Elder Zhou glanced at Zhao Dejun, smiled slightly, and stopped discussing this topic.

  The name and appearance are all fake, this kind of worry is a bit unnecessary.

  "Have you notified Yuling?"

  Zhao Dejun nodded: "I have been notified by text message, but I haven't replied yet."

  Elder Zhou picked up the teapot and said, "Make a phone call to save the two from meeting and misunderstanding."

  "it is good."

  Zhao Dejun took out his mobile phone and dialed Zhao Yuling's number.

  "Hello, the phone you dialed has been switched off"

  Zhao Dejun's expression changed slightly.

  "What's wrong"

  Zhou Lao opened his mouth.

  Zhao Dejun put down his phone and said, "It's impossible to turn it off."


  Zhao Dejun began to think wildly.

  Old Zhou said: "Don't think too much, this girl Yu Ling is still very cautious, she was found out so quickly."

  "I guess I threw away the SIM card, for fear of being locked up"

  "Then let me know too."

  Zhao Dejun frowned.

  "If that's the case, wouldn't Fang Ze also contact him?"

  Elder Zhou was quite calm, and said, "What kind of criminal policeman is Fang Ze from?"

  "And he is not an ordinary criminal police officer. He has solved the case of Yang Da's corpse dismemberment. It is not easy to find someone."

  Thinking of Fang Ze's ability, Zhao Dejun

  -->>This chapter is not over, click on the next page to continue reading

  A little peace of mind.


  "I hope both of you can return home safely."

  9:[-]:[-] PM, Zhongnan Airport.

  Fang Ze, whose appearance changed greatly, came to a plane.

  A young driver had been waiting for a long time, and came forward to stand at attention and salute: "Major General Fang, I am a flying eagle!"

  It seems that this person does not know Fang Ze's true identity.

  Zhao Dejun's secrecy measures are well done.


  Fang Ze nodded and said, "Where's the stuff?"

  "At this."

  Feiying took out his military ID card from his body and handed it to Fang Ze.

  Fang Ze took it and glanced at it, then put it away.

  Regardless of

  Whether you can use it or not, you have to prepare in advance.

  "Where is the destination"

  Feiying said: "Jinggang!"


  It turned out that Zhao Yuling had not left the island country yet.

  "Let's go."

  Fang Ze waved his hand.


  The plane takes off soon.

  There were only Feiying and Fang Ze on the whole plane.

  Fang Ze had a rare experience of a charter flight. On the way, Fang Ze picked up the dedicated phone and called Zhao Yuling.

  "Hello, the phone you dialed has been switched off"

  Hearing the familiar female voice on the phone, Fang Ze was stunned.

  "what's the situation"

  "The phone was wrong"

  Fang Ze was a little strange.

  It stands to reason that Zhao Dejun should not make such a low-level mistake.

  Just in case, Fang Ze still called Zhao Dejun.

  The answer was that the phone was indeed turned off.

  Fang Ze took a light breath, it seemed that Zhao Yuling sensed danger and cut off the communication with the outside world.

  As expected of Zhao Dejun's daughter.

  Under the general gate, there must be generals.

  Can only say it when it arrives.

  Fortunately, the other information is complete, and it is not difficult for him to find someone.

  Without thinking any more, Fang Ze closed his eyes and recharged his energy.

  In the face of unknown risks, he must play his part.

  This trip to the island country is different from investigating a case.

  Time passed slowly.

  From Zhongnan to Jinggang, it takes more than three hours by passenger plane.

  The Eagle's speed is very fast, the driving is skilled, and the special model is added.

  The plane landed in less than three hours.

  Flying Eagle walked out of the cab and stood at attention: "Major General Fang, be careful!"

  He didn't know what mission the other party had, and he didn't receive an order for assistance, so he could only send it here.

  Fang Ze returned the salute and said, "Goodbye."

  After getting off the plane, Fang 1.

  1 Ze took a car and hurried to the Hyatt Regency Jinggang Hotel.

  There, it was where Zhao Yuling stayed.

  Today is Zhao Yuling's last night in Jinggang, and tomorrow he will take the passenger plane to Zhongnan.

  The key question is before getting on the plane.

  As long as we get to Zhongnan, all problems will be solved easily.

  No matter how long those hands are, they would not dare to reach out to Central and South China.

  At twelve o'clock in the morning, near the Hyatt Regency Hotel.

  This is one of the most luxurious hotels in Jinggang and it is expensive.

  As Zhao Yuling, it is normal to stay in such a hotel.

  In the corner, Fang Ze looked at the building in front of him, his eyes flickering.

  Although the surrounding is quiet, there are few pedestrians.

  But Fang Ze felt something was wrong.

  The dark night is like a giant net covering the hotel

  Feilu reminds you: three things to read, collect and push

Chapter 286 The danger around Zhao Yuling [3]

  Fang Ze stood there for a while, carefully observing the surroundings.

  Afterwards, he took out his hat and mask from his bag and put them on, and walked slowly to the Hyatt Regency Hotel.

  Open door, no one blocks.

  The Hyatt Regency Hotel is large and surrounded by greenery.

  Directly ahead, under the reflection of the moonlight, a pond can still be seen vaguely.

  Suddenly, in the corner of the wall in the distance, a dark shadow flashed past.

  Yu Guang had been in the nearby Fang Ze, and turned his head suddenly.

  Without hesitation, he quickly followed.

  Going around the tall fountain, Fang Ze hid behind a tree, turned slightly sideways, and looked forward.

  A man in black looked left and right, and after making sure it was safe, took off his backpack.

  Fang Ze raised his head slightly and looked upward.

  The opponent's target should be the guest room at the end of the corridor on each floor.

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