepped forward and sat next to him, watching the chess game.

  Unsurprisingly, the loser was still Zhao Dejun.

  In my impression, the opponent seems to have never won.


  Zhao Dejun glanced at the chessboard, then turned his head and said, "Fang Ze, Liang Yongzhou didn't say anything."

  Fang Ze said: "No, no, I happen to be on vacation, nothing to do."

  "That's good."

  Zhao Dejun nodded.

  The reason why he didn't choose to talk to Liang Yongzhou has his own considerations.

  After all, the army and the police are different agencies, and it is impossible to justify direct transfer of people.

  But if Fang Ze has difficulties, Zhao Dejun will naturally not sit idly by

  Fang Ze said, "Uncle Zhao, if you have something to say, please tell me."

  Zhao Dejun pondered for a while, and said, "I need your assistance with something, how can I help Uncle Zhao?"

  Zhou Lao didn't speak, and took care of himself to pack up the pieces.

  Fang Ze: "What about the specifics?"

  Zhao Dejun said: "Protect a person."


  "Zhao Yuling."

  "Zhao Yuling"

  Fang Ze was stunned.

  Why is this name so familiar? He quickly remembered it.

  In addition to seeing it on the Internet, I had dinner with Ruan Hongyi's fiancee Cen Xue before, and Zhao Yuling's concert was shown on the TV in the restaurant.

  Luo Bixin and the others also talked about this for a long time.

  At the moment, Fang Ze said in surprise: "Big star, I heard from my girlfriend that she seems to be the hottest singer in China right now"

  "Well, that's right."

  Zhao Dejun nodded.

  Fang Ze is even more strange: "Why should you protect her? What's wrong with her?"

  Zhao Dejun said: "She's nothing, it's just something on her body"

  Fang Ze did not interrupt and listened carefully.

  "Anyway, I hope you can bring her back to Zhongnan safely."


  Fang Ze looked at Zhao Dejun speechlessly.

  Halfway through what was going on, Elder Zhou smiled and said, "Ozawa, there is something you don't know."

  "Yu Ling, it's his daughter."

  As soon as these words came out, Fang Ze's eyes widened immediately.


  Feilu reminds you: three things to read, collect and push

Chapter 284 Yongle Grand Ceremony [1]

  "Uncle Zhao, Zhao Yuling is your daughter"

  "real or fake"

  Fang Ze had a particularly unreal feeling.

  The daughter of a military boss turned out to be a superstar who is popular all over the country. The career gap seems to be a bit big.

  It is said that the expensive circle is very chaotic, and many female singers and actresses can't help themselves.

  On weekdays, it is difficult to say no to all kinds of restaurants and meals.

  But if Zhao Yuling is this identity, it is estimated that no one dares to force her to do anything.

  No wonder Fang Ze has never heard of the gossip news about Zhao Yuling in the entertainment industry where scandals dominate.

  Anyone who dares to spread rumors about her would be really impatient.

  Zhao Dejun seemed rather helpless about this matter. After sighing, he nodded and said, "It's true."

  After being affirmed, Fang Ze blinked and laughed.

  "Uncle Zhao, your heart is really big."

  Aren't the sons of senior officials hidden? Zhao Dejun said, "This is her own choice. As a father, you can only respect her."

  Fang Ze smiled and said: "It seems that Zhao Yuling's character should be relatively strong, and you can't control it."

  Zhao Dejun smiled awkwardly and nodded.

  But that doesn't matter.

  Everyone has everyone's hobbies and hobbies, even if it is to enter entertainment, with Zhao Dejun in the back, no one dares to trouble Zhao Yuling.

  "Uncle Zhao, what did you just say?"

  "It's the Yongle Grand Ceremony."

  It was Elder Zhou who spoke.

  Mentioning these four words, Zhou Lao's slightly cloudy old eyes rarely radiated brilliance.

  "Yongle Grand Ceremony"

  Fang Ze's eyes narrowed, he turned his head and said hesitantly, "Manuscript copy"

  Zhou Lao's eyes were deep, and he said slowly: "The original fragment."


  Fang Ze's face changed.

  "Isn't the original copy of Yongle Grand Ceremony missing 100 years?"

  "found it"

  "Yongle Dadian" is an encyclopedia book compiled in the first year of Yongle in the Ming Dynasty.

  At that time, in order to complete this masterpiece, more than [-] literary and artistic elites of the Ming Dynasty were gathered to copy it manually. It took five years to complete it, and it was an unprecedented grand occasion.

  In total, there are 3, [-] volumes, and the word count reaches [-].

  as much as 7 million.

  It is a pity that with the passage of time and the spread of war, the original copy of the Yongle Canon has been almost destroyed.

  The remaining missing are missing, and the robbed are robbed.

  Today, it is estimated that less than [-]% of the original fragments remain in the world.

  But where it is, no one knows.

  Opinions vary.

  Some people think that it has been completely destroyed, and some people say that it was taken away when the coalition forces invaded China.

  It is also believed that it was in an ancient mausoleum.

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