Although there were still empty seats next to her, she couldn't ask the other person to change it.

  Too impolite.

  At 830:[-]:[-]: the plane takes off.

  Three hours later, it will land in South China.

  Fang Ze's mission was also considered complete.

  In this case, there is no need to identify yourself with the other party.

  Hearing this, Zhao Yuling's face changed slightly, and he clenched his hands subconsciously, and said, "It's nothing, it's a souvenir bought in the island country."


  Fang Ze nodded, didn't ask any further questions, and smiled.

  He found that the girl Zhao Yuling was really cute.

  I don't know where the courage came from to take on such a arduous task.

  In his bones, there is still the general style of the door.

  Time passed quickly, halfway through the journey, sailing high above the sea.

  At a certain moment, a man suddenly got up and walked towards the cabin.

  Fang Ze glanced at random, and his eyes shrank suddenly.

  At this moment, his face suddenly became: solemn.

  "Zhao Yuling!"

  Zhao Yuling turned his head subconsciously: "Why?"

  "For a while

  Whatever happens, don't move around, understand!"

  Shen Feilu reminds you: three things to read, collect and push

Chapter 288 Encountered hijacking [1]

  "For a while

  Whatever happens, don't move around, understand!"

  This sentence made Zhao Yuling puzzled, and at the same time there was a bad premonition in his heart.

  "what do you mean"

  Zhao Yuling subconsciously protected the cloth bag in his arms.


  Fang Ze put his index finger between his lips, signaling the other party not to speak.

  At the same time, he stared at the cabin ahead and stood up slowly.

  At this moment, several sudden screams came from the cabin! There was panic and fear in the voice, and it resounded throughout the cabin! Every passenger could hear it clearly.

  At that moment, everyone's expressions changed, and they looked up at the direction from which the voice came from.

  "what happened"

  "The voice just now came from the cabin, right?"

  "Is something happened to the flight attendant?"

  For a while, there was a commotion in the cabin, and some people began to feel uneasy in their hearts.

  This is in the air! Although the plane is the safest means of transportation, it is because the probability of accidents is very small, much lower than that of cars and trains.

  Once an accident occurs, the death rate is the highest "too late"

  "These people move 123 really fast!"

  Fang Ze's eyes fluctuated violently.

  "Don't move!!!"

  In the next second, three of the passengers suddenly stood up, holding guns and roaring in English.

  The entire cabin immediately became: silent! Every passenger's face was filled with a thick color of panic.

  Hijacking! These two words appeared in their hearts.

  Some people are even desperate.

  All the hijackers, either terrorists or international criminals, are extremely vicious.

  More importantly, the purpose of these hijackings is rarely for money.

  If it is because of money, there are many safer ways, and there is no need to take the risk: huge risk, hijacking the plane! Twenty-nine years of terrorist hijacking incidents still exist in my mind.

  Pale, appeared on everyone's face.

  "If anyone dares to speak up, I'll shoot right away!"

  Three men with pistols walked out of their seats and came to the corridor.

  No one speaks.

  No one moved either.

  More people choose to bow their heads and reduce their sense of existence.



  A passenger just spoke when the gun went off.

  The bullet hit the passenger between the eyebrows, who died instantly and collapsed on the seat.


  Someone nearby screamed, but quickly covered their mouths.

  Fear was written in his eyes.

  Fang Ze's face immediately turned cold.

  "How did these people bring guns on the plane?"

  Fang Ze was very strange about this.

  Security at the airport is very strict.

  Don't talk about guns, you don't even want to bring a lighter with you.


  'It's the airlines doing the shit'

  The man who fired the shot glanced at everyone and said, "I'll say it again, whoever dares to talk in a riotous way will end up like him!"

  The passengers were silent and bowed their heads deeply.

  It's better if you ask for money.

  If it weren't for the money, the consequences would be unpredictable.

  But right now they have no choice but to pray in their hearts.

  At one point, the plane shook violently, and the entire fuselage began to tilt.

  Fang Ze stabilized his body and his eyes narrowed.

  He turned his head to look out the window, and found that the original course, deviating from

  -->>This chapter is not over, click on the next page to continue reading

  Something happened to the captain! Someone else flew the plane! The man who fired the gun walked slowly, and no one dared to say a word, even his breathing was stagnant.

  In the end, his footsteps stopped in front of Zhao Yuling.


  Zhao Yuling's face was slightly pale.

  She raised her head slightly and said in English, "What are you doing?"

  Beside him, Fang Ze lowered his head and quietly opened the seat belt with his left hand.

  The man didn't care about Fang Ze, he pointed the gun at Zhao Yuling, and said, "Bring what you have in your hand."

  As soon as these words came out, Zhao Yuling's face suddenly changed.

  These people are here for things! For the sake of the original Yongle Canon, they did not hesitate to hijack a plane! At this moment, Zhao Yuling suddenly regretted it.

  She regretted taking away the bodyguard because of confidentiality.

  Now, what to do! "Bring it here!!"

  Seeing Zhao Yuling not moving, the man said angrily.

  Zhao Yuling was startled, not only did not give it, but hugged it even tighter.

  "This is something from China, can't I give it to you!"

  Hearing this, the man's pistol: , directly pressed against Zhao Yuling's forehead.

  "You talk too much!"

  "You Huaxia"

  "Whoever gets it is whoever gets it!"

  The man glanced at the cloth bag in Zhao Yuling's arms and licked his lips.

  Thinking of the huge reward after getting this thing, his eyes began to become: hot.

  Zhao Yuling still didn't move.

  "Bring it!"

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