He remembered that Zhao Yuling's room was 303.

  Soon, the man in black took out two suction cups from his bag and held them in his hands, leaning against the corner to test.

  After confirming that there is no problem, he 09 is ready to start climbing.

  Fang Ze's eyes turned cold, and he quietly touched it.

  The distance was very close, and Fang Ze hardly made a sound.

  Just as the man in black was about to start moving, a strong wind hit.

  Fang Ze's arm hit his neck.

  The man in black groaned, and his body slanted to the ground.

  Fang Ze didn't choose to hit the key: so the other party's consciousness was still clear.

  The man in black is obviously good at his skills, and his response is also very fast.

  When he was about to fall to the ground, he propped up his left hand, flipped his right leg deftly, and kicked Fang Ze fiercely.

  Fang Ze raised his hand and grabbed it, lifted him up with force, and threw him against the wall.

  Bang! The man in black fell to the ground, Fang Ze suddenly stepped forward, and the dagger that appeared in his hand at some point caught the opponent's neck.


  "Who are you"

  He speaks English.

  At this moment, Fang Ze also saw the other party's appearance clearly.


  Fang Ze's eyes moved, and he asked back in English, "Who are you and what do you want to do?"

  The man in black did not answer the question.

  Seeing this, Fang Ze exerted force on his wrist, and the blade pressed against the opponent's skin.

  At this point, blood can already be seen.

  Feeling the coldness coming from his neck, the man in black's expression changed, and he said, "Wait a minute!"

  Fang Ze said lightly: "Speak!"

  "I only give you three seconds 3, or slit your throat!"


  "Two 2!"

  Fang Ze's right hand is getting harder and harder.

  "My name is John!"

  Fang Ze: "What are you doing here!"

  John swallowed and said, "Come and help someone get something."


  John hesitated.

  Fang Ze's eyes turned cold and he moved his wrist.

  John was startled, and said quickly: Dadian!"

  "Anyone else?"

  "It's gone."

  Fang Ze stared at John for a while, then knocked him unconscious.

  Then, he got up and dragged John, who had passed out, to a corner where weeds were lush.

  After putting away the dagger, Fang Ze sorted out his clothes and strode toward the main hall.

  When he came to the front desk, Fang Ze took off his mask and said in English, "Hello, open a room."

  The front desk smiled and said, "Are you alone?"

  As an international high-end hotel, the foreign language literacy of the front desk of Hyatt is relatively high.

  -->>This chapter is not over, click on the next page to continue reading

  Fang Ze said: "Anyone, please help me see 302, is it still empty?"

  "Please wait a moment, sir."

  The front desk operated on the computer for a while, then looked up and said, "It's still empty, but it's a suite, if you're alone"

  "Just open this room."

  "Ok sir."

  ten minutes later.

  Fang Ze took the bag and stood at the door of 302.

  He took two steps back, his ears twitching.

  The TV in room 303 can be heard, still on.

  I don't know if people are there or not.

  "Would you like to make sure"

  Fang Ze hesitated a little, didn't take any action, and opened the door of his room.

  Putting the bag on the bed, Fang Ze fell into deep thought.

  Judging from the behavior of the guy named John just now, things, about Zhao Yuling, have been investigated by some forces.

  So, is he alone? This is the downtown area of ​​Jinggang, and even in the middle of the night, those people should not dare to be too blatant.

  It's always good to be careful.

  It seemed that Fang Ze couldn't sleep peacefully tonight.

  Time passed by, and soon it was one o'clock in the morning.

  Fang Ze was half lying on the bed, entering a light sleep state.

  Just then, there was a sudden knock on the door.

  Fang Ze suddenly opened his eyes.

  Not his room.

  It's the opposite! Fang Ze quickly got up and came to the door, listening with his ears on the door.

  Ten seconds later.


  "Hello, the supper at the hotel you ordered has arrived."

  "I didn't call."

  "No, no, 303 is correct, or you should confirm it."

  "Wait a minute"

  Hearing this, Fang Ze opened the door without any hesitation.

  Just as the waitress in front of her was about to turn around, a big hand covered her mouth and dragged her into 302.

  The door closed quickly.

  After a while, the door on the opposite side opened, and the girl in pajamas looked left and right, and said strangely, "Where's the person?"

  Although the girl is 520 sleepy, she cannot hide her beauty and figure.

  The word "beautiful" can be applied to her completely.

  The girl scratched her head, and after waiting for a while, she had no choice but to sigh and close the door.

  Maybe the waiter knew he made a mistake.


  "Go without saying a word."

  On the other side, the waitress sat on the bed with a pistol on her forehead.

  "sir, you"

  She speaks Japanese.

  Although she looks sweet, Fang Ze can clearly see a trace of murderous intent from the depths of her eyes.

  Fang Ze stared at her and said quietly in English, "Can you speak English?"

  The woman hesitated and nodded.


  "Gu Qingzi."


  She didn't speak.

  Fang Ze said: "For the Yongle Grand Ceremony"

  As soon as these words came out, Gu Qingzi's face changed: "How do you know?"

  She seemed to think of something, and frowned: "you are here for it too"

  Fang Ze chuckled: "It's just a few ancient Chinese books, you really care."

  Gu Qingzi's eyes narrowed: "You are Zhao Yuling's bodyguard from China"

  : A bit of Calvin.

  let me slow down.

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