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Chapter 287 Getting on the plane smoothly [4]

  inside the room.

  Fang Ze said, "Does it have anything to do with you?"

  He looked at Gu Qingzi and said, "It's a pity for such a beautiful girl to do this."

  Hearing this, Gu Qingzi was slightly stunned, and then she smiled.

  She lifted her collar and said softly, "If you are interested"

  "Too much nonsense!"

  Fang Ze hit Gu Qingzi's neck with his backhand.

  Bang! Gu Qingzi fainted instantly.

  Glancing at Gu Qingzi, Fang Ze put away his pistol and said, "I don't want to be a ghost."

  Going forward and hugging Gu Qingzi on the sofa, Fang Ze lay back on the bed.

  He now feels more and more that Zhao Dejun's heart is really big.

  Thankfully I came on time.

  Otherwise, Zhao Yuling's situation would be uncertain.

  I don't know if there was any change before dawn.

  With this thought in his mind, Fang Ze slowly closed his eyes.

  It seemed that Fang Ze's worry was a little unnecessary, until dawn, there was no movement outside the door.

  Fang Ze slowly opened his eyes.

  Gu Qingzi hadn't woken up yet.

  The position Fang Ze hit was enough to knock the opponent unconscious for more than ten hours.

  When she regained consciousness, the plane should have taken off.

  After a brief wash, Fang Ze soaked himself a bowl of noodles.

  He stood at the door, eating noodles and listening to the movement outside the door.

  The flight time is 830:[-]:[-]:.

  It's just past seven o'clock.

  Halfway through the noodles, the door of 303 on the opposite side seemed to open.

  Fang Ze quickly put down the instant noodles, and after waiting for a while, pushed the door and left.

  As for Gu Qingzi, let her stay here by herself.

  Fang Ze didn't take the elevator, and walked down the stairs to the lobby.

  A girl is checking out.

  Fang Ze glanced at it, and there was no doubt that it was Zhao Yuling.

  He had only seen it online before.

  Seeing the real person at this time, Fang Ze's calmness gave him a sense of surprise.

  He seemed to understand a little bit, how the four characters of "Alluring Country and Alluring City" were invented.

  Zhao Yuling left soon.

  Fang Ze stepped forward, and after checking out, he quickly followed.

  It was already daytime, and there were many pedestrians outside, so Zhao Yuling's danger was greatly reduced.

  Fang Ze couldn't help but feel a little strange.

  Last night, two groups of people still said that Zhao Yuling was not completely exposed, and the rest of the people were still chasing Zhao Dejun's subordinates.

  These things don't go through airport security.

  Originally, he was carrying a weapon to prepare for a bloody battle, but now it seems a bit of a fuss.

  Maybe things weren't as serious as they thought.

  So much the better.

  Fang Ze, who left the hotel, quickly caught up with Zhao Yuling.


  Zhao Yuling was waiting for the car, and turned her head subconsciously when she heard the sound.

  Fang Ze smiled and said, "Is that Zhao Yuling?"

  With an authentic Chinese language, Zhao Yuling, who was vigilant, was relieved and said, "You are from China."


  Fang Ze nodded.

  A smile can easily lead to good feelings.

  Zhao Yuling smiled and said: "I didn't expect to meet you in the island country, do you want to sign?"


  Fang Ze scratched his forehead.

  Celebrities are stars, and they think differently from ordinary people.

  It seems that in China, Zhao Yuling has experienced similar things a lot.

  Fang Ze said: "I'm staying in this hotel too, and I'm going back to China today."


  -->>This chapter is not over, click on the next page to continue reading

  Zhao Yuling nodded awkwardly.

  This guy, don't you know yourself? Am I not so popular anymore? Fang Ze said with a smile: "I know you, you are very famous in China."

  The other party's calm response made Zhao Yuling a little uncomfortable, and smiled: "Thank you."

  "Are you going home too?"

  Zhao Yuling nodded and said, "Yes."

  Fang Ze: "My flight number is 9, what about you?"

  Zhao Yuling was stunned for a moment and said, "Me too, so coincidentally"


  Fang Ze was surprised for a moment and said, "Are you going to take a taxi, do you want to come together?"


  Zhao Yuling hesitated.

  Why does it sound like a conversation?

  "The car is coming."

  When Zhao Yuling hesitated, a taxi stopped in front of the two.

  "Well then."

  Seeing this, Zhao Yuling had no choice but to nod.

  Since it was the same flight and they were all from China, she really couldn't think of a reason to refuse.

  The car leaves soon.

  On the way, Fang Ze turned his head and said, "By the way, why are you alone, no assistant or something?"

  Facing Fang Ze's talkative inquiries, Zhao Yuling politely said, "I played by myself for a few days and didn't bring anyone else."

  "Oh yes."

  Fang Ze nodded.

  "I remember that you came to the island country to perform. It's a pity that you didn't watch it."

  "Do you still have performance arrangements when you return to Zhongnan?"

  "It is rumored on the Internet that you have a great background, is it true?"

  "what's your song about"

  Zhao Yuling was a little helpless.

  Why is this guy talking so much? An hour later, the airport arrived.

  The time is just right.

  After going through security, the two boarded the plane.

  Fang Ze finally breathed a sigh of relief.

  Fortunately, everything went well and nothing happened.

  It seems that Zhao Dejun and himself are a little unfounded.

  There were not many people on the flight and the seats were a little empty.

  "you sit here"

  Zhao Yuling, who originally thought to avoid Fang Ze, turned his head in amazement.

  With a smile on Fang Ze's face, he said, "Yes."

  The air ticket was set by Zhao Dejun, who thought very well.

  "Well then."

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