The middle-aged man in front of the desk suddenly stood up, his face changed drastically.

  "What's the situation now"

  "what solved"

  "Our criminal police in Huaxia are doing well, I know."

  "Listen, notify the police first, then mobilize ambulances and fire trucks, and rush to the airport immediately, ready for emergency landing!"

  News spread quickly.

  And Zhao Dejun, who has been paying attention to the flight, has already driven to Zhengyang Mountain.

  "Old Zhou!"

  "Yu Ling's plane was hijacked!"

  Zhao Dejun pushed open the door and spoke anxiously.

  Zhou Lao calmly poured a cup of tea for Zhao Dejun and said, "I already know."

  "what are you worried about"

  "Isn't the hijacker caught by Ozawa?"

  Zhao Dejun walked over quickly and said, "But I heard that the person flying the plane is Fang Ze, will he know?"

  Zhou Lao smiled: "Radar satellite, isn't the positioning said? The plane's flight track has become stable, so don't underestimate him."

  Stepping up and sitting opposite Elder Zhou, Zhao Dejun suppressed his irritability and said, "When will he learn how to fly."

  Zhou Lao smiled and said, "Who knows, you should teach yourself."

  Zhao Dejun was silent.

  After a while, he gritted his teeth and said, "These bastards dare to hijack the plane! The courage is really getting bigger and bigger!"

  "I really don't care about our Huaxia!"

  Elder Zhou: "Relax."


  Zhao Dejun sighed and said, "I really shouldn't let Fang Ze go alone."

  Elder Zhou picked up the teacup and said, "I don't think people can be wrong. If there is something he can't solve, it's useless to have more people."

  Zhao Dejun glanced at Zhou Lao.

  The confidence of the other party in Fang Ze is really not small.

  Airplane in the air.

  Right now they have nothing to do.

  All you can do is wait quietly

  On the other side, Fang Ze held the rudder and tried hard to drive the plane to the predetermined track.

  Fortunately, the plane was not damaged, and this process was not difficult for Fang Ze.

  The fuselage has been very stable.

  Passengers and ground observers were also relieved.

  But the corner of Fang Ze's eyes kept staring at the glass crack on the right side.

  Before he fell to the ground, the glass should not be broken.

  But things were completely different from what he expected.

  After only ten minutes, a sound was extremely harsh.

  Kacha! Fang Ze's face changed, and he turned his head suddenly.

  Click! Click! The sound is getting more and more intense.

  A momentary bang! The windshield on the right side exploded in an instant! The airflow roared in! The air pressure in the cabin instantly increased! With the oxygen concentration, it dropped rapidly! The whole plane began to tilt seriously at this moment! Xiaofeilu Remind you: three things to read, collect, push

Chapter 290 Crash landing outside the field! 【3】

  inside the cabin.

  Screams! All passengers are not prepared for anything.

  The fuselage suddenly tilted, causing everyone's bodies to fall to the right uncontrollably due to inertia.

  Fortunately, everyone kept Fang Ze's request in mind, and no one unfastened their seat belts.

  "what happened"

  "what happened!"

  In the cockpit, Fang Ze tried his best to control his balance while picking up the microphone.

  "Don't panic, no matter what

  Never unbuckle your seatbelt!!"

  After putting down the microphone, Fang Ze pulled down the oxygen mask above and put it on his face.

  After taking a few deep breaths, Fang Ze turned to look at the broken glass.

  The plane is currently at an altitude of [-] kilometers, the air pressure is low, and the oxygen is scarce.

  The most important thing is the temperature! At this moment, Fang Ze has already felt the biting cold "Four One Three"

  Wind blows.

  Fortunately, his body has become very strong under the strengthening of the system, and there is no problem in a short period of time.

  But if time goes on, even he can't hold on.

  After all, he is not made of iron, but flesh and blood! Fang Ze squinted his eyes, feeling the gust of wind, and without hesitation he controlled the plane to descend.

  He needs to get to the position of [-] meters.

  However, after the accident just now, the plane has again seriously deviated from the track and flew towards the east-north direction.

  At this rate, the plane will definitely not be able to reach Zhongnan smoothly.

  But right now, Fang Ze has no choice but to control the plane as much as possible to prevent rollover.

  What should I do? Do I have to make a forced landing off the field? If that is the case, the danger will be greatly increased, and the difficulty of rescue will also be greatly increased.

  In principle, very few aircraft will choose to make an off-site forced landing.

  Unless, at the moment of last resort.

  Now the plane can't control the direction accurately.

  At present, it seems that the only way is to make an off-site emergency landing! Countless thoughts flashed in his mind, Fang Ze was wearing a mask and holding the rudder tightly.

  At the same time, staring at the satellite map of the dashboard.

  Soon, the plane descended to an altitude of [-] meters.

  The surrounding temperature is getting lower and lower.

  Fang Ze's hand showed a rosy color.

  If you don't make a choice, once the plane is on the verge of Huaxia, I don't know where it will land.

  Once you are unlucky and hit the downtown area, the consequences will be unimaginable.

  After thinking for three seconds 3.

  Fang Ze decisively controlled the plane and flew towards the northeast.

  At this moment, the call from the ground has come.



  "what's the situation!"

  "Your course is seriously deviated!"

  "Severely deviated!" This novel was first published by "Dragon"


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  "Please get back on track as soon as possible!!"

  Hearing the voice in his ear, Fang Ze took a deep breath, put down his mask, and picked up the microphone.

  "I'll only say it once!"

  "The cockpit windshield is broken, the air is out of control, the pressure is lost, the instrument panel is damaged, the console is partially malfunctioning, the fuselage is difficult to maintain balance and cannot return to the intended route!"

  "In order to prevent the plane from crashing in the city, I have now decided to make an off-site emergency landing!"

  “Located near the junction of Xianbei and Huaxia!”

  "I will do my best to ensure the safety of all passengers!"


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