but no matter

  Guess how, anyway, so far, have not found.

  "Yongle Grand Ceremony" and "Siku Quanshu".

  The contents of ancient books included in it are kept as they are, without any modification, which obviously has higher academic research value than the "Four", which arbitrarily deleted and modified the contents of ancient books.

  If you want to measure it in terms of money, it is more than billions.

  And it's still priceless.

  Fang Ze obviously did not expect that the "things," in Zhao Dejun's mouth,

  , it will actually be the Yongle Grand Ceremony.

  Zhou Lao nodded and said, "I found a part."

  Fang Ze took a deep breath and said, "On Zhao Yuling"


  Zhou Lao nodded.

  Fang Ze looked at Elder Zhou and then at Zhao Dejun, frowning slightly and said, "What the hell is going on?"

  -->>This chapter is not over, click on the next page to continue reading

  Zhao Dejun said, "Fang Ze, you should know about Yuling's global tour, right?"

  Fang Ze said: "I heard others mention it."


  Zhao Dejun nodded and said, "Actually, in addition to her performance this time, I also explained a more important task, which is the Yongle Grand Ceremony."

  Fang Zedao: "Being Abroad"

  "Yes, my people have succeeded, but their whereabouts have been exposed."

  "In extreme danger, I can only let him secretly hand it over to Yu Ling, and lure away the pursuers myself, but I can't hide it for long."

  Fang Ze was silent.

  Can you survive if you lure away the pursuers by yourself? After thinking for a while, Fang Ze said, "Why don't you use China's top agents?"

  "If these people come forward, it should be no problem to bring someone back."

  Zhao Dejun said: "First of all, I don't trust those people."

  "More importantly, if the official comes forward, it is very likely to cause international disputes, which is not what we want to see."

  Hearing this, Fang Ze nodded slightly.

  It seems that the way Zhao Dejun got the Yongle Ceremony is not so open and aboveboard.

  But nothing wrong.

  The thing, was originally from China.

  0 "Who is the enemy"

  Fang Ze asked key questions.

  Zhao Dejun said: "In addition to international antique smuggling gangs, there are underground activists and even mercenaries from other countries."

  "so serious"

  Fang Ze frowned and said, "Is there a state behind these people?"

  Zhao Dejun glanced at Fang Ze and said, "I don't know, what do you think?"

  Fang Ze didn't answer.

  It seems the answer is yes.

  Just like myself.

  This matter cannot be put on the bright side, and the light cannot be seen.

  The competition in the dark is the most tragic.

  Thinking of the danger of this matter, Fang Ze said helplessly: "Uncle Zhao, you really believe me."

  Zhao Dejun chuckled: "I don't think people can be wrong, you can definitely do this."

  After pondering for a while, Fang Ze said, "What about my identity?"

  Zhao Dejun said: "Although it may not be useful, I temporarily give you the rank of major general, which is your true identity recorded in the book to prevent you from meeting your own people."

  "The name has been decided, Fang Hua."

  Fang Ze nodded.

  Fang Huahuaxia Zhao Dejun's name is quite meaningful.

  "After the matter is over, the identity is cancelled immediately, and no one knows what you have done."

  "So, you need to change your appearance, is there a problem?"

  Fang Ze said: "It's a small matter."

  It couldn't be easier for Fang Ze to pretend to be easy.

  "it is good."

  Zhao Dejun nodded and said, "Then when you are ready, send me the photo."

  Fang Ze: "When will we leave?"

  Zhao Dejun said: "Today."

  "Which island country is Zhao Yuling in now or Korea?"

  Zhao Dejun handed Fang Ze a business card and said, "The driver will tell you."

  Fang Ze took a look and said, "Is there any problem with the special plane?"

  Zhao Dejun: "Don't worry, this is a cargo plane, no one knows who is on it."

  "That's good."

  Fang Ze nodded.

  Zhao Dejun patted Fang Ze's shoulder and said, "I asked you to go there just in case. Maybe everything goes well on the road."

  Fang Ze directly ignored this sentence and asked, "If I encounter danger, is it to protect myself or not?"

  Mentioning this matter, Zhao Dejun narrowed his eyes and said slowly: "Kill!"

  Please download Fei Lu's novel to read the underlined version of the novel

Chapter 285 Twelve o'clock in the middle of the night [2]

  Fang Ze left.

  Zhao Dejun has already explained everything.

  Including Zhao Yuling's details, address and tomorrow's flight to Huaxia.

  Inside the courtyard.

  Elder Zhou poured a cup of tea for Zhao Dejun and said, "It's a bit risky to hand over the Yongle Ceremony to Yuling."

  Zhao Dejun sighed, "There's no way to do that."

  "Although Yuling's attention is high, it is only aimed at the public and fans."

  "Those people, shouldn't think of anything on her."

  Elder Zhou was silent for a while, then said: "Having said that, from the moment Yu Ling received the Yongle Ceremony, her danger has skyrocketed."

  "Don't talk about foreign countries, even domestic people are watching."

  "You're really not afraid of her accident"

  Zhao Dejun took a sip from the teacup and said only one sentence: "Old Zhou, do you believe in Fang Ze?"

  When it comes to Fang Ze, Zhou "eight eight seven"

  Lao showed a smile and said, "You have found the right helper."

  "This kid is in the police station, and he can't reach his potential at all."

  Zhao Dejun felt the same: "That's why I thought about pulling him into the army, and in time, he will definitely become a sharp blade in China."

  Zhou Lao turned his head, looked at the boiling water beside him, and said, "He is already a sharp blade."

  Zhao Dejun was stunned: "How to say it?"

  Zhou Lao said slowly: "Every time I see him, it gives me a different feeling, it's like"

  Speaking of this, Zhou Lao paused and said, "It's like he is growing rapidly."

  "The speed is astonishing."

  "I don't know how he did it."

  Zhao Dejun's face was slightly solemn.

  Old Zhou is a man who has experienced hundreds of battles, and Zhao Dejun has every reason to believe his words.

  "what do you mean"

  Old Zhou said: "His individual combat capability is probably no small matter."

  "Let him out this time, it is estimated that it will cause a bloody storm."

  Hearing this, Zhao Dejun fell silent.

  After a while, he said: "Those people are desperados, there is no need to be soft."

  Zhou Lao smiled and said, "I'm not talking about this. In principle, Fang Ze still has the ability to control himself."

  "I'm afraid of getting into some kind of enemy."

  Hearing this, Zhao Dejun's eyes turned cold: "Whoever dares to touch him, I, Zhao Dejun, are the first to refuse!"

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